Tennessee Star Poll: Haslam Faces Difficult Challenge If He Seeks GOP Nomination for U.S. Senate

A new Tennessee Star poll reveals that former Tennessee Governor Bill Haslam could face a serious challenge if he seeks the Republican nomination for the U.S. Senate seat being vacated by Senator Lamar Alexander. As noted previously in the Tennessee Star, Haslam’s approval lags far below the support level for President Donald Trump, Senator Marsha Blackburn and Governor Bill Lee. And now it appears that even in a potentially crowded primary field Haslam would start off within reach of a significant challenge by conservative Congressman Mark Green. In a prospective matchup against Green, former Economic Development Commissioner and current Ambassador to Japan Bill Hagerty, and west Tennessee businessman Jeff Webb, Haslam secures 28.7% support, Green 12.7%, Hagerty .9%, and Webb 1.3% with a huge number of voters (56.3%) undecided. Tennessee Star Political Editor Steve Gill points out that such a huge undecided number among likely Republican primary voters with Haslam having served the past 8 years as Governor should be big red flag that Haslam shouldn’t ignore. “The other 3 potential opponents are not as well known, and voters would clearly like to learn more about them before they decide to support Haslam.” The Triton Polling survey was conducted over…

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Tennessee Star Poll: Opposition to Heartbeat Bill May Be Career-Ending Vote for State Senate Republicans

As State Senators prepare to cast a vote on whether to bring the Heartbeat Bill (SB1236) to the Senate floor under a Rule 63 motion, and whether to support it in a final vote, a new Tennessee Star poll may bring clarity to the issue. The Triton Polling survey was conducted over four days (April 13-16) and polled 1003 likely Republican Party primary voters statewide. It has a margin of error of 3.1 percent. The poll asked: The Tennessee Legislature recently failed to pass legislation called the Heartbeat Bill that would have provided legal protection for unborn babies once a heartbeat is detected, normally 6-8 weeks into pregnancy, and severely limited the opportunity for an abortion after that point. Would you be more or less likely to vote for a candidate who opposed or failed to support the Heartbeat Bill? 21.2 percent of responders said they would be MORE likely to support a candidate who OPPOSED the Heartbeat Bill; 65.5 percent would be LESS likely to support a candidate who OPPOSED the Heartbeat Bill; 5 percent said it would make no difference and 8.2 percent were not sure or didn’t know how it might impact their vote. The House version…

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Tennessee Star Poll: Bill Haslam Lags Far Behind Trump, Blackburn and Lee Among Likely Republican Primary Voters in Approval Rating

A new Tennessee Star poll reveals that President Donald Trump is retaining his consistently sky-high approval ratings among likely Republican Primary voter (87.7 percent), with Governor Bill Lee (73.5 percent) and Senator Marsha Blackburn (76.1 percent) also enjoying extremely strong support. However, former Tennessee Governor Bill Haslam is slightly below 50 percent at 49.1 percent approval with Republicans and lame-duck Senator Lamar Alexander is underwater with an approval-disapproval rating of 31.4 to 46.9 percent, similar to but not nearly as bad as the low approval ratings recorded by former Senator Bob Corker before he chose to not seek reelection. Nevertheless, Alexander’s numbers have declined from his 37.3 percent approval to 38.1 percent disapproval recorded among likely Republican primary voters in a poll conducted by the Tennessee Star last June. Since announcing he would not seek reelection, Alexander has broken with President Trump on a couple of key votes, including a vote against emergency funding for a southern border wall. The new Triton Polling survey was conducted over four days (April 13-16) and polled 1003 likely Republican Party primary voters statewide. It has a margin of error of 3.1 percent. Haslam and Alexander’s current approval numbers closely mirror the results of…

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TIP: Williamson County School System Blocks The Tennessee Star on Servers

The Tennessee Star has apparently fallen out of the good graces of the Williamson County School System. Sources in-the-know, who requested anonymity, told us last week The Star was no longer available for viewing through the school district’s Internet network. Teachers, students, school administrators could not read The Tennessee Star, at least not at work, and not while using the school system’s Internet. This week sources told us our stories are still unavailable for viewing. The Star emailed school system spokeswoman Carol Birdsong for comment early Thursday afternoon. By Friday evening Birdsong had not responded to our request for comment. As The Star reported during March, school teachers had to watch videos preaching “white privilege” and America’s supposed dysfunctional history. Superintendent Mike Looney thought up the idea. At a gathering in Franklin late last month, Looney told parents they were never supposed to see these videos and even publicly scolded a County Commissioner for asking questions about this curriculum. Many parents have told The Tennessee Star they don’t believe Looney has shown enough transparency with board members, the public, or the media. Many parents wonder if transparency is the order of the day when it comes to how the Williamson County School…

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First Stop in Tennessee Star Free Book Tour in Advance of Constitution Bee Held Wednesday at Metro Christian Academy

GOODLETTSVILLE, Tennessee–The Tennessee Star’s Editor-in-Chief and CEO Michael Patrick Leahy kicked off a free book tour on Wednesday afternoon ahead of the Constitution Bee later this month at Metro Christian Academy – the site of this year’s Spring Bee. Leahy spoke to Metro Christian Academy junior and senior high school students about the book he co-authored with Claudia Henneberry and John Harris, The Tennessee Star Guide to the Constitution and the Bill of Rights for Secondary School Students, which forms the basis for all the questions in the Constitution Bee. Every student in attendance received a free copy of the book, which retails for $30.00. This will be the third annual Tennessee Star Constitution Bee. The first was held in 2017 at Sycamore High School of Cheatham County Schools in Pleasant View, Tennessee, and the second was held in 2018 at the Williamson County Administration Building in Franklin, Tennessee. The student who wins the Grand Prize Championship as the top Constitution secondary school student in the state of Tennessee at the April 27 Tennessee Star Constitution Bee will receive an all expenses paid trip to Washington, D.C, along with a parent, plus a $3,000.00 (three thousand) scholarship provided by the Andrew Woodfin Miller Foundation and the Polk Foundation to apply to the…

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Tennessee Star Report: Williamson County Schools Counsel Dares Education Commissioner Penny Schwinn to Enforce State Law on ‘White Privilege’ Training

On Tuesday’s Tennessee Star Report with Steve Gill and Michael Patrick Leahy, broadcast weekdays from 5 am to 8 am on 98.3 FM and 1510 WLAC in Nashville, Gill and Leahy discussed Williamson County Schools’ challenge to the Tennessee Department of Education to enforce state law as it applies to the Williamson County Schools Cultural Competency video series that features the controversial and divisive “white privilege” theory. (Audio clip of WCS Board Member Candy Emerson) We can’t just sit on the sidelines. We all need to make our feelings and our thoughts known. I think one of the things that I wanted to say is as a board member that I was very blindsided by module 3. I first of all that I had no knowledge at all of the modules, the videos, being produced. We were not, or I was not, privy to them being done and put in the schools. So when I started getting phone calls from my folks in district eight my parents, and teachers, and citizens, I was totally caught off guard. Gill: Now keep in mind, while Williamson County is struggling with this whole white privilege we’re all racists video that the superintendent of schools Mike Looney and…

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WCS Superintendent Mike Looney Refuses to Answer The Tennessee Star’s Questions About Violations of State Law

Williamson County School Superintendent Mike Looney has long evaded The Tennessee Star’s questions about the “white privilege” in-service training he imposed on teachers during the current academic year, but Thursday he made clear he refuses to talk to us. “You have mislead [sic], editorializied [sic] and been less than honest in your ‘reporting’ [sic] until this changes I will not recognize your online publication as legitimate and will not respond to requests for comment,” Looney wrote in an emailed statement. In his email to us, Looney failed to identify a single factual error in any of the stories The Star has published regarding the “white privilege” “Cultural Competency” series. This was the first time Looney responded directly to The Star, even though for weeks we have sent several emails with several questions to him and his public information officer Carol Birdsong. As reported, the “white privilege” training is part of a “Cultural Competency series of videos that preach left-leaning social justice themes and America’s supposed dysfunctional history. On Thursday, The Star tried to ask Looney about an email he sent a parent about the fourth video in that “Cultural Competency” series. We also wanted to ask him about his claim to that…

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Mark Levin’s TV Program Spends Full Half Hour on ‘White Privilege’ Videos from Williamson County Schools Obtained by The Tennessee Star

  On Wednesday’s Tennessee Star Report with Steve Gill and Michael Patrick Leahy – broadcast on Nashville’s Talk Radio 98.3 and 1510 WLAC weekdays from 5:00 am to 8:00 am – Gill and Leahy held a special discussion after Mark Levin featured the WCS boards in service training modules on the Mark Levin’s show BlazeTV Tuesday evening. Throughout the segment, Gill and Leahy discussed Mark Levin’s response to the videos and talked about how other counties might be putting this racist and biased agenda into their in-service teacher trainings. The men called for citizens to take control of their schools and to investigate whether or not their schools are taking part in this anti-American agenda. (BlazeTV Show audio plays) Gill: That’s Mark Levin on his show on The Blaze last night literally took an entire segment, thirty minutes of the show and dissected the Williamson County white privilege video as you heard it there. That’s just kind of the initial part where he was breaking it down. He literally went segment by segment tearing it apart as it went. And again in the way that the brilliant Mark Levin can do. He illustrates the idiocy of this whole thing including…

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Tennessean Reporter ‘Rage Tweets’ Because of Tennessee Star Article ‘Discrediting My Story About the Racist Wall Incident at Sunset Middle’

Amelia Knisely, the Tennessean reporter whose March 8 story titled “Racist incidents are occurring in Williamson schools,”  was discredited by the subsequent Tennessee Star article on March 15, “Williamson County Parent of Sunset Middle School Student Says Alleged ‘Racist Incident’ at School Claimed by Tennessean Never Happened,” went on a self described “rage tweet” on Monday morning about the two stories. “A thread of Monday rage: I don’t normally feel inclined to respond to @tnstar “reporting,” but a story has come out discrediting my story about the racist ‘wall incident’ at Sunset Middle,” Knisely, who “Prior to moving to Tennessee, Amelia was a television reporter and producer in West Virginia. She holds a master’s degree from Marshall University,” according to her Tennessean bio, tweeted. Her bio also notes that, “She previously served as editor of The Contributor in Nashville, and she has written extensively on poverty and homelessness.” At the end of her “rage tweets,” Knisely apologized for directing her tweets to @tnstar, rather then the Twitter account of The Tennessee Star, which is @TheTNStar. “Ah, yes, sorry @tnstar as you are not the @TheTNStar. Never rage tweet before coffee, y’all,” Knisely tweeted. Between those two tweets, Knisely added a…

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Commentary: Snopes Veers Far Left to Smear Tennessee Star and Promote Bizarre Conspiracy Theory

by George Rasley   One of the more interesting phenomena of the internet age is the rise of self-appointed Leftwing “fact checkers” who have created a cottage industry of undermining straight news reporting critical of Democrats and Leftist causes. One of the more prominent examples of this phenomena is Snopes.com, which began as a website debunking urban myths on the internet and has gradually moved further and further Left to become a favored tool of the Left for shielding Democrats and helping Leftwing advocacy groups smear conservatives as purveyors of “fake news.” One of the most egregious recent examples of Snopes.com’s Leftist tilt is its defense of Native American Nathan Phillips from claims of stolen valor leveled at him after he instigated the post-March for Life confrontation with the Covington Catholic High School students. While Snopes.com rated the charges that Phillips falsely claimed he was a Vietnam veteran as “unproven” and posted a lengthy defense of him here, the military culture website “Task and Purpose” had already exposed Phillips stolen valor claims. Paul Szoldra explained in a post on taskandpurpose.com, that Phillips has a long history of making “stolen valor” claims: I was going to bring up his troublesome claims of…

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Tennessee Star EXCLUSIVE: Country Music’s Stokes Nielson Launches a New Initiative ‘Stokes for Tennessee Freedom’

NASHVILLE, Tennessee – Stokes Nielson granted The Tennessee Star an exclusive sit-down in the shadow of the State Capitol to talk about the new venture he is initiating called Stokes For Tennessee Freedom. Stokes will be recognized for his country music career as an award-winning songwriter with the band The Lost Trailers, originally named Stokes Nielson and The Lost Trailers. The twice-nominated band for the Academy of Country Music’s Top New Vocal Group is probably best known for their “Holler Back” single that reached #9 on the country music charts. Stokes, energized and passionate about his new mission, didn’t dwell on his country music career other than to say that he has a background in the business and that he is involved with that community or how it relates to his new initiative. The meeting with The Star, arranged confidentially by a third party without revealing the name of the interviewee, eliminated any potential distracting interview questions about Stokes’ country music life, and allowed the focus to be on his Stokes For Tennessee Freedom effort and what lead him to it. Almost immediately after the introductions, Stokes presented a photocopy of a hand-written letter, currently housed in the National Archives,…

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Tennessee Star Report EXCLUSIVE: Tennessee House Speaker Glen Casada Says Fetal Heartbeat Bill ‘Will Progress Quickly Through the House’

In an an exclusive interview on The Tennessee Star Report with Steve Gill and Michael Patrick Leahy – broadcast Friday on Nashville’s Talk Radio 98.3 and 1510 WLAC weekdays from 5:00 am to 8:00 am – Tennessee House Speaker Glen Casada made news on several fronts. Casada said that the fetal heartbeat bill “bill progress quickly through the House,” and noted he spoke with Governor Bill Lee on Thursday and expects the governor will outline the details of a proposed education savings account proposal in his State of the State address, to be delivered on March 4. Casada also described the recent efforts of social justice warrior, Justin Jones, currently out on bond for resisting arrest in an October protest of Sen. Marsha Blackburn, to instigate a confrontation at the Capitol. Gill: This week House Speaker Glen Casada has been dealing with really serious issues like, do we put more SRO’s (School Resource Officers) in schools to protect our kids from what we saw happen at Parkland about a year ago. Do we expand vocational education to create job opportunities for Tennesseans for generations to come? Do we deal with the opioid epidemic? Do we protect unborn life with a…

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Tennessee Star Report: Laurie Cardoza-Moore Petitions for the Resignation of Anti-American Congresswoman Ilhan Omar

On Friday’s Tennessee Star Report with Steve Gill and Michael Patrick Leahy – broadcast on Nashville’s Talk Radio 98.3 and 1510 WLAC weekdays from 5:00 am to 8:00 am – Gill and Leahy spoke with Laurie Cardoza-Moore from Proclaiming Justice to the Nations about her current petition which can be found online at PJTN.org, regarding the removal of Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN), the Somali Muslim who came to the United States under the Refugee Resettlement Program, for her anti-Semitic tweets and conduct. During the segment, Moore called for the removal of Omar citing her continuous anti-American views and values that she continues to promote and her recent speaking engagement on Thursday in Tampa, Florida alongside other anti-American, Islamic radicals. Gill: Also go to PJTN.org, this morning, that’s PJTN.org, Proclaiming Justice to the Nations, PJTN.org where there is a petition you can sign demanding the immediate resignation of Minnesota Congresswoman, Ilhan Omar. She’s the one who allegedly married her brother to cheat us immigration laws. Traveled apparently to Venezuela a year or so ago with an anti-American group. And Nancy Pelosi puts her on the House Foreign Affairs Committee. The Chairman of PJTN, Proclaiming Justice to the Nations is Laurie Cardoza-Moore…

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Tennessee Star Report EXCLUSIVE: Vet Brian Kolfage Says WeBuildtheWall.US Will Build 10 Miles of Border Wall on Private Land in Arizona

On Tuesday’s Tennessee Star Report with Steve Gill and Michael Patrick Leahy – broadcast on Nashville’s Talk Radio 98.3 and 1510 WLAC weekdays from 5:00 am to 8:00 am – Gill and Leahy talked to Veteran and the Trump Wall point man, Brian Kolfage about he and his teams new position on how to get the wall built. The men when into detail and touched upon how the funds would be transferred via a 501 (c) (4) non-profit initiative, who’s involved, and the price it would cost to get it done and the new position to build it instead of fund it. Kolfage also described how he was impressed by those conservatives billionaires who have donated their money and want to support and help push through this goal of a border wall. “None of us are being paid. We’re knocking this out and doing it for the American people,” confessed Kolfage. Gill: A guy who’s not willing to be patient and wait for the government to move things ahead on securing America’s borders, Brian Kolfage. He started a GoFundMe account to do the private sector construction of some wall and he’s joined us on the phone lines this morning. Brian…

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Tennessee Star Report EXCLUSIVE: Congressman Mark Green Discusses the ‘Constricted and Restricted’ Bill on the Table Facing President Trump

In an interview on The Tennessee Star Report with Steve Gill and Michael Patrick Leahy – broadcast Wednesday on Nashville’s Talk Radio 98.3 and 1510 WLAC weekdays from 5:00 am to 8:00 am – Steve Gill and Michael Patrick Leahy spoke with Congressman, Mark Green about the current bill on the table regarding border security and how it can only be done in the Rio Grande border of Texas. The men further discussed the details  of the deal and how it is fundamentally constricted by both Rhino’s and Democrats however may offer the President a substantial reason to declare a national emergency. Gill: Congressman Mark, good to have you back with us. Green: Hey, it’s great to be on the show Steve, Michael. How are ya’ll today? Gill: Doing good. It’s a decent deal maybe? Not a great deal, not what we would want but it’s a step in the right direction. Would that sum it up? Green: Oh gosh, I hate to even say that. You know, there are some things in it that are better than what the offers were on the table before. for example, the fifty five miles, are, that’s actually new mileage of wall. But…

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Tennessee Star EXCLUSIVE: State Rep. Micah Van Huss Introduces Bill to Protect the Unborn through a ‘Heartbeat’ Abortion Ban

NASHVILLE, Tennessee – State Representative Micah Van Huss (R-Jonesborough) is bringing forward a bill that will protect the unborn by banning abortions once a fetal heartbeat is detected. Van Huss told The Tennessee Star that his bill, HB 0077 – carried by Senator Mark Pody (R-Lebanon) in the Senate as SB 1236 – defines a viable pregnancy as opposed to a viable fetus. According to Van Huss’s amendment that makes the bill, the terms “viable” and “viability” mean the presence of an intrauterine fetus with a heartbeat. Van Huss explained to The Star, “After a viable pregnancy, there cannot be an abortion, and a viable pregnancy is after the heartbeat is detected.” As the sponsor of the bill, Van Huss said he believes the bill to be constitutional and added that the Supreme Court has only ever heard and argued a viable fetus – being able to live outside the womb – not a viable pregnancy. Should it be challenged after the bill passes, Van Huss said he is hopeful that the court “will err on the side of life, that they will see the rights that our unborn have.” Van Huss brought a Heartbeat Bill during the 110th Tennessee General Assembly…

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Tennessee Star Report Exclusive: Sen. Marsha Blackburn Calls Budget Deal ‘Incremental Win’ for Trump

In an interview on The Tennessee Star Report with Steve Gill and Michael Patrick Leahy – broadcast on Nashville’s Talk Radio 98.3 and 1510 WLAC weekdays from 5:00 am to 8:00 am – Gill spoke with Tennessee Senator, Marsha Blackburn Wednesday morning about the Democrat propsed Green New Deal and how it could effect Tennesseans by killing many of the industries found in both the state of Tennessee and nation wide. Towards the end of the show, Blackburn and Gill discussed the overall sentiment of the current deal on the table and whether or not this was a win for President Trump. They both agree that this was an ‘incremental win’ and could provide the opportunity to find additional funds to properly secure the border wall security issues. Gill: I’m sorry, I kind of have my mouth full I’m taking that last bite of steak before that green new deal goes into effect and Spartacus Booker takes my steak from my cold dead hands. Senator Marsha Blackburn with us to break down budget deals, green deals, and military explanations. Senator good to have you with us. Blackburn: It is so good to be with you. And I’ll tell you what,…

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Tennessee Star EXCLUSIVE: Governor Bill Lee Makes Special Guest Appearance At Conservative Grassroots Gathering

LEBANON, Tennessee – As conservative grassroots leaders gathered from across the state for a bi-annual meeting, Governor Bill Lee took time between speaking engagements to attend as an unannounced special guest. The all-day Tennessee Alliance of Liberty Groups’ summit was an invitation-only, no-media event, but this reporter from The Tennessee Star was allowed exclusive access. The group of about 75 conservative leaders and influencers came to middle Tennessee from as far as Mountain City and Somerville. While Alliance summit attendance varies in who comes and in what numbers, the core group of grassroots conservative leaders has been going strong and consistently since 2009. The announced program for the day-long summit included two segments on Islam from renowned expert on political Islam Dr. Bill Warner as well as author of the 2009 book “Muslim Mafia: Inside the Secret Underworld That’s Conspiring to Islamize America,” Chris Gaubatz. State Representative Bryan Terry (R-Murfreesboro) gave an hour-long presentation on proposed legislation dealing with medical cannabis. In addition, there were presentations on the Heartbeat Bill sponsored by State Representative Micah Van Huss (R-Jonesborough) and Senator Mark Pody (R-Lebanon), with the Senator joining the meeting for a good part of the day, as well as the…

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Tennessee Star Report EXCLUSIVE: Virginia State Senator Bryce Reeves Talks Northam Black Face Scandal and Abortion Bill

On Wednesday’s Tennessee Star Report with Steve Gill and Michael Patrick Leahy – broadcast on Nashville’s Talk Radio 98.3 and 1510 WLAC weekdays from 5:00 am to 8:00 am – the duo spoke with Virginia State Senator Bryce Reeves regarding the current state of affairs surrounding Governor Ralph Northam’s “racist” yearbook photos and his most recent “awkward” press conference. As the conversation deepened, the men also touched upon the current abortion bill and how the Republican’s may have a political advantage due to the extreme nature of the bill which is technically pushing infanticide and genocide. Gill: Bryce Reeves is a state Senator from Virginia he was a candidate for the Republican nomination for Lieutenant Governor. Nearly lost that race in a three person race as Jill Vogel went on to lose to Justin Fairfax who now is apparently under some scrutiny himself as he may poised to take over the governor’s office in Virginia. And Bryce good to have you with us! Reeves: Steve and Michael, great to be with you. And looking forward to another crazy day down here in the General Assembly. Gill: When I first called you it was to talk about this whole infanticide bill…

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Register for the 2019 Tennessee Star Constitution Bee Held on April 27

Constitution Bee April, 2018

  The 2019 Tennessee Star Constitution Bee is open for registration!   If you have a secondary school-level student enrolled in a public or private school, or an accredited home school program, they are eligible to participate in the 2019 Tennessee Star Constitution Bee, a one-day event to be held Saturday, April 27, 2019. Students in grades 8 through 12 are eligible to participate. The questions and associated study guide are geared to students in grades 11 and 12, but ambitious students in grades 8, 9, and 10 are welcome as well. The Tennessee Star is currently accepting bids from local high schools and organizations to host the 2019 Tennessee Star Constitution Bee. This will be the third annual Tennessee Star Constitution Bee. The first was held in 2017 at Sycamore High School of Cheatham County Schools in Pleasant View, Tennessee, and the second was held in 2018 at the Williamson County Administration Building in Franklin, Tennessee. The student who wins the Grand Prize Championship as the top Constitution secondary school student in the state of Tennessee at the April 27 Tennessee Star Constitution Bee will receive an all expenses paid trip to Washington, D.C, along with a parent, plus a $3,000.00 (three thousand) scholarship to apply to…

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Tennessee Star Report Speaks With One America News Network’s Neil McCabe as He Explains the ‘Dynamic’ at the McAllen, Texas Border

On Tuesday’s Tennessee Star Report with Steve Gill and Michael Patrick Leahy – broadcast on Nashville’s Talk Radio 98.3 and 1510 WLAC weekdays from 5:00 am to 8:00 am – Steve Gill talked to Neil McCabe of One America News Network while he is visiting the McAllen, Texas border about the absence of a border wall and the interesting dynamic surrounding the area. Further into the conversation McCabe disclosed how the current laws as created under the Obama Administration were designed for failure and provided a deliberate loophole for illegals of all backgrounds to enter the United States. Gill: And our on the spot correspondent from One America News, Neil McCabe is down in McAllen, Texas, right on the border. I guess is there a border wall there or is that one of those areas where there is nothing keeping somebody from coming across the border, Neil? McCabe: Well there’s some wall and then there are places where you can sort of walk around the wall. And so there are sections of wall. But it’s a very interesting dynamic down here. This is my first time actually on the border, so very exciting Steve. Gill: More members of Congress should…

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East Boys, Maplewood Girls Top Weekly Tennessee Star Teams

  The East Nashville Magnet Eagle Boys (17-3 overall, 7-0 D10AA) and the Maplewood Lady Panthers (13-3, 7-0 D10AA) top this week’s Tennessee Star Metro Basketball poll. The Eagles, riding a 14 game winning streak, are facing their toughest challenge so far this week facing ninth-ranked Pearl-Cohn (11-7, 5-2 D10AA) at home on Tuesday and seventh-ranked Martin Luther King Academy (10-7, 3-3 D10AA) on the road on Friday. “Every game is tough for us especially in our district,” said East head coach Jim Fey. “You can’t take anyone for granted. Every team wants to beat us and seem to play their best against us. Just another tough couple of games if you ask me.” The Lady Panthers are riding high after going into East Nashville and defeating the Lady Eagles 60-58 for the second year in a row. This week the Lady Panthers will take on 17th ranked Stratford (2-11, 1-5 D10AA). Games This Week: Tuesday, January 22 (All girls’ games start at 6 pm. Boys at 7:30) Hume-Fogg @ Whites Creek Martin Luther King Jr. @ Stratford Pearl-Cohn @ East Nashville Hunters Lane @ Cane Ridge Glencliff @ Hllsboro McGavock @ Hillwood Antioch @ Overton Stem Academy @ RePublic…

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Tennessee Star Report EXCLUSIVE: State Rep. Robin Smith Discusses a Tennessee ‘Consumer Friendly’ Healthcare Standard

On Thursday’s Tennessee Star Report with Steve Gill and Michael Patrick Leahy – broadcast on Nashville’s Talk Radio 98.3 and 1510 WLAC weekdays from 5:00 am to 8:00 am – Gill and Leahy chatted with Tennessee State Representative and brand new committee chairman, Robin Smith about how the Democrats continue to obstruct, distract, and delay by challenging her State Rep victory. Further on in the segment, Smith touched upon the issue of redistricting and a solution to Tennessee’s healthcare issues by devising some sort of healthcare standard that will allow a more affordable cost to consumers coupled with choices. Gill: As the Tennessee legislature kicks off, not in earnest, on Monday after the inauguration of Governor Bill Lee on Saturday. One of those who’s going to be participating in the inaugural events and watching with great attention is former state party chair of the state of Tennessee, Robin Smith, now State Representative Robin Smith from down in the Chattanooga area. And she’s also a brand new committee chairman and will focus on how we deal with the issues that effect the health insurance, well healthcare of the people of Tennessee. And Robin good to have you with us. Smith: Good morning…

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Tennessee Star Report EXCLUSIVE: Ann Coulter Talks About Why Donald Trump Needs to Deliver on His Campaign Promise to Build a Border Wall

In an interview on The Tennessee Star Report with Steve Gill and Michael Patrick Leahy – broadcast Wednesday on Nashville’s Talk Radio 98.3 and 1510 WLAC weekdays from 5:00 am to 8:00 am – Steve Gill spoke to good friend Ann Coulter about the issues facing the border wall, and why the Democrats want the illegal immigration. She explained during the interview that this is not just about a chant but a “serious compassionate policy” and that after two years, it’s time to deliver. Gill: As we get ready to further analyze the President’s speech and his upcoming trip to the border.  We’re pre-taping this with the woman who’s being blamed by some on the left for causing President Trump to step up, stand up, and shut down the government to fight for the wall.  She and Rush Limbaugh getting the blame. I’m sure my friend Ann will take the credit, along with the blame.  And Ann first of all, thank you, for nudging the President into doing the right thing. Coulter: Well let’s hope (Laughter) by the time your listener’s hear this he’s still on the track to do the right thing.  I won’t believe it until I see it. …

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Tennessee Star Report EXCLUSIVE: Congressman Mark Green Discusses the National and Humanitarian Crisis at the Border

Steve Gill, Mark Green

On Tuesday’s Tennessee Star Report with Steve Gill and Michael Patrick Leahy – broadcast on Nashville’s Talk Radio 98.3 and 1510 WLAC weekdays from 5:00 am to 8:00 am – Gill and Leahy talked to recently elected Congressman from Tennessee, Mark Green about his recent rise to fame of Congress’s Freshman class, the transition, and how he’s leading the way in declining a paycheck while the government is in a shutdown. During the course of the interview, Green gave his thoughts and opinions about the border wall’s national security and humanitarian crisis and his strategy to create a cultural change within the House. Gill: Congressman Mark Green has kicked things off with a flurry of activity.  He’s on what, CBS, Fox News every time you turn on the TV he’s making headlines and leading the way. He was one of the first, if not the first to say I’m not going to take my paycheck while the government is shutdown. So he’s the pro bono Congressman from Tennessee at this point. I’ve worked free for clients a lot of times.  I didn’t intend to, they just didn’t pay.  But in this case, Mark Green has continued to show up for…

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Tennessee Star Report Exclusive: Williamson County Democratic Chair Holly McCall on Her Bid for State Party Chair

On Friday’s Tennessee Star Report with Steve Gill and Michael Patrick Leahy – broadcast on Nashville’s Talk Radio 98.3 and 1510 WLAC weekdays from 5:00 am to 8:00 am – Gill and Leahy spoke to Holly McCall, Williamson County’s Democratic Party chair and discussed her thoughts on the Democratic Party’s current national narrative about her grass roots movement to replace current Tennessee Democratic Party State chair Mary Mancini. They continued the discussion about the Democratic image challenges McCall faces and her position on how to turn things around.  At the end of the segment, McCall touches upon the difference between Southern Democrats and the rest of the country and how the message needs to be talked about sanely and found it unfortunate that some Democrats were unwilling to speak to The Tennessee Star. Gill: We talked yesterday with incoming house speaker Republican Glen Casada and today we thought we’d give you the flip side with Holly McCall who actually ran against Glen Casada for that state house seat in Williamson County a couple years ago. She is the chairman of the Williamson County Democratic Party and wants to be chairman of the Democratic Party for the state of Tennessee. Mary…

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Tennessee Star Political Editor Steve Gill Critiques Governor-Elect Bill Lee’s Personnel Picks on Fox 17 News Program

Steve Gill, Political Editor of The Tennessee Star, appeared as a panelist Sunday on Fox 17 News’ In Focus and pointed out a problem with Gov.-elect Bill Lee’s cabinet picks. Watch the full segment here. The show was hosted by Scott Couch and Harriet Wallace. Other guests were Holly McCall, chairwoman of the Williamson County Democratic Party, and Saletta Holloway, former Metro Nashville councilwoman. Wallace asked Gill about Courtney Rogers, a former State Representative (R-TN-45) whom Lee selected as head of the Department of Veterans Services. Gill said, “Courtney is going to be celebrated as a great pick.” Gill pointed out her military service of 20-plus years in the U.S. Air Force and her experience as a legislator. However, “I think the down side is, it’s not a particularly powerful position in terms of the Cabinet,” Gill said. “It’s basically a pass-through for federal dollars through the federal Department of Veterans Affairs.” He did say that she is the “first solid grass-roots conservative” appointment by Lee. “For a guy who ran as a definitive conservative it’s taken him a long time to find a conservative to serve in his Cabinet,” Gill said. The Star has previously reported on the lack of…

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Tennessee Star Report: Bill Lee’s ‘Ten for Tenn’ Contract With Tennesseans Disappears from His Website, Along With 7 of His 10 Campaign Promises

On Monday morning’s Tennessee Star Report with Steve Gill and Michael Patrick Leahy – broadcast on Nashville’s Talk Radio 98.3 and 1510 WLAC weekdays from 5:00 am to 8:00 am – the hosts gave a detailed analysis of Bill Lee’s “Ten for Tenn” list of priorities that Governor-Elect Bill Lee posted on his website on July 3, 2018 (which is no longer available to view) and how those priorities seem to have changed after his election win.  This program will air again today, Tuesday, from 5:00 am to 8:00 am. Gill: Trying to figure out the distinction between Bill Lee 2018 and Bill Lee 2019. As a candidate, Bill Lee put out a very specific, very detailed plan for Tennessee that he would follow if he was elected Governor.  He put this out about a month before the election when he was in a fight with Randy Boyd and Diane Black and to some extent, Beth Harwell, to show that he was actually the “conservative.” Randy Boyd was being attacked as a moderate.  Diane Black was being attacked for a gone Washington says one thing but when you looked at what she was actually doing in Washington she was either…

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Tennessee Star EXCLUSIVE Video: State Rep.-Elect Bruce Griffey Discusses His Planned Legislation to Address Illegal Aliens in Tennessee

NASHVILLE, Tennessee — Freshman State Representative Bruce Griffey (R-Paris) sat down with The Tennessee Star to give an update on the open forum held Thursday about the Asian carp invasion of Tennessee waters that has significantly impacted his district covering Henry, Benton and Stewart counties. As previously reported, what might seem on its surface as a relatively benign issue, the invasive Asian carp not only causes damage to the aquatic ecosystem, but, due to their size, are capable of causing physical injuries to boaters.  Griffey shared that just this week, a friend caught three 70-pound Bighead carp. The presence of the Asian carp has had a significant financial impact as well. Said Griffey, “They’ve demolished the sport fishing industry to the extent that the bass fishing tournaments are leaving the Kentucky Lake area and actually Chattanooga has scored three of the big bass tournaments that were normally at Kentucky Lake. Each one of those bass tournaments represents about $1 million in tax revenue for local industry and businesses, and that’s $3 million that we’re going to lose this year in my district.” Expressing appreciation for leadership, Griffey said, “We are fortunate that Speaker Casada has decided to make this an…

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Vet Who Has Raised $1.5 Million for Border Wall Using GoFundMe Will Be Guest on Tennessee Star Report Today

Florida veteran Brian Kolfage will be a guest on The Tennessee Star Report Thursday at 7:15 a.m. to discuss the trending fundraiser he launched to support President Donald Trump’s border wall. The GoFundMe, which went live Sunday, has already raised $1.5 million in just over two full days. Kolfage is a retired U.S. Air Force member and veteran of the Iraq war, which cost him three of his limbs. “As a veteran who has given so much, 3 limbs, I feel deeply invested to this nation to ensure future generations have everything we have today,” Kolfage said. “Too many Americans have been murdered by illegal aliens and too many illegals are taking advantage of the United States taxpayers with no means of ever contributing to our society.” At the time of publication, his GoFundMe had raised $1,538,708 by 25,992 donors. Kolfage said his team has contacted the Trump administration to “secure a point of contact where all funds will go upon completion.” He added that he’s working with a law firm to draft a legal document that will ensure the funds can only be used for a wall itself, and nothing else. “If we don’t reach our goal or come…

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Tennessee Star Report Exclusive: Mark West Resigns as President of Chattanooga Tea Party to Focus More on God’s Word

In an exclusive interview during Thursday morning’s Tennessee Star Report with Steve Gill and Michael Patrick Leahy – broadcast on Nashville’s Talk Radio 98.3 and 1510 WLAC weekdays from 5:00 am to 8:00 am– Gill and Leahy spoke to Mark West, who last night, resigned as President of the Chattanooga Tea Party after nine years. During the interview, West discussed his reasons for resigning and what he was currently focused on.  West convictionally expressed his new found enjoyment in raising buffalo and his commitment and dedication to reading the word of God each day.  He concluded the discussion by reciting a portion of a piece entitled, “Mission Worthy of an Old Guy’s Focus” and how this applies to the word and one’s duty to pass it on to future generations. Leahy: By the way we are joined now, on the line by our good friend, Mark West, who has served as the president of the Chattanooga Tea Party from April 15, 2009 until last night, when he resigned.  And so, Mark West welcome to the Tennessee Star Report. West: Hey Michael good to talk to you and Steve good to hear from you! Gill: And in addition to his many…

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Tennessee Star Report: How Will Gov-Elect Lee Follow Up on School Choice Campaign Pledge?

In a specific discussion on Tuesday morning’s Tennessee Star Report with Steve Gill and Michael Patrick Leahy – broadcast on Nashville’s Talk Radio 98.3 and 1510 WLAC weekdays from 5:00 am to 8:00 am – the duo contemplated Bill Lee’s current cabinets picks and the absence of any conservatives.  The conversation continued about whether or not Lee would hold true to his “school choice” (or more specifically “parent choice”) campaign pledge and why it needs to become a bill and why it hasn’t in the past. At the end of the segment, Leahy urged Lee to provide leadership on this matter. Gill: We’ve been talking a little bit about the Bill Lee transition process and who’s been put into place in his senior positions and cabinet positions who are being added as we speak.  Who are “whispering in his ear” to direct his assembling of his senior leadership team and cabinet.  And you’re welcome to join us, 615-737-9522.  Bill Lee and his team have not been able to find any conservatives any consistent dependable conservatives to serve in the senior positions of his administration at this point.  They’ve appointed roughly twelve cabinet level positions including commissioner of financing and administration, agriculture, commerce and insurance, tourism,…

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Tennessee Star Report: Senior Correspondent Laura Baigert Discusses the Proposed Red Flag Bill and the Possibility of it Passing

On Friday’s Tennessee Star Report with Steve Gill and Michael Patrick Leahy – broadcast on Nashville’s Talk Radio 98.3 and 1510 WLAC weekdays from 5:00 am to 8:00 am – Leahy spoke to Senior Correspondent and Tennessee General Assembly expert, Laura Baigert regarding the current “Red Flag” bill proposed by Senator Steve Dickerson, a Republican from Nashville and defined its inconsistencies along with the reality of whether or not the bill has the possibility to be passed. Leahy: And we are joined now by our top or senior correspondent covering the capital hill here in Tennessee General Assembly and the Governor, Laura Baigert who has our lead story about are flag bill being introduced by state Senator Steve Dickerson.  Welcome, Laura! Baigert: Good morning, how are you, Michael? Leahy: So our lead story today is about state Senator Steve Dickerson, a Republican from Nashville who has promised to introduce a, what’s called a Red Flag bill.  But that bill is being criticized by local gun right groups like the Tennessee Fire Arms Association as well as national gun right groups.  Tell us what a Red Flag bill is Laura. Baigert: Well, the Red Flag is kind of what you think…

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Tennessee Star Report Exclusive: Ben Cunningham Says Conservatives Living in Metro Nashville Council District 29 Should Run in January Special Election

On Thursday’s Tennessee Star Report with Steve Gill and Michael Patrick Leahy – broadcast on Nashville’s Talk Radio 98.3 and 1510 WLAC weekdays from 5:00 am to 8:00 am – Leahy welcomed special guest host, Ben Cunningham to the show and chatted about his urging of conservatives in metro Nashville to run for office in District 29’s January special election.  The men also reminisced about the Tennessee Tax Revolt, how people became transformed and activists,  and how today there is so much a citizen can do to make a difference if they just get involved. Leahy: Guest hosting today is our good friend Ben Cunningham. Ben we were talking about getting involved in activism both the parents and grandparent’s and kids.  Possibly encouraging somebody to run for metro council in the 29th district here a special election in January where Karen Johnson has left.  Um, there’s also other things that need to be going on here… Cunningham: All the council seats are coming up in August of next year.  August of 2019 is, be a full slate of the council member elections.  Anybody can run for those seats also if you’re in Davidson county you have to qualify by, I think it’s May 13th…

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Tennessee Star Report: GOP Chair Scott Golden Says Primary Runoff Elections Would Require Passage of State Law

On Monday’s Tennessee Star Report with Steve Gill and Michael Patrick Leahy – broadcast on Nashville’s Talk Radio 98.3 and 1510 WLAC weekdays from 5:00 am to 8:00 am – the gentlemen chatted with Scott Golden, the newly re-elected Chairman of the Tennessee Republican party about who the Democrats have in Tennessee for a 2020 run and the current items on the table with the state legislature which Golden mentioned in particular towards the end of the conversation, the ability to make changes to the state constitution in regards to election reform. He made news when he pointed out that the establishment of primary runoff elections would require more than action by the Tennessee Republican Party. At a minimum, the Tennessee General Assembly would have to pass enabling legislation, which the governor would sign into law. Gill: Joining us on our newsmakers line today, the newly re-elected Chairman of the Tennessee Republican party, Scott Golden.  And Scott, I asked you just before we broke, we want to talk about some of the other resolutions that the state executive committee passed over the weekend.  But if you were on the other side, the cupboard’s pretty bare if you’re a Democrat looking…

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Tennessee Star Report Exclusive: Chuck Schumer Refuses to Apologize to Lamar Alexander for His ‘Display of Discourtesy’ on the Senate Floor

On Monday’s Tennessee Star Report with Steve Gill and Michael Patrick Leahy – broadcast on Nashville’s Talk Radio 98.3 and 1510 WLAC weekdays from 5:00 am to 8:00 am – Gill and Leahy chatted with Tennessee State Senator Lamar Alexander about the Democrat stalling of confirmation efforts and his exchange with Chuck Schumer and the lack of an apology during Schumer’s display of discourtesy on the Senate floor. Gill: Senator Lamar Alexander going all “Lindsey Graham” on Chuck Schumer who not only has disrespected the process of slowing the judicial confirmation process for no good reason.  But with a particular nominee for the TVA board, John Ryder, lawyer from Memphis.  Excellent lawyer with as Lamar Alexander pointed out, seven to ten million people in the region waiting for a new board member so they can get a new CEO, a new Chairman of the TVA.  The Democrats holding up John Ryder’s confirmation after he’s already been through the committee process, holding him up for like a hundred and seventy seven days and basically, Chuck Schumer walking out in the midst of the debate, the conversation between Senator Lamar Alexander and himself over this issue.  Did everything but  you know, kind…

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Tennessee Star Report-Knoxville Edition: According to CNN, ‘Everyone Get’s a Pass’ as MSM Bands Together Claiming First Amendment Rights to White House Press Corp

On Wednesday’s Tennessee Star Report: Knoxville Edition – broadcast on WETR 92.3 FM in Knoxville – Tennessee Star Political Editor Steve Gill talked about Megyn Kelly’s inability to create a base and keep it, CNN’s lawsuit against the White House, and how the usual ‘liberal’ suspects are joining the MSM band wagon in support of CNN’s ‘friend of the court brief’ claiming it’s a First Amendment right. A couple of quick items for you.  The Today Show has apparently seen a ratings increase after they fired Megyn Kelly.  That’s right, ratings for the 9am hour of the Today Show increased after they let Megyn Kelly go.  Now this was after they let her go because she had apologized for comments where she was accused of defending ‘black face’ for purposes of Halloween costumes. The problem that Megyn Kelly has had, and she’s beautiful, she’s bright, she’s articulate, she’s an excellent news caster it’s just she doesn’t understand how to create a base and keep it. I mean when she was at Fox, she seemed to go out of her way to make it clear that she wasn’t a Conservative.  And then when she went to NBC she couldn’t overcome the fact that…

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Tennessee Star Report Exclusive: Kevin Sorbo, Actor, Writer, Director and Producer Talks Christian Movies and Today’s Politics

On Tuesday’s Tennessee Star Report with Steve Gill and Michael Patrick Leahy – broadcast on Nashville’s Talk Radio 98.3 and 1510 WLAC weekdays from 5:00 am to 8:00 am – Gill and Leahy talked with Actor, Director, Producer, Kevin Sorbo about his new movie, crybaby leftists, and being a Christian in Hollywood. Gill: Kevin Sorbo is a actor, an activist, a father, a husband and is one of those whose helped lead the resurgence of the quality of Christian films in this country that you’re seeing do better at the box office and as everything in Hollywood, if somebody does a movie about a you know, a particular topic and it does well then you’re going to get twenty movies on that same topic.  You’re starting to see more of the Christian movies,  you’re also seeing more of the quote “quasi Christian movies” as Hollywood not wanting to go all in with a true Christian message but wanting to get those Christian dollars at the box office.  And Kevin Sorbo with a whole host of these great movies.  They knocked him off in that first, in the series about the atheist professor challenging the student, “Let There Be Light” his…

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Registration Is Open for the 2020 Tennessee Star Constitution Bee, Which Will Be Held on April 25

Constitution Bee April, 2018

  The 2020 Tennessee Star Constitution Bee is open for registration!   If you have a secondary school-level student enrolled in a public or private school, or an accredited home school program, they are eligible to participate in the 2020 Tennessee Star Constitution Bee, a one-day event to be held Saturday, April 25, 2020 at Metro Christian Academy in Goodlettsville, Tennessee. The top three finishers will earn college scholarships of $3,000, $1,000, and $500 respectively. In addition, they will win a free trip to Washington, D.C. for themselves and a parent to participate in the inaugural 2020 National Constitution Bee, where the winner will earn a $25,000 college scholarship! The questions in the 2020 Tennessee Star Constitution Bee will be based on the 2019 edition of The Star News Digital Media Guide to the Constitution and the Bill of Rights for Secondary School Students, which is now available for purchase at a price of $30 here. The guide is written at the level for 11th and 12th grade students who are taking the half semester course in Government, but can also be used as a self-study guide by any student in grades 8 through 12. Students in grades 8 through 12 are eligible to participate. The questions and…

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Tennessee Star Report Exclusive: State House Majority Leader Glen Casada Says GOP Caucus ‘Will Take a Look At’ Nashville’s Amendment One

On Friday’s Tennessee Star Report with Steve Gill and Michael Patrick Leahy – broadcast on Nashville’s Talk Radio 98.3 and 1510 WLAC weekdays from 5:00 am to 8:00 am – the morning duo spoke to “soon to be” Speaker of the Tennessee House Glen Casada about the mid-term elections here in the state of Tennessee, how the Speaker of the House election works, and what he see’s as a primary legislative agenda for the state. Gill:  Well we thought we’d go right to the source and find out what Republicans have planned next as the house majority leader Glen Casada who’s now the punitive head of the Republican party of the house because you have Beth Harwell whose moved on running for Governor and the speaker is moving out.  Glen Casada also preparing a bid for the speakership in Tennnessee and Glen Casada on our NewsMakers line this morning Glen good morning! Casada: Good morning Steve, Patrick great show as always, really informative, enjoyable show thank you guys. Gill: The blue wave wiped you guys out (laughter) man, you go seventy seven to seventy six out of the ninety nine members in the state house? Casada: So statistically speaking they…

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Tennessee Star Report Exclusive: Hogan Gidley, Deputy White House Press Secretary Talks Statistics, Voters, and Trump the Phenomenon

On Tuesday’s Tennessee Star Report with Steve Gill and Michael Patrick Leahy – broadcast on Nashville’s Talk Radio 98.3 and 1510 WLAC weekdays from 5:00 am to 8:00 am – the team spoke with Hogan Gidley, Deputy White House Press Secretary, regarding the Democrats radical agenda and they’re continuous denial that they lost the 2016 elections.  The men went on to question how, with economy so strong ,and the President’s delivery on promises made, that the midterm election race could be so close.  They all agreed that a large component could most certainly be attributed to the media’s ninety percent negative coverage of the President’s accomplishments in the past two years. Gill: And watching from the bunker in the white house Hogan Gidley is the Deputy White House Press Secretary who is on our newsmakers line this morning to give us a little assessment on election day.  Hogan good to have you with us! Gidley:  Thanks so much for the time.  I do appreciate it.  I want to make it clear though, I’m not coming to you in my official capacity today, I’m coming to you on my time off.  I’m taking personal time just because I think this is…

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Tennessee Star Report Exclusive – Marsha Blackburn Says Phil Bredesen’s ‘Very First Vote Would Be for Chuck Schumer’

On Monday’s Tennessee Star Report with Steve Gill and Michael Patrick Leahy – broadcast on Nashville’s Talk Radio 98.3 and 1510 WLAC weekdays from 5:00 am to 8:00 am – the team chatted with Tennessee’s own, Congresswoman, Marsha Blackburn about her current campaign, her values as a public servant, and what it’s like to be beside President Trump at these large enthusiastic rallys. Gill: Congresswoman Marsha Blackburn who is running for the US Senate until the final day.  And we were down in, she’s everywhere, we were down in Franklin on Saturday you know, just kind of tooling around their with our granddaughter Remy, and low and behold there’s Marsha Blackburn working the crowd there. Marsha it’s good to have you with us! Blackburn:  It is good to be with you!  And yes it was so wonderful to be in Franklin on Saturday.  It was the Franklin family fun day.  And I’ll tell you what, my grandsons’ had a great time and I know your little granddaughter had a good time also. Gill: It was a big day down there but an even bigger day in Chattanooga.  Now you’ve been to these Trump rally’s two years ago in 2016, you’ve…

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Tennessee Star Report Exclusive Interview: Senator Tom Cotton of Arkansas Discusses Mobs and Mid-Terms

On Friday’s Tennessee Star Report with Steve Gill and Michael Patrick Leahy – broadcast on Nashville’s Talk Radio 98.3 and 1510 WLAC weekdays from 5:00 am to 8:00 am – Gill and Leahy talked with Senator Tom Cotton of Arkansas about the final four days before the mid-term elections and whether or not the Republicans will keep control of the Senate.  Cotton expressed that a Democrat win would confirm a reliable vote for a liberal agenda.  He was confident that a vote for Marsha Blackburn would ensure a vote for Tennesseans. Gill:  On our newsmakers line, Senator Tom Cotton, Senator from Arkansas is an Army veteran, after 9/11 he put his professional career on hold to go serve as an infantry officer, served also with the old guard, if you’ve ever been to Arlington, the tomb of the unknown soldier, just an amazing honor to be put in that position.  And Senator good to have you with us and thank you for all you do. Cotton: Thank you, it’s great to be on with you and it was great to be back in Tennessee yesterday and especially back in Clarkesville and Fort Campbell with the Screaming Eagles. Gill: Yeah it’s a little…

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Tennessee Star Report Interview: President of Just Facts, James Agresti, Argues the 14th Amendment Birthright Interpretation

On Friday’s Tennessee Star Report with Steve Gill and Michael Patrick Leahy – broadcast on Nashville’s Talk Radio 98.3 and 1510 WLAC weekdays from 5:00 am to 8:00 am – the duo spoke with James Agresti, the President of JustFacts, a public policy think tank and the author of “Rational Conclusions.”  The men discussed the 14th amendment and it’s current misinterpretation.  Aresti took a moment to properly explain the amendment and how it pertains to birthright and his disdain for the media’s dishonesty in explaining it to the public. Leahy:  Welcome James. Agresti: Steve and Michael, thank you for having me on. Leahy:  So my question to you James is how did somebody go to Brown University, the Ivy Leagues’ leftist, most left wing institution, and that’s saying something.  How did someone go to Brown University and come out rational and a conservative? Agresti:  I’ll tell ya. I went in with some rationality.  I came from a family of business people.  Very practical, hardworking people.  When I witnessed some of the nonsense that went on there it made me even more strident in my views. Leahy:  What are your college reunions like?  (Laughter) Agresti: Pretty interesting.  We all get along…

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Tennessee Star Report Exclusive Interview – Ann Coulter on the 14th Amendment: ‘An Executive Order Absolutely Works’ to End Birthright Citizenship

On Thursday’s Tennessee Star Report with Steve Gill and Michael Patrick Leahy – broadcast on Nashville’s Talk Radio 98.3 and 1510 WLAC weekdays from 5:00 am to 8:00 am – Steve Gill spoke to good friend Ann Coulter about the 14th amendment and it’s current interpretation.  Coulter and Gill discussed the birthing centers in southern California and the need to create a federal law rather than an executive order, as Trump will not be President forever. Gill: Ok, this 14th amendment that Paul Ryan is saying well he believes in reading the words of the Constitution.  And yet he apparently hasn’t read the 14th amendment because it makes it pretty clear that unless your here legally, it wasn’t intended that the 14th amendment would apply, it was intended to give a guarantee of citizenship status to the well slaves that America had just freed through a Civil War. How do you think this will play out?  Does it go through the courts, does it go through Congress, does an executive order work? Coulter: Yes, an executive order absolutely works because no Supreme Court and no Congressional law has ever found that the children born to illegal aliens are United States…

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Tennessee Star Report Exclusive: Boston Talk Radio King Howie Carr on the Murder of Mob Boss Whitey Bulger in Prison

On Wednesday’s Tennessee Star Report with Steve Gill and Michael Patrick Leahy – broadcast on Nashville’s Talk Radio 98.3 and 1510 WLAC weekdays from 5:00 am to 8:00 am – the gentlemen chatted with Howie Carr known as the Talk Radio king of Boston.  They discussed White Bulger’s death, his disturbing legacy, and the potential for Elizabeth Warren’s to have Presidential run in 2020. Leahy:  We are joined now by my good friend Howie Carr, the Boston talk radio king, the prolific author who’s written extensively about crime and Boston.  And also back in the 1980’s I think it was, Whitey Bulger, who’s now no longer with us, put a hit out on you, Howie, tell us about that. Carr:  Yeah he didn’t like the fact that I was writing about his brother, particularly his brother was the president of the Massachusetts state senate, a Democrat.  You know there is a anti-Trump angle here. All these Democrats slaying in federal custody, Trump has no alibi.  (Laughter).  I had never thought of that till just now, but there it is.  You know even though, Whitey was not a big fan of Barack Obama, that’s one reason they got him actually after…

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Tennessee Star Report-Knoxville Edition: Steve Gill Proposes a Solution to the Migrant Mob Headed for the U.S. Border

On Tuesday’s Tennessee Star Report: Knoxville Edition – broadcast on on WETR 92.3 FM in Knoxville – Star News Digital Media National Political Editor Steve Gill talked about his solution to the mob that is approaching the United States border.  After reviewing the current violence over the past weekend in Chicago, he suggested that the migrants might want to know about the violence here before fleeing their less than violent countries in comparison.  He proposed that perhaps those wishing to enter the United States, would have to live in Chicago. Gill continued: Now I have come up with the solution to what we do about this “mob” that is marching towards the United States.  The take our jobs, take our stuff, caravan that is continuing to move through Mexico with police escorts, with assistance, with funding to help them along their way.  To continue that move towards the United States despite the fact that President Trump, the Department of Homeland Security, and the military are saying they will not enter the United States. This is an invasion.  Good clue as to when an invasion is taking place is if people are waving the flags of a foreign country, singing their national anthem as they’re…

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Tennessee Star Report Exclusive: Former State Sen. Mae Beavers Recounts How Protester ‘Justin Jones and His Troops Sat in My Office, Harassed, Kept Us from Doing Business’

On Monday’s Tennessee Star Report with Steve Gill and Michael Patrick Leahy – broadcast on Nashville’s Talk Radio 98.3 and 1510 WLAC weekdays from 5:00 am to 8:00 am – Gill and Leahy talked with former Senator Mae Beavers about the recent Blackburn rally (covered up by the Tennesseean) and career protester Justin Jones.   The rally was violently disrupted by several protesters on Sunday, one of whom was Justin Jones. They went on to discuss Jones’ history as a repeat protester and how the behavior of protesters may require mental evaluation to prevent future violence as seen in the past few weeks. Gill: Mae Beavers on the line with us.  This Justin Jones character that you see pictured at TennesseeStar.com has also stalked and been a problem and a protester with respect to Mae Beavers as well.  Senator, former state Senator Mae Beavers is on the line with us, on our news makers line and Mae good morning! Beavers:  Good morning Steve. Gill:  So you know this character and had some run ins with this character? Beavers: Well, two years ago when Mark Pody and I filed the bathroom bill, we had some protesters show up at one of…

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Tennessee Star Report-Knoxville Edition: Obama, You’re So Vain, You Probably Think This Growth is About You

On Wednesday’s Tennessee Star Report: Knoxville Edition– broadcast on WETR 92.3 FM – Star News Digital Media National Political Editor Steve Gill questioned why migrants and immigrants would want to come to a country that is not so great because of Trump (according to the Democrats).  He suggested that perhaps Venezuela would be a more geographically desirable location for those seeking a better life. Gill observed the rally turnout for Trump in Nowhere Nevada versus Obama’s populated rally spot of Reno, of which he drew seven thousand less people than Trumps rally in Elko. Gill continued: And as we ponder big thoughts, big things. Like if America is the racist, horrible place, that the left, Democrats running for office around the country, want us to believe, if were just so disgusting and deplorable, why do we have seven to ten thousand people walking across thousands of miles to come here?  Again it’s been a question we’ve posed before.  Why do folks try to swim through shark infested waters from Cuba to Miami if we are just such an awful place?  I mean they could get right to Venezuela that has the socialism the left tells us they think is the right…

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Tennessee Star Report Caller Rita: ‘I’m a Black Female and Trump Was the First Republican I Ever Voted For’

On Monday’s Tennessee Star Report with Steve Gill and Michael Patrick Leahy – broadcast on Nashville’s Talk Radio 98.3 and 1510 WLAC weekdays from 5:00 am to 8:00 am – the team discussed how all politics is local and all politics is visual and in regards to the migrant invasion, they asked listeners to call in and give their take on how they saw it. The duo took a call from an African-American woman named Rita who expressed some interesting views on the topic: Gill: Let’s go to Rita in Nashville next – 737-9522, 737-WLAC – Rita, good morning. Rita: Good morning.  I was calling to say I think it’s going to help the Republicans.  I’m a black female and Trump was the first Republican I ever voted for and I just voted last week for Marsha Blackburn and Bill Lee – but my husband didn’t vote for Trump.  But after he saw this caravan coming through, he all of a sudden switched from being a Democrat as well and he also voted for Marsha and Bill.  So I think it’s going to help the Republicans. Gill:  What was the turning point for you Rita?  Why, again President Trump was saying to…

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