Tennessee Law Enforcement Arrested or Convicted over 2,000 Illegal Immigrants in Final Months of 2024: State Report

ICE Arrest

Complying with legislation passed last year, the first annual report by the Tennessee District Attorneys General Conference (TNDAGC) containing the number of illegal immigrants arrested by Tennessee law enforcement, or convicted by a Tennessee court, between the months October and December 2024 was published Friday.

The TNDAGC report includes data from 73 of Tennessee’s 95 counties, with complete reports from only 71, and reveals there were 2,719 reports of illegal immigrants charged with or convicted of a criminal offense in Tennessee during the last three months of 2024.

According to the report, the illegal immigrants came to Tennessee from 92 different countries, with the common country of origin being Mexico, followed by Guatemala, Honduras, and Venezuela. A total of 16 illegal immigrants were arrested in Tennessee after coming to the United States from as far as Romania.

Driving while under the influence was the most common reason for an illegal immigrant to be arrested, according to the report, with 654 accused or convicted of the offense.

This was followed by 549 illegal immigrants who were accused or convicted of driving without a license, 533 who allegedly committed traffic crimes, and 243 who law enforcement said drove despite having their license suspended or revoked.

When it came to violent crime, 154 of the arrests or convictions were for domestic assault, while 80 were for aggravated assault. An additional 147 arrests or convictions were for public intoxication, while 91 were for violation of probation.

TNDAGC also reported three arrests or convictions of illegal immigrants for first degree murder, three for the rape of a child, and six for aggravated rape, among other violent offenses.

The largest number of arrests was reported in Davidson County, which seemingly began reporting its data to TNDAGC only after The Tennessee Star asked about the county’s compliance. A total of 796 arrests or convictions of illegal immigrants were reported by the Davidson County Sheriff’s Office, which documents citizenship status for the Metro Nashville Police Department.

Knox County came in a distant second place for arrests or convictions of illegal immigrants, reporting 242 between October and December. In descending order, Rutherford County reported 189, while Maury County reported 153. Shelby County, the seat of Memphis, reported just 59 arrests of illegal immigrants.

While Representative Todd Warner (R-Chapel Hill) claimed that one-third of criminal cases in Williamson County were “due to illegal aliens” in December, the report revealed there were actually 92 arrests or convictions of illegal immigrants between October and December of last year.

Over the same period, the Williamson County Sheriff’s Office reported 906 total arrests, meaning the number of Williamson County criminal cases involving illegal immigrants is actually about 10 percent, and not one-third as claimed by the state representative.

Bedford, Benton, Bledsoe, Crockett, Fentress, Franklin, Hardeman, Haywood, Jackson, Lake, Lauderdale, Lewis, Madison, Morgan, Overton, Perry, Pickett, Scott, Unicoi, and Union counties did not submit data to the TNDAGC for the report.

The report comes after the Tennessee General Assembly passed legislation to create a new state agency to help advance the immigration agenda outlined by President Donald Trump.

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Tom Pappert is the lead reporter for The Tennessee Star, and also reports for The Pennsylvania Daily Star and The Arizona Sun Times. Follow Tom on X/Twitter. Email tips to [email protected].



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4 Thoughts to “Tennessee Law Enforcement Arrested or Convicted over 2,000 Illegal Immigrants in Final Months of 2024: State Report”

  1. America First

    Turn all illegal immigrants over to ICE.

    IM asking our State Legislature to introduce a Bill making it ILLEGAL TO LIVE IN TENNESSEE , if you are not a LEGAL CITIZEN

  2. RDavidson

    Deport, don’t leave them here.

  3. RDavidson

    It’s a good start….

  4. Joe Blow

    Seems to me like Davidson County’s large (15%) immigrant population is not doing so well at obeying our laws.
