Poll Shows Senator Mark Kelly’s Approval Ratings Underwater


A new Arizona Public Opinion Pulse (AZPOP) poll conducted by OH Predictive Insights (OHPI) demonstrated that Senator Mark Kelly is becoming increasingly unpopular in Arizona.

According to the survey, a larger portion of the state’s residents view Kelly in a unfavorable manner than a favorable one.

“With less than a year until he must face voters once again, results of this latest AZPOP survey could serve as a warning sign for Sen. Mark Kelly, as the freshman Democratic Senator’s favorable numbers are underwater by seven percentage points – he is viewed favorably by 41% of Arizona voters, and unfavorably by 48%,” a summary of the poll stated.

Furthermore, a member of OH Predictive Insights pointed to President Joe Biden’s low approval numbers, as Kelly has closely aligned himself with Biden’s agenda.

“As President Biden faces his lowest approval ratings since taking office, voters are turning their frustration to Democratic candidates. That’s something Senator Kelly should keep in mind as he faces re-election in one of the country’s closest swing states,” explained Mike Noble, OHPI Chief of Research

Opponents of Kelly argue that he is not carrying out actions that he promised on the campaign trail. Specifically, many point to his pledge to remain a more centrist or “independent” Democrat.

Unlike Senator Kyrsten Sinema (D-AZ), Kelly has been hesitant to stand up to party leaders and progressive members on key issues.

Because Kelly is from a battleground state, he has become a top target of Republican operatives. The National Republican Senatorial Committee (NRSC) recently launched a new ad against the incumbent.

“A border in crisis and out of control, greater insecurity in our communities, we are paying more for food and gasoline.  Everything is more expensive and going up. And now, he even wants to take away our rights as parents over our children’s education,” the ad states. “Mark Kelly has forgotten about Arizona’s working families.”

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Cooper Moran is a reporter for The Star News Network. Follow Cooper on Twitter. Email tips to [email protected].
Photo “Mark Kelly” by Gage Skidmore. CC BY-SA 2.0.






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6 Thoughts to “Poll Shows Senator Mark Kelly’s Approval Ratings Underwater”

  1. Don Crawford

    Look at the democrat’s stars; Biden, Harris, Pelosi, Kerry, Cortez! How did they ever get such a pack of un-American idiots?

  2. Tregonsee

    A suggested campaign slogan for the next election: What ON EARTH has Mark Kelly done for Arizona?

  3. Joe Biden

    Mark will do anything the demorats tell the dumbass to do. He would be overjoyed to change Biden diapers and kiss his ass.

  4. Karen

    Well, when you cheat to win you won’t keep “approval”! He rode the biden crime wave so you get what you pay for!

  5. Gabe H. Coud

    elect a democrat and you get what you get

  6. Tim Price

    Kelly is a Biden buttkisser who must pay for the demise of his master.
