Metro Nashville Council Wants Federal Government to Grant Citizenship to All of City’s Illegal Immigrants So They Don’t Have to Fear Anymore


The Metro Nashville Council is telling President Donald Trump and Congress that it wants them to give Music City’s illegal immigrants citizenship.

The council on Tuesday approved Resolution RS2019-86, which is available to read here. The resolution asks to give “qualified undocumented neighbors a path to citizenship and an opportunity to fully participate in the life of our community without fear.”

There are an estimated 31,000 “undocumented immigrants” in Davidson County, the resolution says, of which 5,000 have been in the United States from five to 20-plus years.

The Metro Council expresses concern the illegal immigrants “fear such actions as family separation” and says that by jumping to the head of the citizenship line, they “could contribute even more to our city’s culture and future.” Many attend public schools and their parents fear to attend school events.

The resolution says the federal government has failed to set a path to citizenship.

Nashville Public Radio interviewed Metro Councilman Bob Nash, a 33-year veteran with Metro Police Department, who helped push the immigration resolution. He told WPLN that while city councils normally do not work on immigration issues, the federal government’s failures are straining the city’s resources.

“And though we might just be a lone voice in the wilderness at the moment, I hope others will join us and that we can become a chorus of voices that will be heard in the halls of Congress and at the White House,” Nash said. “The status quo is no longer acceptable.”

Members of the Tennessee Immigrant and Refugee Rights Coalition have emphasized they want Metro Nashville Police not to assist U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement officers, The Tennessee Star reported in August. This, according to the Nashville-based FOX 17 television station.

TIRRC is calling on Metro Police to develop clear policies and refuse to help ICE carry out civil immigration enforcement in Davidson County. TIRRC is also calling on Davidson County Sheriff Daron Hall to terminate an agreement that allows ICE to detain people in local jails.

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Jason M. Reynolds has more than 20 years’ experience as a journalist at outlets of all sizes.
Photo “Metro Nashville City Council Meeting” by Metro Nashville City Council Meeting.





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19 Thoughts to “Metro Nashville Council Wants Federal Government to Grant Citizenship to All of City’s Illegal Immigrants So They Don’t Have to Fear Anymore”

  1. Clayton

    “Granting citizenship” to illegal aliens, simply because government officials are too lazy – or too cowardly – to enforce state and federal law, is “bullshit”. This is a violation of the law “in and of itself”, as well as a violation of EACH official’s oath of office…
    The actions and suggestions of the Metro Nashville City Council, with regard to immigration, is a HUGE betrayal – and a “slap in the face” – to ALL U.S. CITIZENS… Along with the immigrants who came LEGALLY, and went to the process of LEGAL immigration.
    What do I say, about the “MNCC”?

    1. Gerald Barnell Fowler

      Clayton, over half of the citizens of Davidson County agrees with you. These lawbreakers needs to be sent home and anyone that hires them, rent them a house should be put in jail, and our Democrat Councilmembers represent themself…not the majority of the citizens of Nashville.

    2. JB

      I Totally Agree with Mr Clayton.

  2. Dwayne Oxford

    Cities; Concentrations of idiots who vote criminals to da’gubmint.
