Project Veritas: Arizona Democrat Katie Hobbs’ Twin Sister Reveals Democrat Plan to Promote ‘Extreme’ Trump Candidates

An undercover exposé by Project Veritas Action (PV) revealed Arizona Democrat gubernatorial candidate Katie Hobbs’ twin sister’s boast of a Democrat Party plan to fund the primaries of “extreme Trump-endorsed candidates” to secure their nominations, with the apparent presumption they would then lose against the Democrat candidates.

Becky Hobbs is heard saying in the video, published Monday, the Democrat Party “was putting money in primaries” to boost “extreme Trump-endorsed candidates,” to ensure their nominations in the Republican Party.

“So, all across the country, Democrat candidates – not candidates themselves – but the [Democrat] Party – was putting money in [Republican] primaries – into the races of the extreme Trump-endorsed candidates, as opposed to the moderate Republicans that were running,” Becky Hobbs is heard explaining.

“They [Democrat Party] wanted those [Trump-endorsed Republican] extremists to win because they knew that the Dems had a better chance of winning their races against the extremist candidates than they did against the moderate Republicans,” she continued.

PV Founder James O’Keefe reports in the video from Maricopa County, Arizona, noting what Becky Hobbs reveals is “a surprising, if not shocking, national Democrat strategy to help [GOP candidate for governor] Kari Lake win her primary.”

Becky Hobbs is heard describing to the PV undercover journalist the “relief” of Democrats the night of the Arizona primary when Trump-endorsed Kari Lake defeated Mike Pence-backed Karrin Taylor Robson:

When we were at Katie’s primary night, and she didn’t know the night of the election who her opponent was going to be, but [Republican] Karrin Taylor Robson was up by 10 points and it was kind of like – it took the air out of the room – because everyone knew that Katie was polling better against Kari Lake, and everyone knew that Katie had a better chance to win against Kari Lake. So, everyone wanted Kari Lake to be the nominee.

“So, it was kind of like, this sigh of relief when Kari Lake actually ended up winning,” Becky Hobbs said.

“Although Becky Hobbs is a private citizen,” O’Keefe explains in the video, “she works for Mission for Arizona, which is an affiliate of a political action committee, which is paid for by the Arizona Democratic Party 501(c)(4), which is behind all the big races here in Arizona, including Mark Kelly’s Senate race.”

“Now watch, in a bizarre revelation to our Project Veritas action journalist, Becky Hobbs – that’s Katie Hobbs’ twin sister – reveals that her and her husband registered Republican,” O’Keefe observes.

Becky Hobbs: We both registered Republican to vote against Mark Kelly.

PV Journalist: Wait, to do what?

Hobbs: To vote against Joe Arpaio [former Maricopa County Sheriff].

“This brings into question rhetoric and the news media urging that democracy itself is at stake in this midterm election,” O’Keefe points out. “So, which is it? Are Trump-backed candidates a genuine threat? Or is it all engineered by the Democratic Party to alter public perception for their benefit? You decide.”

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Susan Berry, PhD, is national education editor at The Star News Network. Email tips to [email protected].
Photo “Becky Hobbs” by Project Veritas.




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2 Thoughts to “Project Veritas: Arizona Democrat Katie Hobbs’ Twin Sister Reveals Democrat Plan to Promote ‘Extreme’ Trump Candidates”

  1. Charlie Spleen

    Isn’t this exactly what the Hillary crowd did to help Trump in the primaries? According to Podesta’s emails it was. Look how that turned out.

  2. Don Francisco

    Just another of the many “dirty tricks” democrats have in their bag. This doesn’t surprise me; I’ve studied the democrat party and discovered they have been dirty, really dirty, since their founding before the Civil War that they started to protect the slavery, they used to become rich.
    The Inconvenient Truth About the Democratic Party
