Bob Corker Opines on Marsha Blackburn and Says He’s ‘Out-of-Step’ with Current GOP


Former U.S. Republican Sen. Bob Corker this week downplayed talk that he might run for United States president.

The former Tennessee senator also opined on whether and how his brand of Republican Party differs from what it is currently under former U.S. President Donald Trump.

Corker said this while speaking remotely to the Rotary Club of Memphis, according to The Memphis Flyer.

“I’m a little out of step right now. That’ll change; it’ll change actually pretty rapidly, I think, but I’m a little out-of-step. … I don’t have any indications or thoughts today that I will do it [run for president]. Is it totally out of the question? No, you  just don’t know what’s going to happen. Let me put it this way I’m not doing things today to make sure that my name is spread all around the country,” Corker reportedly told audience members.

“But I do want to be involved in this conversation. I do want to elect the leader that not only  has the mental maturity and demeanor to try to do those things that will unite our country and solve long-term problems And has the ability to share that vision with the rest of the country and pull people together. So we’ll see what happens.”

Corker said that the person who replaced him in Congress, U.S. Sen. Marsha Blackburn, “is a little bit more representative [of the Republican Party] than someone of my ilk.”

As reported in 2019, Corker said the Republican and Democratic parties have changed too much by his standards.

“I was a Republican in the Senate for 12 years and we cared about fiscal issues, world leadership and free trade,” Corker told the Chattanooga Rotary Club,

“I look at the Republican Party now and we are isolationist, protectionist and care nothing about keeping these institutions that have kept the world safe in many ways.”

As The Tennessee Star reported, Corker, an avowed NeverTrump-er, used his previous platform as chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee to criticize him. He compared the former Republican president to a banana republic for removing former CIA Director John Brennan’s security clearance and other former officials’ clearances.”

The Star reported on how Corker longed for the way the Republican Party was before the Tea Party and before Trump. Corker also refused to say if he prefered Trump to a Democrat in the White House in 2020.

Corker also likened Ann Coulter and the late Rush Limbaugh to tyrants, referencing their opinions on the U.S./Mexico border wall situation.

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Chris Butler is an investigative journalist at The Tennessee Star. Follow Chris on Facebook. Email tips to [email protected].











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15 Thoughts to “Bob Corker Opines on Marsha Blackburn and Says He’s ‘Out-of-Step’ with Current GOP”

  1. Jay

    Bob was a good mayor he should have quit while ahead or move to Memphis. He and Cohen have a lot in common.

  2. jamesb

    this dude sho know how to hit a conservatives nerve. no bob

  3. Kitty Lenoir

    No Bob, we will never go back to the same old do-nothing uni-party style politics.

  4. Phil

    You and Asa Hutchinson.

  5. 83ragtop50

    Rich bureaucrats like Corker just cannot stand to be out of the limelight. The guy was a loser from the beginning. Bob, crawl back into your spider hole and count your money.

  6. Bill

    Lost: A miniature dog with a big bark. He answers to little bobby or rhino. If found please return him to the DNC.

  7. Karen

    You got that right Bob! You are out of step with the American people! If you run, you may be “selected by Dominion” but you will NEVER be elected!

  8. Americans didn’t support Bob Corker on higher SS Beneficiaries income taxes and no one supported China First Free Trade nor illegal Aliens and 1b and other Work Visas!
    We do not support Globalism “Free Trade,” shipping US jobs overseas and the impoverishment of American workers of Citizens United! The Oligarchs now have their hand on the throttle and their their destination is their pocket books, not Americans,’ nor our Sovereignty.
    How many Americans are working on those golf ,courses, Bob?
    I always thought a lot of you but…… Never did get areal increase in Compensation for Disabled Vets. That’s a no-no?

  9. beaux

    Go away bobby, no one cares what you think.

  10. gordon

    bob was a useless POS and we’re glad he’s gone.


  11. Philip Hopper

    He is right all right. He’s been out of step before Trump. H e shafted the nation with the Iran deal and then actually people cared about anything he had to say. He would be off joining the Socialist party.

  12. Randy

    People like Corker are what gave rise to actual Republicans that are fed up with an out of control government. I do not hate anyone nor do I believe you should use hateful rhetoric to get what you want, unfortunately that is exactly what folks like Corker, Romney, Haslam and Ashe have allowed the extremists on the left to do. They turned a blind eye and in many cases facilitated it in exchange for their vote. They were lining their pockets and extending their personal interests at the expense of conservative Americans. These same folks will now use their wealth and undue influence to continue down that path. If Corker runs for President, average every day people trying to make a living and raise responsible self sufficient children should prepare for more loss of liberty and freedom. These folks are truly dangerous.

  13. David S Blackwell RN, BSN

    He can’t be serious. Biden’s New Budget Plan Means Trump-Era Mega Spending Will Continue….

  14. CMinTN

    Let me be quite clear. There is no place at the table for little Bob Corker.
