Far Left Democrats Launch Bigoted Religious Attacks on SCOTUS Candidate Amy Coney Barrett for Her Catholic Faith

Amy Coney Barrett

Our fellow Tennessean, David French, points out at National Review that progressives and far left Democrats are deploying “Religious Ignorance and Bigotry” to attack potential Supreme Court nominee, Amy Coney Barrett, a graduate of Tennessee’s Rhodes College, for her Catholic faith. “If you ever need much evidence that the growing “God gap” in American politics fosters an immense amount of ignorance and occasionally outright bigotry, look no farther than the concern — the alarm, even — that Amy Coney Barrett is on President Trump’s short list to replace Anthony Kennedy on the United States Supreme Court,” French wrote on Monday: The alarm isn’t about her credentials. She’s checked every box of excellence — law review, appellate-court clerkship, Supreme Court clerkship (with Justice Scalia), elite law-firm experience, law professor at an elite law school, and now experience as a federal judge on the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals. She’s a young, brilliant woman at the apex of her profession. So, beyond her obvious originalist judicial philosophy (shared to varying degrees by every person on Trump’s list of potential nominees), what’s the problem with Judge Barrett. Why do some progressives single her out for particular scorn? It turns out that she’s a faithful Christian…

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Schumer Targets SCOTUS Contender Amy Coney Barrett on Abortion and Obamacare: Does Bredesen Agree?

Amy Coney Barrett, Chuck Schumer, Phil Bredesen

Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) took to Twitter on Monday to attack federal judge Amy Coney Barrett, a potential Trump pick for the Supreme Court. Barrett has ties to Tennessee. She was born in Louisiana, and lives in Indiana, but spent four college years in Tennessee, graduating from Rhodes College with a magna cum laude degree in English Literature, before going on to law school and a stellar legal career in practice, academia, and on the bench. Perhaps more importantly, with Democrat Phil Bredesen being Chuck Schumer’s man in Tennessee, with close ties not only to the man but the big liberal donor money behind him, the length Schumer seems intent on going to attack a leading contender to replace retiring Justice Anthony Kennedy on the  Supreme Court should raise serious questions for Tennesseans as they contemplate where Bredesen’s loyalties will lie if he comes to represent Tennessee in the Senate next year. Barrett attacked the Supreme Court’s decision upholding the Affordable Care Act, which has helped millions of people secure health insurance coverage. https://t.co/JXJAbCmvN4 — Chuck Schumer (@SenSchumer) July 2, 2018 Schumer didn’t stop there. Barrett also fought efforts to ensure that all women have access to contraceptives.…

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Tennessee Right to Life Endorses Dr. Mark Green for Congress

Mark Green

Tennessee Right to Life announced Tuesday it has endorsed Dr. Mark Green to represent the people of Tennessee’s 7th district in the US House of Representatives. “Mark Green understands the crucial importance of protecting human life and has devoted his public and professional life to the care of the weak and vulnerable. Tennessee Right to Life looks forward to continuing to work alongside Mark Green to affirm the dignity of every life,” the pro-life group’s  President Brian Harris said in a statement. The campaign said that with over 13,000 community health clinics that provide women’s services, Green believes “it’s past time to stop subsidizing Planned Parenthood—the nation’s largest abortion provider—with taxpayers’ money;” adding that – as one of only seven countries that allow elective abortions after 20 weeks – Green will lead the fight to pass the Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Act. “As a physician, I know firsthand that life begins at conception, and it’s our moral responsibility as humans to protect the most vulnerable among us. If elected to Congress, I will continue to be a voice for the voiceless as I have been in the State Senate. I’m honored to receive Tennessee Right to Life’s endorsement,” Dr. Green said.…

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State Senator Mark Green Endorses Diane Black for Governor

Mark Green, Diane Black

CLARKSVILLE, Tennessee–State Senator Mark Green (R-Clarksville) endorsed Rep. Diane Black (R-TN-06) for governor at his Red, White, and Blues Barbecue event held at the Old Glory Distilling Company in Clarksville on Saturday night. Green told the enthusiastic crowd of 300 supporters in attendance that, while he is friends with all four of the candidates for governor in the Republican primary election for governor that will be held in just over four weeks on August 2, he believes that Black is the best person for the job. “Diane Black is a conservative fighter. She has a very conservative record,” Green began. “She helped President Trump write the tax cuts, just six months ago. She helped get that done,” he added. “We’ve got a great field of candidates for governor, and I consider every single one of them a friend,” the former Army doctor noted. “But the issues that are pressing our state and our nation, we need a conservative fighter, and clearly the best candidate for that job is Diane Black,” Green continued. “Cami and I have decided that we will be supporting and casting our vote for Diane Black for Governor,” Green concluded. Black took the stage briefly after receiving…

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OFF THE RECORD: Source Says Gov. Haslam Is Using His Position as Chairman of Republican Governors Association to ‘Rig’ Primary Election for Randy Boyd

Paul Bennecke, Diane Black. Bill Haslam

A high ranking source who serves on the Republican Governors Association’s (RGA) select national finance committee told The Tennessee Star that current and former RGA staff appear to be actively trying to damage the gubernatorial campaigns of Rep. Diane Black (R-TN-06) and possibly Bill Lee, while promoting close Haslam ally Randy Boyd in the Republican primary. Specifically, the source said, Haslam and the RGA Executive Director Paul Bennecke (who Haslam personally hired to the RGA during his previous stint as chairman) were coordinating with at least one White House staff member in an attempt to disparage and downplay Black’s close working relationship with President Trump and with Vice President Mike Pence. Haslam was a vociferous “Never-Trumper” who just three  weeks before Trump won the 2016 election demanded Trump resign as the nominee and in so doing became the only Republican governor who said he would not be voting for Trump. The governor was particularly incensed when during his recent rally for Marsha Blackburn in Nashville, Trump took time to give Black special attention. During that rally, Trump did not mention any candidates other than Blackburn and Black, singling her out and saying “I want to recognize Diane Black, who is…

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Conservative Talker Steve Gill Discusses Who’s Up, Who’s Down, and the State of the ‘Blue Wave’ Come November

Steve Gill

On Friday’s Gill Report, broadcast live on WETR 92.3 FM in Knoxville, conservative pundit and Tennessee Star Political Editor Steve Gill reflected on the players and issues influencing Tennessee’s candidates running for high office, and the important role the Volunteer State has to play on the national stage heading into November. “Bob Corker is not popular in Tennessee,” he said with a chuckle, as he described the political ‘field of play’ less than thirty days from primary election day. He continued: Donald Trump is very popular. President Trump announced today that he is going to be narrowing his list of 5 potential supreme court justices to about 5 choices. He may interview a couple of the next few days, but he plans to name his pick by July 9th, so we won’t have to wait long for the real war over that Supreme Court confirmation process to move ahead. Again, you have Marsha Blackburn making it clear that she will back a conservative, constitutionalist Supreme Court pick that Donal Trump nominates. And you’ve got Phil Bredensen, trying to kind of marginalize on the edges pretending that he might actually support a conservative that Donald Trump would pick, but nobody seriously…

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Blackburn Distinguishes Self From Bredesen in Competing Statements on Retiring Justice Kennedy’s Replacement

Marsha Blackburn, Phil Bredesen

Both Tennessee candidates for U.S. Senate weighed in and the length of tone of their responses would appear to make it clear Rep. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN-07) sees this as a clear winning issue for her campaign. Bredesen’s statement was predictable political blather, at best. Bredesen said a candidate’s character and qualifications are more important than party lines. “I just think we have such a partisan mess in Washington right now,” Bredesen said Wednesday in Nashville. “This is a real chance to start unwinding that in something that is very visible and important to the country.” Blackburn also released a statement on Twitter, calling the confirmation of Supreme Court justices “one of the Senate’s most important responsibilities.” “As Tennessee’s next senator, I will be committed to confirming more judges, like Neil Gorsuch, who will honor and uphold our Constitution,” Blackburn said. “I will vote to confirm good constitutional justices who will not be activists and legislate from the bench.” In a statement Wednesday, Blackburn said that Tennesseans want a justice “who will respect both the Constitution and the rule of law.” “They do not want an activist Supreme Court Justice who will seek to legislate from the bench,” she said. “As…

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Phil Bredesen Afraid to Admit He’d Side With Schumer to Delay Vote on SCOTUS Nominee Until After Midterm Elections?

Phil Bredesen, Chuck Schumer

On the heels of Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy announcing his retirement, Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY), called for delaying the Senate vote on the President’s nominee until after the November mid-term elections. Congresswoman Marsha Blackburn (R-TN-07), who is running to succeed Senator Bob Corker (R-TN), issued a statement shortly after Kennedy made his plans known and indicated her intent to support President Trump’s nominee. The Tennessee Star asked Democrat Phil Bredesen who is also running to succeed Corker, a simple question – “Do you agree with Chuck Schumer that no vote should be held on the SCOTUS nominee until after midterms?” Whether out of loyalty to Schumer who personally recruited Bredesen to run for the Senate, or because he is afraid to alienate potential votes, Bredesen had no response. Bredesen has gone out of his way to avoid giving direct answers to some of the more defining issues in the November elections including whether he would vote for a Constitutional originalist like Neil Gorsuch and whether he agrees with the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision upholding President Trump’s travel ban.          

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Will Pro-Abortion Bredesen Support Confirmation of a Pro-Life Justice to the Supreme Court?

Phil Bredesen

On Wednesday Democrat Tennessee Senate Candidate Phil Bredesen issued a Twitter statement regarding the upcoming confirmation battle to replace Justice Anthony Kennedy on the Supreme Court. “Not long ago, Senate judicial confirmations were free of openly partisan politics. Justices Scalia & Ginsburg each got 90+ votes. I’m going to vote for or against a nominee based solely on whether I believe them to be highly qualified & ethical, not based on partisan politics.” Not long ago, Senate judicial confirmations were free of openly partisan politics. Justices Scalia & Ginsburg each got 90+ votes. I'm going to vote for or against a nominee based solely on whether I believe them to be highly qualified & ethical, not based on partisan politics. pic.twitter.com/NgzGQC8E4K — Phil Bredesen (@PhilBredesen) June 27, 2018 Bredesen did not indicate whether ideological differences on certain issues would disqualify a nominee for a Federal judicial appointment from receiving his vote for confirmation if he is elected to the U.S. Senate. Since Bredesen tweeted his statement Democrat Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, who recruited Bredesen to run for Corker’s Senate seat, has called on his fellow Democrats to reject any nominee who does not embrace abortion.  And although Trump has not…

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Justice Kennedy Retirement Raises the Stakes for Senate Mid-Term Elections

Marsha Blackburn, Anthony Kennedy, Phil Bredesen

The announcement that Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy is retiring, which will prompt a confirmation battle heading into the Fall mid-term election cycle, is already raising the stakes in contested U.S. Senate races across the country. Democrats are defending Senate seats in ten states that President Donald Trump carried in 2016, including five that he won by double digits. The confirmation of a replacement for the 82 year old Justice will certainly have an impact on Tennessee’s Senate race. Trump has already indicated that his appointment of a replacement for Kennedy will come from the list of conservatives that he named during his election campaign, along with five others he added last Fall.  And Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell says a vote for the confirmation of a new Justice will come this Fall. Liberal activists are already melting down over the announced retirement, though it was widely anticipated.  In fact, a Democratic National Committee rules committee was on a conference call when the announcement came and the anguished reactions were audible. Conservative Senator Mike Lee (R-UT) is among those thought to be on Trump’s short list, and was among those on the initial list of 25 conservatives that Trump plans…

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Off the Record: Switch-Hitter Boyd Donors Now Raising Money For Liberal Democrat Phil Bredesen

Randy Boyd, Phil Bredesen

“Switch-hitters” are the baseball players who bat both right-handed and left-handed. Political switch-hitters who want liberal representation in the U.S. Senate and a moderate in the governor’s office are rooting for the Boyd-Bredesen team – and they are willing to put their big bucks behind these guys and bring along their moneyed friends. (Anyone willing to bet whether we see Jim Haslam and others with the last name Haslam show up on a Bredesen campaign finance disclosure report?) Boyd’s big dollar donors Sharon Pryse, Raja and Michelle Jubran, and Jim Clayton are co-hosting a fundraiser for Phil Bredesen just like the super-wealthy “Republican” donor Conway-Welch in Nashville whose fundraiser for Bredesen was preceded by the one in Nashville headlined by former Vice-President Joe Biden. Boyd’s Knoxville Cabal needs him to go to his warehouse and get them those special flea collars. And there is plenty of money in them thar hills – Sharon Pryse, Raja Jubran and his wife coughed up $8,000 dineros each to hand over to La Raza Randy. Jim Clayton was only able to come up with a measly $5,000. Pryse, Raja Jubran, and Clayton are members of Boyd’s business coalition but it’s even cozier than that.  Boyd served…

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Blackburn Likens Bredesen to Obama, Suggests He’ll ‘Vote With Crying Chuck Schumer’ in Washington


Rep. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN-07) is starting to take the gloves off in her attacks on liberal Democrat opponent Phil Bredesen, comparing him to Obama as far as policy, and suggesting he’d “vote with crying Chuck Schumer” in opposition to President Trump if he gets to Washington as a US Senator from Tennessee. Blackburn used the recent Tennessee Republican Party’s annual fundraiser held in Nashville last Friday to go after former Gov. Phil Bredesen as the  two compete to replace outgoing Senator Bob Corker. Blackburn elaborated on a theme first introduced by President Trump at a rally held in Nashville on May 29 to support Blackburn’s Senate campaign, at which the president memorably called Bredesen “an absolute total tool . . . of Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi.” “She does Tennessee proud, but she does our party proud,” Keynote speaker Rep. Steve Scalise (R-LA), said of Blackburn at last Friday’s fundraising event. “We need more great spokespeople for the conservative values of this country. We need Marsha Blackburn on TV, talking as a United States Senator about how conservative principles are so much better than liberal principles,” Scalise added. You can see him make these remarks at the 52 second mark of…

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A Doctor and a Constitutional Lawyer Are Battling for the GOP Nomination to Succeed Beth Harwell in House District 56


Come November, the winner of the GOP primary for Beth Harwell’s District 56 seat will face off against Democrat Bob Freeman, son of wealthy real estate developer and former Nashville mayoral candidate Bill Freeman. Republican primary opponents Nashville attorney Joseph Williams (pictured, right) and dermatologist Brent Moody (pictured, left) strike an interesting contrast to each other. One of the few things they do have in common is that neither has a voting record by which to evaluate where they will land on controversial issues like in-state tuition for illegal alien students, legalizing medical marijuana and infrastructure needs, when finally in office. Brent Moody, M.D. is a Nashville dermatologist whose campaign’s statement to The Tennessee Star says that “Dr. Moody is the conservative, pro-life candidate interested in implementing principles that will benefit Tennessee – smaller government, cutting red tape and burdensome regulations, making sure that our government spends wisely, and fighting to ensure Tennessee is free of sanctuary cities. Specifically, Dr. Moody is focused on keeping Tennessee a low tax, pro-business State and making sure that tax payers are getting the full value for every dollar the government spends on their behalf, while continuing to responsibly grow our State’s economy and create jobs. Additionally,…

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Bredesen’s Donations to Liberal Democrats Total Almost A Half-Million Dollars

Phil Bredesen

Despite efforts to misleadingly position himself as a pro-Trump Democrat in his bid for the U.S. Senate from Tennessee, a deep dive into his political giving shows that former Gov. Phil Bredesen is all but the half-a-million dollar man when it comes to giving to the most liberal of Democrats running nationally in past years. In essence, “Bredesen donated nearly half-a-million to liberal politicians,” as The Washington Examiner reported: Bredesen has branded himself as a sort of pro-Trump Democrat in his race against Rep. Marsha Blackburn, R-Tenn., to succeed retiring Republican Sen. Bob Corker. He says that he isn’t “the toy of the national Democratic Party.” Campaign contributions filed with the Federal Election Commission and the Tennessee Campaign Finance database say he is a party favorite thanks to $460,691 in campaign contributions. For the last three decades, Bredesen has given faithfully from his pharmaceutical fortune. He has contributed to congressional and Senate and presidential campaigns of dozens of major liberal candidates since 1983. Now that money could come back and haunt his current ambitions in a state President Trump won by 26 points. Bredesen’s campaign is not denying his huge financial support for liberal Democrat candidates over many years. “Bredesen…

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RNC on Phil Bredesen: Out-Of-Touch With Tennessee Voters

Bredesen Out of Touch

The Republican National Committee (RNC) unleashed a blistering and detailed attack on Democrat candidate for the US Senate from Tennessee Phil Bredesen this week, the kind of attack that will likely keep on leaving a mark even as the campaign rolls through the Summer and into the Fall. The RNC again points out that Bredesen was “personally courted” by DC Democrat Senator Chuck Schumer (D-NY) to run for the Tennessee U.S. Senate seat now held by retiring Sen. Bob Corker (R-TN), and reminded voters that Bredesen has donated significant amounts of money to Trump’s 2016 opponent, Hillary Clinton, in the past. Additionally, they emphasized that during Bredesen’s tenure as governor of Tennessee, the unemployment rate increased from 5.1 percent to 9.5 percent and the number of unemployed Tennesseans increased by 98 percent. The GOP took on several other aspects of Bredesen’s political history, as well and there is undoubtedly much more to come. One gets the sense that the onslaught against Bredresen from the GOP is just getting started. And with Trump appearing to go all in for Republican Marsha Blackburn, including rallying for her in the state, it will be interesting to see what, if any, impact all this GOP…

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Far Left Hillary Clinton-Supporting Washington, D.C. Lobbyists Host Big Fundraiser for ‘Absolute Total Tool’ Phil Bredesen

Phil Bredesen, Democrat

A week after President Donald Trump said at a rally in Nashville that Phil Bredesen is “an absolute total tool” of Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi, the Democrat candidate for the U.S. Senate and former governor of Tennessee provided compelling evidence to confirm the truth of the president’s statement. “Phil Bredesen will do everything he can to disguise and deny his liberal Democratic Party connections but the truth will become increasingly apparent as the campaign moves towards November,” Tennessee Star Political Editor Steve Gill noted. “Ultimately Tennessee voters will discover that ideologically he is Hillary Clinton without the pantsuits,” Gill added. On Wednesday, half a dozen far left, big money, Hillary Clinton supporting lobbyists are hosting a fundraiser for Bredesen at the downtown Washington, D.C. offices of corporate influence and analysis powerhouse S & P Global. Among the sponsors who are contributing $5,000 each to the Bredesen campaign are lobbyists Heather Podesta, ex-wife of fallen Democratic lobbying king pin Tony Podesta, leader of the pro-abortion Center for Reproductive Rights and former sister-in-law of Hillary Clinton’s campaign manager and Bill Clinton’s former chief of staff John Podesta, Steve Elmendorf, and Jillian Fitzpatrick. Heather Podesta is closely tied to Hillary Clinton, as…

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Commentary: Tennessee Among the Nation’s Six Hottest US Senate Races

US Senate Bredesen and Blackburn

by CHQ Staff   As the first part of GOP primary election season wraps conservatives have reason to be optimistic about the chances of adding to our numbers in Mitch McConnell’s broken U.S. Senate. At a major meeting of conservative leaders yesterday, some of the movement’s best political minds handicapped the Senate races with us, and this is where we see the hottest conservative campaigns as of today. West Virginia: Conservative West Virginia Attorney General Patrick Morrisey emerged victorious in the hard-fought GOP primary and immediately jumped to a lead over incumbent Democrat Joe Manchin in the polls. Polls this far out from Election Day normally mean little, but when the incumbent is behind the challenger it is a good indication that West Virginia’s voters, who gave President Trump a 48 point advantage in the 2016 election have caught on to the fact that Manchin is a hypocrite, not a conservative. Tennessee: Conservative Representative Marsha Blackburn has the nomination to succeed retiring establishment Republican Senator Bob Corker. Blackburn, an excellent speaker and TV presence, is one of the House’s strongest voices on the pro-life agenda. Even better, when Corker started making noise about maybe un-retiring, Rep. Blackburn said “bring it on”…

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Dr. Rolando Toyos Drops Out Of GOP Senate Primary

Dr. Rolando Toyos dropped out of the Tennessee Republican primary for U.S. Senate. The Tennessee GOP made the announcement Wednesday night. State party Chairman Scott Golden said, “I appreciate Dr. Toyos’ decision to suspend his campaign and look forward to working with him to support Republican candidates in the November elections. He has a bright future. Every Republican knows that we cannot allow liberal Phil Bredesen to go to Washington and destroy the progress of President Trump’s Administration. Bredesen’s support for Hillary Clinton alone disqualifies him from representing the values and interests of Tennesseans, which is why our Party must stand together and work to elect a Republican to the United States Senate.” WBBJ quoted Toyos as saying, in part, “My dear departed mother used to say, ‘when faced with obstacles do not complain but instead figure out a solution and work harder.’ I have exhausted every possibility to keep my name on the ballot that would not be distracting to the Republican Party and the truly important issues facing our country. I will not pursue other remedies.” The withdrawal of Toyos from the race leaves Rep. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN-07) an uncontested path to the Republican nomination on primary day…

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Rep. Diane Black Endorses Rep. Marsha Blackburn for U.S. Senate

Gubernatorial candidate and Republican Congress member Diane Black (R-TN-06) announced Wednesday her endorsement of fellow Representative Marsha Blackburn (R-TN-07) in her bid to replace retiring junior Senator Bob Corker (TN-R) in the U.S. Senate. “I’ve served alongside Marsha in the state legislature and in Congress and have always known her to be a fighter and a passionate champion for conservative causes and I support her 100%,” said Black in a statement, adding, “We need Marsha Blackburn in the U.S. Senate to protect our majority, support President Trump’s agenda, and make sure that we can confirm new conservative Supreme Court justices to the bench.” Black’s endorsement extended to Twitter, where she tweeted: I’ve served alongside @VoteMarsha in the state legislature and in Congress and have always known her to be a fighter and a passionate champion for conservative causes. I support her 100 percent in her race for U.S. Senate! https://t.co/CRRny00tfK — Diane Black (@DianeBlackTN) March 28, 2018 Looking beyond the primary to what political watchers say will be a bare-knuckles brawl of a general election in the Fall, Black called on all the GOP candidates running statewide to support Blackburn’s candidacy: It’s time for Republicans in Tennessee to unite and stand with…

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‘America First’ Ambassador John Bolton Endorses Dr. Mark Green for Congress

Ambassador John Bolton, the firebrand Republican whom George W. Bush famously tapped to serve as the United States’ envoy to the United Nations via recess appointment, endorsed Dr. Mark Green’s campaign to represent the people of the 7th Congressional District, replacing Representative Marsha Blackburn (R-TN-07) on Thursday. “Dr. Mark Green has served on the front lines of the War on Terror as a flight surgeon, most notably on the mission to capture Saddam Hussein,” Bolton said in a statement; adding: His unique experiences as a veteran of the U.S. Army make him well-suited to make sound foreign policy and national security decisions that will keep America and her allies safe amid a multitude of global threats. I have full confidence in Dr. Green’s ability to lead and to be a strong voice in Congress. During the course of the campaign so far, the current state senator and congressional hopeful has garnered the support of Republicans and conservatives across the conservative movement. Ambassador Bolton joins prominent conservatives like Senator Ted Cruz and Reagan economist Dr. Arthur B. Laffer in endorsing Green. Dr. Green said, “Few people understand the global challenges facing our nation better than Ambassador Bolton. I’m honored to receive his endorsement,…

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Tennessee State Senate Unanimously Passes Bills to Rectify Unjust Taxes Levied on Disabled Veterans

The Tennessee State Senate unanimously passed Senate Bill 10 and Senate Bill 1675, both of which were sponsored by State Senator Mark Green (R-Clarksville). “I was honored to sponsor these two bills to help our veterans who have given sacrificially to serve our country. Senate Bill 10 and Senate Bill 1675 both correct injustices in our state law, and I’m glad the Senate voted unanimously to pass them. I look forward to the passage of these bills in the House under the leadership of Rep. Tilman Goins and Rep. Joe Pitts,” Senator Green said in a statement. Senate Bill 10 finally exempts severely disabled veterans who receive, as gifts, modified vehicles from the US Department of Affairs from paying sales taxes and registration fees: This bill exempts a new or used motor vehicle that is sold, given, or donated to a veteran or active-duty service member of the armed services from any applicable sales and use tax if: (1) The veteran or service member has a service-connected disability; (2) The veteran or service member receives a grant from the United States department of veterans affairs; and (3) The grant is used to provide or assist in providing the vehicle to…

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Marsha Blackburn Tells WTN’s Brian Wilson She’s In It to Win It

GOP Senate candidate and current Rep. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN-07) told Brian Wilson on WTN SuperTalk 99.7 Thursday that she is in it to win it when he asked about the possibility of Sen. Bob Corker (R-TN) ‘un-retiring’ and running for re-election this year in the Republican primary. Brian Wilson set up the phone interview, saying: “Yesterday, there was a bit of news about Bob Corker, who said he might ‘un-retire,’ and I was on record saying that I didn’t think that was right. If you say you’re going to retire, then you’re going to retire, because other people are then going to jump in the race. “This effected, of course, the Senate campaign of one Marsha Blackburn,” Wilson continued, “who joins us on the line right now.” After he graciously welcomed Blackburn on the air, and the niceties were exchanged, Wilson got right down to business. “Here’s the thing – what was your reaction when you – after you’ve jumped into the race, started spending money on a campaign, and started doing everything that you should do to run for the office, that was going to be vacated. What was your reaction when you learned that Bob corker was now, all of a sudden,…

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Renata Soto, Chair of George Soros-Funded UnidosUS (AKA ‘LaRaza’), Featured Speaker at ‘Transit for Nashville’ Campaign Kickoff Supporting $9 Billion Transit Plan

Renata Soto, the Donald Trump-bashing chairman of the board of UnidosUS (the new name adopted by the George Soros-funded National Council of LaRaza in July 2017), and founder and head of Conexion Americas, the Nashville affiliate of UnidosUS, was one of the featured speakers at Saturday’s kickoff of the Transit for Nashville campaign to support the passage of the tax increasing transit plan on the May 1 referendum before Nashville/Davidson County voters. Soto was joined by former Nashville Vice-Mayor Howard Gentry and Rep. Jim Cooper (D-TN-05) as the featured speakers in the 22 minute kickoff event. Notably, embattled Nashville Mayor Megan Barry, who two weeks ago admitted to conducting a two-year-long extramarital affair with her bodyguard, was not one of the event’s featured speakers, though she was, apparently, in attendance. “My name is Renata Soto and I am with Conexion Americas, one of almost 120 coalition members who are so excited to get this campaign kicked off today,” Soto began. “Are we ready for transit?” she asked the crowd “Our coalition represents almost 300,000 Nashvillians. We have collected more than 30,000 signatures. We have hosted more than 200 community events. And we know that with your support, your enthusiasm, your…

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The Tennessee Star Celebrates Its First Anniversary and Over 5 Million Visits

  One year ago Tuesday, February 6, The Tennessee Star launched into the news media scene. Since then, the news organization has filed more than 4,500 stories and received over five million visits from people all over Middle Tennessee, across the Volunteer State and around the world. “I remember that first moment when we went live,” Managing Editor Christina Botteri said. “It was like being all ready for a party, but before anyone shows up…. Will anyone come? Will they see what we are doing and appreciate the fresh take on the news of the day?” Botteri didn’t have to wait long for an answer. Within the first 24 hours, the brand-new website had over 3,000 unique visitors, and over 9,000 visits. “We out performed our projections by a factor of three,” Botteri said. “By the end of our first month – a mere 22 days – we were visited over 175,000 times,” Botteri recalled, adding, “We realized almost immediately we would have to upgrade our servers in order to handle all the the traffic.” Through March, The Star began reporting on Governor Haslam’s gas tax hike proposal and readership soared to over 285,000 visits within that 31-day period alone, followed by…

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Poll: Blackburn Leads Bredesen by 11 in Tennessee U.S. Senate General Election Matchup, 50 to 39

A new Tennessee Star Poll released on Monday shows that Rep. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN-07) leads former Gov. Phil Bredesen, a Democrat, in a head-to-head general election matchup for the Tennessee U.S. Senate seat currently held by Sen. Bob Corker (R-TN) by 11 points, 50 percent to 39 percent. The same poll shows that Bredesen leads former Rep. Stephen Fincher (R-TN-08) by 3 points, 41 percent to 38 percent in a head-to-head matchup, within the poll’s margin of error. The automated (IVR) telephone survey of 1,003 likely Tennessee voters in the November 2018 general election was conducted for The Tennessee Star by Triton Research between January 21 and January 24 and has a 3.1 percent margin of error. Forty-six percent of poll respondents were Republicans, 25 percent were Democrats, and 27 percent were Independents. “With Bredesen having served as a two term governor, he has a strong residual of name recognition across the state that currently gives him a slight advantage over Blackburn who is less well known outside of Middle Tennessee,” conservative political commentator and media consultant Steve Gill says. “In East Tennessee, for example, a strong base of Republican voters will almost certainly help her move more of the…

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OFF THE RECORD: The Tennessee Star’s Awards for Worst of the Worst in 2017

Too much good and bad during 2017 to pick just one “hero” or “villain” to celebrate or revile, so The Tennessee Star has decided to do a throwback to high school days when Senior Superlatives were dished out to a wide number of contenders. Today, we dish out the best of the “bad.” Tomorrow, we hand out the “good” stuff. MOST DESPICABLE. Pretty easy pick here as Senator Bob Corker entered the year as a front runner and only enhanced his selection when Rolling Stone added ethical transgressions to his resume late in December. His verbal “slap fight” with Trump, while the President continued to enjoy astronomical approval ratings among Tennessee Republicans, cemented his retirement plans. Opposing tax cuts, then flip flopping; opposing repeal of Obamacare; and the continued negative consequences surrounding his signature legislative accomplishment (the Iran Deal) all helped secure unanimous support for Corker being named “Most Despicable” for 2017. There are indications that there is much more to come regarding the insider financial deals that made him rich as a U.S. Senator, so Corker may be set to repeat in 2018! NIT-WITTIEST. The Tennessean was poised to win this category in a runaway, particularly with their fawning…

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The Tennessee Star’s Top Ten Stories of 2017

It has been a busy year for The Tennessee Star. As an upstart news outlet, we hit the ground running in early February, and we haven’t slowed down since. After 328 days, 4,102 articles, and millions and millions of visits, visitors, hits, and shares – here are the top ten stories – measured by the number of unique visitors each story received – from 2017. The Tennessee Star’s Top Ten Stories of 2017: 1. Mayor Megan Barry Says The Constitution Does Not Apply Here in Nashville: ‘I Am Committed to Meeting the Goals of the Paris Agreement . . . Even if the President Is Not’ (June 5) On Thursday, Nashville Mayor Megan Barry issued a statement criticizing President Trump’s withdrawal from the Paris Climate Agreement, which, in effect, declared that as mayor she will not be bound by Article 1, Section 10 of the United States Constitution, which prohibits state governments specifically, and metropolitan governments within states by extension, from entering “into any treaty, alliance, or confederation.” “The United States of America should be a global leader in addressing the dire impact of climate change on our civilization, and it is very disappointing that President Trump does not see that. As a member of…

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Republicans Should Not Allow Elites to Set the Election Table in 2018

by Jeffrey A. Rendall   Let’s not get carried away here. To say last week and (more broadly) even the last month was good for President Donald Trump (and to some extent, the entirety of the Republican congressional majority) does not require a great leap of logic. Together GOP elected leaders passed a major tax overhaul, put the American people’s future earnings back in their own pockets, pushed through a budget extension with a bit of Democrat cooperation, threatened to pull the monetary rug out from under the UN and various other actions that made conservatives smile. But we still must remember the new year arrives in a few days and with it Congress will return to the capital facing a whole new set of political barriers and an election in eleven months that promises to be challenging to keep a hold on GOP majorities while battling an enraged liberal half of the public that craves blood and won’t settle for much less. And we haven’t even mentioned the big leftist donors who will be unleashing their fortunes to search every nook and cranny for votes (legal and illegal) to purchase for use against Trump. Democrats will pull out all…

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Eleven States Launch Legal Fight Against Sanctuary Cities, Tennessee Not Among Them

As the public outcry against sanctuary cities grows louder, West Virginia Attorney General Patrick Morrisey announced today that he is leading a coalition of 11 state attorneys general in the fight to finally put an end to sanctuary cities. In contrast, Tennessee’s Attorney General Herbert Slatery III, the state’s chief legal advisor, is not on board, so the Volunteer State is not named among the states in the coalition. Announced in a tweet, the coalition has filed a brief urging a federal appeals court to overturn a lower court ruling and enforce President Trump’s anti-sanctuary cities executive order. These 11 states (West Virginia, Louisiana, Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Kansas, Nevada, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Carolina and Texas) insist that sanctuary cities “undermine the President’s immigration enforcement authority, an area where the Constitution gives him and Congress considerable power.” W.Va. AG, Louisiana Lead 11 States in Fight Against Sanctuary Cities https://t.co/oDVO57PTBw — WV Attorney General (@WestVirginiaAG) December 27, 2017 Attorney General Morrisey also issued this statement: “Sanctuary cities are a matter of public safety. Law enforcement officials can better protect citizens if they are capable of complying with federal immigration laws rather than having their authority limited by the establishment of sanctuary cities.” The announcement also…

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Marsha Blackburn: ‘It’s Time to Move to Merit-Based Immigration’

U.S. Senate candidate Representative Marsha Blackburn (R-TN-07) appeared with Shannon Bream Wednesday evening on “Fox News @ Night” for an interview covering Congress members’ reaction to President Trump’s call for ending the visa lottery system, chain migration, and other policies that inch the United States ever closer to an open-border nation. Bream opened the interview asking how Congress will “tackle” the issues President Trump mentioned, and if there would be any bipartisanship to do so. “I would hope so,” Representative Blackburn replied, and the pointed out that the RAISE Act, introduced earlier this year by Arkansas Senator Tom Cotton and Georgia Senator David Perdue, is a specific piece of legislation that addresses both of the issues the president identified. “This is one thing that we know,” she said, wrapping up her opening remarks. “It’s time to move to a merit-based system.” Blackburn added that, “we are a country that recognizes merit, so let’s move to that.” Bream used the remarks of Miami Archbishop Thomas Wenski to the Miami Herald to challenge Blackburn’s assertion, quoting: Derisive comments on ‘chain migration’ forget that a foundational principal of our immigration law has long been to help reunite families. But this principle has been seriously…

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Poll: Marsha Blackburn Has Huge 58 to 11 Lead Over Stephen Fincher in GOP Senate Primary

Rep. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN-07) has a huge 58 percent to 11 percent lead over former Rep. Stephen Fincher (R-TN-08) in the Republican primary for the U.S. Senate seat currently held by retiring Sen. Bob Corker (R-TN), according to a new Tennessee Star Poll. Dr. Rolando Toyos is a distant third with three percent support. The poll results have a small silver lining for Fincher. Among those who have an opinion about him, he has a 2 to 1 favorability rating. But a massive 65 percent of likely Republican primary voters do not know who he is. This gives Fincher an opportunity to positively define himself to those who do not know who he is, with sufficient financial resources. But Fincher has a lot of catching up to do. Blackburn has an even higher favoribility rating: 61 percent of Tennessee Republicans have a favorable opinion of her while only 13 percent have an unfavorable opinion. The poll of 1,028 Tennessee Republican likely primary voters was conducted between December 12 and December 18 for The Tennessee Star by Triton Research using IVR technology (automated phone response), and has a 3.1 percent margin of error. The respondents were balanced between the three regions of Tennessee…

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Poll: Diane Black Opens Up 10 Point Lead Over Randy Boyd in Race for Tennessee GOP Gubernatorial Nomination

Rep. Diane Black (R-TN-06) has opened up a ten point lead over Randy Boyd, her closest rival for the Republican gubernatorial nomination in Tennessee, according to a new poll released by The Tennessee Star. Black received the support of 21 percent of likely Tennessee Republican primary voters to lead the field of five contenders, followed by Boyd in second place with 11 percent. Rounding out the bottom tier of candidates are Speaker of the Tennessee House Beth Harwell (R-Nashville) with 6 percent, Bill Lee with 4 percent, and former State Senator Mae Beavers (R-Mt. Juliet) with 3 percent. The good news for Black’s four rivals for the GOP nomination is that 52 percent of likely voters in the August 2018 Tennessee Republican gubernatorial primary are still undecided. The poll also provided information on Tennessee Republican voter attitudes on six key policy questions that are expected to drive the debate in the Republican gubernatorial primary over the next eight and a half months. Likely Tennessee Republican primary voters in 2018: Overwhelmingly oppose providing taxpayer subsidized in-state college tuition to illegal immigrant students by a whopping 88 percent to 6 percent margin, more than 14-to-1 against.  Overwhelmingly oppose Republican candidates who accept…

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As Governor, Democrat Phil Bredesen Diverted Road Money to Balance the Budget and Pay for TennCare

Last week, Tennessee’s former Governor Phil Bredesen announced that he would run for the U.S. Senate seat currently held by retiring Sen. Bob Corker (R-TN) in the 2018 election. Even though Bredesen is a Democrat and Corker is a Republican, both disfavor President Trump, both have no aversion to raising taxes, and both are okay with diverting transportation money for non-roadway projects. By the time Bredesen left the governor’s office in 2009 after eight years in the job, several tax increases had been put on cigarettes and certain managed care companies. Other revenues were raised in the form of fee increases. Corker proposed raising the federal fuel tax in 2014. Congress hasn’t raised the federal gas tax since 1993, and in 1998, over $8 billion was diverted from the Highway Trust Fund (HTF) to the general fund. This was before Corker’s time, but he still pushed his gas tax increase without tackling the diversion of HTF money for non-highway projects: A Government Accountability Office report found that 32% of the HTF didn’t go toward highway or bridge construction and upkeep from fiscal 2004-08. That rose to 38% in 2009, according to an analysis by Ron Utt, senior research fellow at the…

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Phil Bredesen Hit Over ‘Record of Covering Up Sexual Assault Allegations’ One Day After Announcing Senate Campaign

Phil Bredesen

Just hours after announcing his candidacy for the U.S. Senate, claims of cover ups of sexual assault allegations have resurfaced against former Gov. Phil Bredesen, the front-runner for the Democratic nomination for the 2018 Senate seat being vacated by retiring incumbent Sen. Bob Corker (R-TN). While two major national press organizations published major investigative stories that Bredesen has a “record of covering up sexual assault allegations,” the dominant local news media outlets in Tennessee, the newspapers that make up the USA Today-Tennessee group, apparently made no mention of it on Friday. Bredesen is facing withering criticism over his handling of sexual assault investigations that were conducted of top officials in his administration while he was Governor of Tennessee, according to a Washington Free Beacon article on Friday, “Top Dem in Tennessee Senate Race Has Record of Covering Up Sexual Assault Allegations: As governor, Phil Bredesen’s office covered up details of harassment allegations against top officials,” which reported: Tennessee Democrat Phil Bredesen, a top party recruit who announced his Senate campaign on Thursday morning, was criticized for hiding details of sexual assault investigations into his top officials during his tenure as the state’s governor. The campaign announcement by Bredesen, who was Tennessee’s governor from…

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Congressional Candidate Mark Green Announces 147-Member Finance Committee

State Senator Mark Green (R-Clarksville), a candidate for the Republican nomination in the 7th Congressional District, announced his campaign finance committee Thursday, as the candidate gears up for the grand opening of his first campaign office December 19: Today, Dr. Mark Green announced his 147-member Finance Committee for his campaign for Congress. 68 members of the General Assembly are on the Finance Committee, including 14 legislators who represent all 19 of the 19 counties in the 7th congressional district. Among the well-known Republican fundraisers on the Committee are former Williamson County Republican Party chairman Doug Grindstaff, former Lt. Governor Ron Ramsey, and business leaders Lee Beaman and Willis Johnson. The full list can be found here: http://www.markgreen4tn.com/finance_committee “Camie and I are truly honored and humbled to have this powerhouse group of political and business leaders on our finance committee. With this team’s leadership, we will have the resources to win this race,” Green noted. In the two months since announcing his run for Congress, Green has coalesced the conservative movement both nationally and in Tennessee behind his campaign, with endorsements from the Club for Growth, Family Research Council Action, the House Freedom Fund, Senator Ted Cruz, Senator Rick Santorum, Dr.…

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Low Energy Phil Bredesen Announces Candidacy for U.S. Senate Via YouTube Video

Seventy-four year old former Gov. Phil Bredesen announced his candidacy for the Democratic nomination for the U.S. Senate seat in Tennessee currently held by retiring Sen. Bob Corker (R-TN) in a remarkably low energy two and a half minute video released on YouTube Thursday morning. Wearing a green, white, and yellow plaid shirt covered by a black and brown vest, Bredesen sat in a rocking chair on the porch of an expansive residence and delivered a somewhat sleepy message telling Tennesseans why he should be their next senator. It was a remarkably outdated approach, reminiscent of the failed “low energy” delivery that doomed the 2016 Presidential campaign of former Florida governor Jeb Bush. You can watch the full announcement here:   “I’m Phil Bredesen. I’m running for the U.S. Senate, and I want to tell you why,” Bredesen began. “We all know Washington is broken. But while politicians are up there playing partisan games and working on their re-election, out here in America, back here in Tennessee, we have some real problems.” Though he touched on the “partisan games” being played in Washington, Bredesen failed to note that he was a big financial backer of one of the most partisan…

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Steve Gill: Phil Bredesen Is Waiting to See Outcome of Alabama Senate Race Before Making a Decision About Getting Into Tennessee Race

Political commentator and media consultant Steve Gill told WKRN’s Chris Bundgaard on Tuesday that former Gov. Phil Bredesen is waiting to see who wins the hotly contested Alabama U.S. Senate race next Tuesday between liberal Democrat Doug Jones and conservative Republican Roy Moore. “I think the impact on Tennessee is Phil Bredesen is waiting to see what happens in Alabama to determine whether or not to see if he gets into a Senate race in Tennessee,” Gill told Bundgaard. You can watch the video of the WKRN interview here: WKRN noted that a prominent Democrat disagrees: House Democratic Caucus Chair Mike Stewart disagrees, saying, “Governor Bredesen would be strong in Tennessee no matter what happens in Alabama. He would be a powerful candidate.” Former Northern Alabama U.S. Attorney and Democrat Doug Jones is in a tight race with Republican and former Alabama Supreme Court Chief Justice Roy Moore.   “(Trump) still has huge approval ratings in the state, and you cannot be seen as anti-Trump or not Trump enough and win a Republican Primary in Tennessee,” Gill said. “The issues are more important than the personalities, so if you have to–hold your nose and vote,” he concluded. Bredesen has long…

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7th Congressional District GOP Candidate Lee Thomas Miller Praises Senate Passage of Tax Cuts Act

Songwriter Lee Thomas Miller, a candidate for the Republican nomination for Congress in the 7th Congressional District, issued a a statement on Saturday praising the Senate’s passage of President Trump’s tax cut bill early Saturday morning by a 51 to 49 margin. “While there are still details the House and Senate have to negotiate to reconcile their two versions of the tax cut plan, this is a huge step towards the most comprehensive reform of the U.S. Tax Code since Ronald Reagan was President. These tax cuts will spur economic growth that will put America back to work, help lift the wages we earn, and keep more of what we earn in our pockets!” Miller said. “There is still work to be done as we continue to cut taxes, make the tax system easier to navigate and reduce the power of the IRS. I look forward to being part of that process in the next Congress. In the meantime, President Donald J. Trump, Vice President Mike Pence (who cast the deciding vote) and Republicans in the House and Senate deserve the thanks and gratitude of the entire nation for getting us within reach of an historic accomplishment that will benefit…

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Commentary: Can Republicans Resist Mass Political Suicide, or Can They Take ‘Yes’ For an Answer?

By CHQ Staff   In its blind failure to recognize its dire peril, Capitol Hill’s Republican establishment is beginning to look a lot like the unfortunate souls at Jonestown who “drank the Kool-Aid” and committed mass suicide as the authorities closed in on the cult at its remote compound in Guyana. However, in a rare moment of lucidity, Senator Lindsey Graham spelled out for CNN’s Dana Bash that failure to pass tax reform means political death for the GOP establishment: For every Republican senator, the fate of the party is in our hands, as well as that of the economy. The economy needs a tax cut, and the Republican Party needs to deliver. Yet, with this imperative two Republican Senators have already come out in opposition to the bill and between six and eight others have expressed reservations about the House-passed plan. Sen Steve Daines (R-MT) joins Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI) in publicly rejecting the current version of the bill. According to reporting by The Hill’s Naomi Jagoda, the two senators are pushing for lawmakers to do more to help “pass-through” businesses whose income is taxed through the individual tax code. Pass-throughs can take the form of sole proprietorships and…

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Sen. Ted Cruz Endorses Mark Green in 7th Congressional District Race

Mark Green FRC endorsement

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) endorsed State Sen. Mark Green (R-Clarksville) for the Republican nomination in the 7th Congressional District race to replace Rep. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN-07), the Green campaign said in a statement released on Monday. “I’m proud to endorse State Sen. Mark Green for Congress, and am confident his business and military experience, coupled with his conservative core convictions, will equip him to quickly become a highly effective member,” Cruz said in the statement. “I know I can count on Mark to consistently promote job growth, expand freedom, and preserve security for the citizens of Tennessee and every American,” Cruz added. Cruz ran for the 2016 Republican nomination for president, but finished in second place behind nominee Donald Trump. Though he ultimately endorsed Trump, Cruz made waves when he failed to endorse him initially at the 2016 Republican National Convention in Cleveland. “As one of our country’s most principled and courageous conservative leaders, Senator Cruz has led the fight to make D.C. listen to the American people. From leading the fight to repeal Obamacare to standing up for the Constitution, Ted Cruz has inspired millions of Americans, and I look forward to joining him in the fight in Washington,”…

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Immigration Activists to Hold Vigils in Nashville and Memphis Tonight to Promote DACA Amnesty

Supporters of allowing DACA recipients to remain permanently in the U.S. will hold a vigil this evening outside the Nashville offices of Sens. Lamar Alexander (R-TN) and Bob Corker (R-TN) on West End Avenue. The vigil at 6:30 p.m. is organized by the Tennessee Immigrant and Refugee Rights Coalition (TIRRC) and JUMP (Jóvenes Unidos por un Mejor Presente, or Youth United for a Better Present). A similar vigil sponsored by TIRRC and the Memphis Youth Association will be held at City Hall in Memphis at 6 p.m. The Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program was started by former President Obama with an executive order and granted illegal immigrants who came to the U.S. as children temporary permission to live and work in the U.S. if they met certain criteria. In September, President Trump rescinded DACA and turned the issue over to Congress to consider a legislative solution. Nearly 800,000 young people nationally have been granted DACA status and there currently are around 690,000 recipients, including more than 8,300 in Tennessee. Activists want Congress to pass a “clean” DACA bill granting residency without approval for the legislation being contingent on funding for a border wall and strengthened interior immigration enforcement, as President…

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Andy Ogles Withdraws from U.S. Senate Race

Conservative grassroots activist Andy Ogles announced he is “ending his campaign for the U.S. Senate effective immediately,” in a statement released by his campaign Wednesday morning. “I entered this race to insure that Tennessee would have conservative representation that would reflect their values and commitment to ‘draining the swamp’ that Tennesseans expect and deserve. With Senator Corker making the decision to exit the Senate at the conclusion of his term rather than being terminated by the voters, the political landscape changed dramatically,” the former head of the Tennessee chapter of Americans for Prosperity said in the statement, which continued: “With each passing day, Senator Corker has underlined why Tennessee voters were prepared to fire him. As others hesitated, I was willing to accept the challenge and believed that once his vulnerabilities could be exposed voters would give him a pink slip. He clearly believed the same thing,” Ogles added. “Senator Corker has shown more passion attacking our President the past eleven months than he expressed in criticizing President Barack Obama during his entire 8 years in the White House. Thanks to Senators like Bob Corker, we have failed to secure our borders, still haven’t repealed and replaced Obamacare and are…

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Federal Officials Restore Medicare Billing Privileges to Dr. Bryan Merrick in West Tennessee

Federal officials have restored Medicare billing privileges to Dr. Bryan Merrick, whose McKenzie Medical Center is located in the small West Tennessee city of McKenzie. The Tennessee Star led the way in reporting on the story of the well respected West Tennessee family practice doctor whose Medicare billing privileges were revoked in March under an Obama-era regulation over a reported $670 in billing errors. “Dr. Bryan Merrick has received word from federal officials that they are reversing an earlier decision to block Dr. Merrick from serving Medicare patients,” according to a statement released by the Office of Attorney Roy Herron on Tuesday, which can be read here: Dr. Merrick’s attorney, former state senator Roy Herron, was called on Monday by two of the several officials that Dr. Merrick and Herron had met with last Thursday in Baltimore. On the call the officials acknowledged to Herron how easily billing for the wrong one of two identically named persons could happen. The officials asked questions about actions taken by the McKenzie Medical Center to try to minimize clerical errors. After Herron explained those numerous preventive actions, the officials and Herron exchanged multiple emails. Late Monday, the officials confirmed that the Medicate revocation definitely would…

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Initial Tennessee Senate Poll Numbers Give the Edge to Blackburn

The Tennessee Journal first reported details of three separate reputable polls that have been conducted in Tennessee which were focused on the 2018 Senate race to fill the seat being vacated by Senator Bob Corker. With the August Republican primary still nine months away, the polls all show Congresswoman Marsha Blackburn with a significant lead in statewide name recognition, a strong edge in approval versus disapproval numbers and a large margin in either a head to head matchup with former 8th District Congressman Stephen Fincher or a three way race with Fincher and former Americans for Prosperity state director Andy Ogles. The polls were all conducted before physician Rolando Toyos, formerly of Memphis, but now of Nashville, entered the race. All three surveys show Blackburn well ahead of Fincher, with each of the polls having been conducted in late September, early October, and late October. Details from the private surveys were made available to The Tennessee Journal as well as The Tennessee Star. Although Fincher supporters have been claiming that the race is a “dead heat” the poll numbers tell a different story. First, any candidate running in the August Republican primary — for any office in Tennessee — must…

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State Senator Mark Green Announces Campaign Team in Race for GOP Nomination in 7th Congressional District

State Senator Mark Green (R-Clarksville) announced his complete campaign team for his run to receive the Republican nomination in the 7th Congressional District in a press release issued by his campaign on Thursday: FRANKLIN, Tenn. – Today, Dr. Mark Green announced the team he has assembled to lead his campaign to victory. Leading the campaign are Darren Morris as General Consultant and Stephen Siao as Campaign Manager. A veteran of many campaigns and longtime public affairs consultant, Morris previously served as the Tennessee State Director and Florida Chief of Staff for President Donald Trump. The Vice Chairman of the Williamson County Republican Party, Siao was the Georgia and Tennessee State Director for Senator Ted Cruz and a manager at Heritage Action. “I’m thrilled to have assembled the top talent both here in Tennessee and nationally for my campaign for Congress—and to have this team standing in the trenches with me fighting for conservative values,” stated Green. Robin Smith, owner of Rivers Edge Alliance and a former state chairman of the Tennessee Republican Party, serves as policy advisor to the campaign. The former President of Yes on 1 and former Director of Development for Tennessee Right to Life, Myra Simons, will…

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‘Music City for Marsha’ Fundraiser Held Sunday for Blackburn’s U.S. Senate Race

  FRANKLIN, Tennessee — U.S. Rep. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN-7) told supporters at a fundraiser Sunday she’s ready to go to work in the Senate and get things done. “They are totally dysfunctional,” she said, emphasizing that “it is time for Tennessee to have a conservative in the U.S. Senate.” To enthusiastic applause, Blackburn said that if elected to the Senate next year, she will help drain the swamp and work with those who want to support President Trump and uphold the Constitution. Soon after Sen. Bob Corker (R-TN) announced in late September that he would not seek re-election, Blackburn announced her campaign for his seat. Also competing for the Republican nomination are former West Tennessee congressman Stephen Fincher and conservative activist Andy Ogles. On the Democratic side, Phil Bredesen, former Tennessee governor and Nashville mayor, is considering running. Sunday’s event was an annual fundraiser for Blackburn, with the novelty this year being her Senate run. “Music City for Marsha” was held in the spacious car-themed barn at the home of Willis and Joyce Johnson, which was formerly the home of country singer Alan Jackson. Willis Johnson founded Copart, an online auto salvage auction business, and last year started the home…

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Arizona’s Senator Jeff Flake Abruptly Announces He Will Not Run for Re-Election in 2018

Senator Jeff Flake suddenly announced Tuesday he will not run for re-election in 2018. CBS News reports: Sen. Jeff Flake abruptly announced Tuesday that will not run for re-election after all in the 2018 midterm elections, leave the Senate when his term ends in January 2019 and delivered a blistering rebuke of President Trump’s behavior. The Arizona Republican announced on the Senate floor that he could “better serve my country and conscience” by dropping his re-election bid, “freeing myself of the political consideration that consumed far too much bandwidth,” he said. Flake then turned his attention to President Trump, blaming him, in part, for his decision to retire. Flake issued a thinly-veiled take-down of President Trump, criticizing the “personal attacks,” the “threats against principles, freedom and institutions” and “flagrant disregard for truth and decency.” He argued that recklessness, outrageous and unhinged behavior have been excused as “telling it like it is, but he warned that when such behavior “emanates from the top of government,” he said it’s something else. “It is dangerous to our democracy,” Flake said. “Why didn’t you speak up? What are we going to say?” he asked rhetorically. “Mr. President, I rise today to say, enough.” “It…

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John Miller Commentary: An Obscure Trade Dispute Could Upend Tennessee’s Senate Race

by John Miller   Tennessee’s Senate race is poised to become a battleground in one of the most divisive issues facing the country: Can the United States make free trade work in the national interest? With Sen. Bob Corker out of the race and national figures like Breitbart chairman Stephen Bannon vowing to field populist candidates, the 2018 campaign could become a nationalized race that features intra-party debates on the trade issue. Fueling the debate may be an obscure trade dispute that is making its way to the president’s desk—one with significant implications for Tennessee. Earlier this month, the U.S. International Trade Commission (ITC) unanimously held that trade practices by Samsung and LG Electronics are harming Whirlpool and other U.S. manufacturers. The decision follows two previous rulings by the ITC that Samsung and LG are dumping washing machines into the U.S. market. With the benefit of subsidies from the Korean government, the conglomerates are overloading the U.S. market with washers and selling them below market value in order to undercut U.S. manufacturers. Dumping is illegal under both U.S. and international trade law. President Trump will decide in the coming months whether or not to level tariffs and other remedies against…

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Supporters of West Tennessee Doctor Frustrated With U.S. Rep. David Kustoff in Medicare Billing Case

Supporters of a beloved rural West Tennessee doctor they say is falsely accused of Medicare fraud are frustrated with the lack of response they are getting from U.S. Rep. David Kustoff (R-TN-8), whom they have turned to for help. Dr. Bryan Merrick of the McKenzie Medical Center lost his Medicare reimbursement privileges in April for three years over $670 in billing errors. Only 30 billings for 10 patients, less than one-tenth of 1 percent of 30,000 claims submitted, were identified as being incorrect in a review by the federal government. Merrick, who has been practicing for more than three decades, has maintained they were clerical errors. Jill Mayo, a registered nurse and the practice manager at McKenzie Medical Center, told The Tennessee Star on Friday that the practice reached out to Rep. Kustoff’s office in May. While his office has said Kustoff has been looking into the matter, he has not offered Merrick any concrete help or insight, according to Mayo. “Nothing has changed,” Mayo said. Kustoff’s office released a statement to The Star late Friday saying, “Congressman Kustoff is aware of Dr. Merrick’s situation, and our office has been in contact with CMS [Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services] regarding the…

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Mark Green Nabs Club for Growth Endorsement After Announcing Candidacy For 7th Congressional District Seat

State Senator Mark Green (R-Clarksville) announced his candidacy for the Republican nomination to represent the 7th Congressional District in the House of Representatives last week. He was endorsed almost immediately by the Club for Growth for the seat that opened up when the incumbent, Rep. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN-07) announced that she is running for the Republican nomination for the U.S. Senate seat from which Senator Bob Corker (R-TN) is retiring. In an email to supporters, the Club’s president David McIntosh, a former Congressman from Indiana, said, “Mark Green may be the toughest conservative candidate we’ve ever met. If we can help Mark win his primary, he will go on to be a conservative rock star in Congress.” The Club for Growth endorsement continued, saying: “Club for Growth PAC is thrilled to announce support for Mark Green and his campaign for Congress,” stated Club for Growth PAC President David McIntosh. “Mark has been an outspoken conservative in the Tennessee legislature.  He led the fight to oppose Medicaid expansion as well as fought against the Hall Income tax and big government regulations like occupational licenses. “Mark is an outstanding advocate for economic growth and would bring fiscal sanity with him when he comes to Washington.” “The Club for Growth’s endorsement is sought by every conservative in the…

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