Tennessee Star Report Exclusive Interview with Legendary Pollster and Political Commentator Pat Cadell

On Friday’s Tennessee Star Report with Steve Gill and Michael Patrick Leahy – broadcast on Nashville’s Talk Radio 98.3 and 1510 WLAC weekdays from 5:00 am to 8:00 am – the gentlemen chatted with the King of Polls and Political Commentator, Pat Caddell, about what he thinks of the country at present time, Trump’s strong message regarding mob rule and chaos, and the Democrats handling of the Kavanaugh debacle.  The discussion continued on about how these issues would resonate with voters in the upcoming Midterms. Leahy: Eighteen days till the midterms, Pat, what do you make of what’s going on with the country right now? Caddell: Well I think that the, what’s happening now, I tuned into [MSNBC’s] Morning Joe this morning and they’re in hysterics.  A political piece, apparently, this morning that there is a good chance that the Republicans will not only win the Senate but hold the House.   And I think that may be a little premature, but I think that the numbers are moving in the way of the Republicans and the reason is, is because you have to give it to President Trump – he is laying out a message that is very strong,…

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Investigative Journalist Harriet Wallace of Fox 17 Tells Tennessee Star Report About Research That Caught Democratic Party Spokesman Mark Brown in a Lie

On Wednesday’s Tennessee Star Report with Steve Gill and Michael Patrick Leahy – broadcast on Nashville’s Talk Radio 98.3 and 1510 WLAC weekdays from 5:00 am to 8:00 am – the team talked with FOX 17 and Nashville In Focus Reporter, Harriet Wallace, regarding her recent sit down interview with Mark Brown, Tennessee’s Democratic spokesperson. On the Friday evening broadcast of Fox 17 News, Wallace questioned Brown about the recent Project Veritas video which showed people with the Bredesen campaign and whether or not they were actually paid staffers or just volunteers. Gill: Now you went out and interviewed Mark Brown. He’s the spokesman for the Democratic party after this Project Veritas video came out, where you had various Bredesen staffers saying oh yeah, he hates president Trump. Of course and now he’s saying he wants to meet President Trump. He’s going to be a lock-step vote for the Democrats, yadda yadda yadda. And the Bredesen team and the Tennessee Democratic party claim, yeah those are just volunteers and interns. Well, you followed up and found out that noooo, they’re actually being paid. They were paid staffers. And you went and confronted Mark Brown the Democratic party spokesman here in…

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Tennessee Star Report EXCLUSIVE: Michael Patrick Leahy Interviews Brian Kilmeade About His Upcoming Visit to Nashville and Book on Andrew Jackson

On Monday’s Tennessee Star Report with Steve Gill and Michael Patrick Leahy – broadcast on Nashville’s Talk Radio 98.3 and 1510 WLAC weekdays from 5:00 am to 8:00 am – Michael Patrick Leahy talked with history buff Brian Kilmeade of Fox and Friends about his new book about Andrew Jackson, his upcoming visit to Nashville’s City Winery this Sunday from 3:30 pm to 5:00 pm and his recent confrontation with “crazy leftists” in a New York City subway. Leahy: And Brian, the tour name is America, Great from the Start.  I love that how’d you come up with that name? Kilmeade:  Well, I mean, we use the word ‘great’ a lot these days – but I want to reaffirm the fact that we are not perfect.  But we are great.  And the thing about our country is, we try to get better.  And we’re our hardest critic.  Where I think people get confused where we since we are critical of ourselves think we’re coming apart.  But we’re not.  That’s how we’re built. And unfortunately I think we are way too judgemental on each other, judgemental on our past.  So I thought, rather than just wait for someone to say, “Hey Brian, I…

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Sen. Lamar Alexander Tells Tennessee Star Report Vote on Kavanaugh Will Be Held This Week

On Tuesday’s Tennessee Star Report with Steve Gill and Michael Patrick Leahy – broadcast on Nashville’s Talk Radio 98.3 and 1510 WLAC weekdays from 5:00 am to 8:00 am – the men talked with Senator Lamar Alexander about getting the vote finalized after a seventh FBI investigation into Judge Kavanaugh is completed so that they can confirm President Trump’s Supreme Court nominee. “Well, Senator McConnell is determined to have the vote this week so we’ll get the FBI look at Judge Kavanaugh over the last 26 years.  We’ll see if it says what it said before.  We’ll have a day or two to read it, and then we’ll vote.  And so yes, I believe a vote will be this week sometime, maybe Friday or Saturday, but it will be this week,” Alexander said. At the beginning of the segment, Alexander commented in dismay regarding the issue of fairness and how the destruction of Kavanaugh’s reputation, which was excellent up until only ten days ago, has effected the nominee. “What people are overlooking is Judge Kavanaugh has been subjected to six background checks over the last 26 years in connection with the various federal positions he has.  And those background checks are extensive. The…

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Tennessee Star Report Gets Exclusive Insights Into North Dakota Senate Race from Chris Berg

On Monday’s Tennessee Star Report with Steve Gill and Michael Patrick Leahy – broadcast on Nashville’s Talk Radio 98.3 and 1510 WLAC weekdays from 5:00 am to 8:00 am – the duo talked with Fargo, North Dakota’s Valley News LIVE news anchor and host of Point of View Chris Berg, about Lindsey Graham eating his power breakfast and whether or not Sen. Heidi Heitkamp (D-ND) will be able to walk the ‘tight rope’ and please her constituents by voting to confirm President Trump’s Supreme Court nominee, Judge Brett Kavanaugh. “So we are releasing a brand new poll today at six o’clock which will show you, I don’t want to give away and get ahead of our news department obviously and, let’s put it this way, if she does not vote (Heitkamp), assuming that there’s no major revelations here out of this extended FBI investigation so, assuming there’s no new information with that, if she does not vote to confirm Judge Kavanaugh she will be voting for her own retirement,” Berg said. [NOTE: Later on Monday, Valley News Live and Strategic Resources Associates released the poll that shows Republican Kevin Cramer leads Heitkamp by 10 points, 51 percent to 41 percent, in…

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Tennessee Star EXCLUSIVE: Sen. Lamar Alexander Stands Strong in Support of Brett Kavanaugh’s Confirmation to the Supreme Court

NASHVILLE, Tennessee–Sen. Lamar Alexander (R-TN) reaffirmed his strong support for the confirmation of Judge Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court in an exclusive interview late Friday afternoon at his Senate offices in Nashville with Tennessee Star political editor and host of The Tennessee Star Report, heard weekday mornings from 5 a.m. to 8 a.m. on Talkradio 98.3 and 1510 WLAC, Steve Gill. Alexander’s remarks came after the Senate Judiciary Committee’s 11 to 10 party line vote to favorably recommend Kavanaugh’s nomination for a floor vote in the Senate, but minutes before President Trump instructed the FBI to conduct a supplemental investigation into the allegations against Judge Kavanaugh, limited to one week in duration. Trump’s order came after Sen. Jeff Flake’s (R-AZ) last minute demand that such an investigation be conducted. “As we sit here on a Friday when this whole Kavanaugh confirmation process is still in flux, now, apparently, a request for an FBI investigation, it may be voted next week early or late, as you kind of look at it right now, where do you see it going, again, while we know it changes minute by minute,” Gill said. “Well, I don’t want to predict what will happen because, who knows what…

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Tennessee Star Report EXCLUSIVE: Steve Gill Talks to Larry Woods on Bredesen, Blackburn, Democrats, and Debate Fashion

On Wednesday’s Tennessee Star Report with Steve Gill and Michael Patrick Leahy – broadcast on Nashville’s Talkradio 98.3 and WLAC 1510 weekdays from 5:00 am to 8:00 am – Tennessee Star Political Editor Steve Gill talked with Larry Woods about last nights Tennessee Senate debate and how Phil Bredesen and Marsha Blackburn made some hits and misses in both candidates performance. Steve Gill: And welcome back in. The debate, first debate took place last night sponsored by The Tennessean, sponsored by Channel 5, League of Women Voters, the National Public Television, you know all those conservative outlets that made sure the panel was properly composed. Larry Woods with us to us help breakdown the debate, Democrat Party activist, lawyer, and longtime friend, and media colleague of mine. We’re going to be on Channel 5 plus their political show at 9 o’clock Friday together we’ll break this down at that time. We get a little head start here. When you looked at the politics last night to me Larry one of the key moments was when Phil Bredesen declared that he would not vote for Chuck Schumer for majority leader, um, do you believe him? Larry Woods: Oh yes, Bredesen’s the kind…

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Tennessee Star Report EXCLUSIVE with Ann Coulter on Allegations Against Kavanaugh: ‘There Are No Corroborating Witnesses for This, for Either of These’

On Monday’s Tennessee Star Report with Steve Gill and Michael Patrick Leahy – broadcast on Nashville’s Talk Radio 98.3 and 1510 WLAC weekdays from 5:00 am to 8:00 am – Tennessee Star Political Editor Steve Gill talked with best-selling author Ann Coulter this morning about the “perfectly timed” allegations made against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh. Coulter and Gill discussed the ridiculousness of the allegations and the lack of supporting evidence. Gill: Ann good to have you back with us! Coulter: Good to talk to you, Steve Gill – it’s been eons! Gill: I know way too long, but we’re going to get you on regularly. And you’ve mellowed, you’ve chilled over time, I’ve noticed. You don’t have any opinion on the whole Kavanaugh thing. Coulter: That’s right. Gill: What is your take on this latest, “you know I was too drunk to know if it was, you know anybody that I was in college with” allegation by this latest smear?  Again, it’s right out of the Democrat playbook. Coulter: Yes, I knew this was coming. I couldn’t believe when a friend called me and told me. I mean all of my indignant tweets were from my iPhone. I knew they’d do…

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Tennessee Star Poll: Tennessee Voters are Overwhelmingly More Likely to Support Candidates Who Favor Legalization of Medical Marijuana

Several recent political polls have surveyed support and opposition to legalization of medical marijuana and indicated that Tennessee voters support some form of legalization.  Now, a new Tennessee Star poll questioned how the issue may move votes. Likely Tennessee November general election voters were asked: “Would you be more or less likely to vote for a candidate who supports legalizing the distribution and sale of marijuana in Tennessee if limited to prescribed medical use only?” More than half – 55.4% – responded that they would be MORE likely to vote for a candidate who supports legalization of medical marijuana while only 19.5% were LESS likely to support a candidate favoring legalization of medical marijuana. Only 17.2% said it would make no difference and 7.8% indicated that they were “not sure or didn’t know.” Tennessee Star political editor Steve Gill points out that while the legalization of medical marijuana may not be a top issue to most voters, the intensity of the issue to those to whom it is important should cause political leaders to pay attention. “Voters are rightly concerned that “medical marijuana” is merely a Trojan Horse means of moving towards legalization of “recreational” drug use, which Tennessee voters…

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Tennessee Star Poll: Governor Bill Haslam Retains Relatively High Approval Rating

Bill Haslam

As Tennessee Governor Bill Haslam moves closer to full lame-duck status when his successor is elected on November 6 it appears he will leave office with a relatively high approval rating from Tennessee voters. A Tennessee Star survey of likely November general election voter conducted in early September shows the Governor with a “favorable” approval rating from 47.8%; “unfavorable” from 27.1%, “ and “not sure or don’t know” at 25.1%. Haslam’s approval figure is 4 points lower than the approval rating for President Donald Trump in the same poll. However, the disapproval number for Haslam is 15 points lower than the response of those surveyed regarding President Trump. Trump and Senator Lamar Alexander received virtually identical disapproval responses in the survey, 42.4% and 40.8% respectively. Haslam and Alexander both recorded high levels of “not sure/don’t know” responses regarding the voters’ opinions of the two men, 27.4% and 25.1% respectively. Tennessee Star political editor Steve Gill points out that the Trump and Alexander disapproval ratings reflect the bitter partisan divide in the country and state. “Those who support Trump really support him and those who don’t really don’t,” Gill says. “Despite Alexander’s long term appeal across the political aisle, his support…

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Tennessee Star Poll: Blackburn Leads Bredesen by 3, Lee Beating Dean by 16

A new Tennessee Star Poll of likely voters in Tennessee provides further evidence that the race for the U.S. Senate is very tight, while the Governor’s race is firmly in the control of Bill Lee. The survey indicates that Republican Marsha Blackburn leads Democrat Phil Bredesen by a 48.3 percent to 45 percent, with 6.7 percent undecided. That three point margin for Blackburn is consistent with a Fox News Poll released earlier this week., which also showed Blackburn leading by three points. Like the Fox News Poll, the Tennessee Star Poll has the two candidates within the margin of error. The Tennessee Star Poll was conducted by Triton Polling and Research from September 10-12, 2018 and surveyed 1038 likely voters. The poll has a three percent margin of error. The Governor’s race is not close at this stage of the campaign. Republican nominee Bill Lee is well ahead of Democrat Karl Dean, 53.7 percent to 37.3 percent with 10 percent undecided, a 16 point lead for the Williamson County businessman. Again, those numbers are consistent with the Fox News poll that had Lee leading by 20 points. Other polls have indicated that Bredesen’s personal approval rating is enabling him to pull…

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Tennessee Star Parent Company Launches Ohio Star and Minnesota Sun

The Minnesota Sun

  NASHVILLE, Tennessee – Star News Digital Media, Inc., the parent company of The Tennessee Star, announced today that it has launched two new conservative news websites that focus on state and local news, The Ohio Star and The Minnesota Sun. The Ohio Star launched on Monday, August 27, and The Minnesota Sun launched today, September 4. The company also announced that Anthony Gockowski has been named the managing editor of The Minnesota Sun. The Tennessee Star, the first conservative news site owned by the company and its predecessor, was launched over a year and a half ago on February 6, 2017. Since its launch it has been very successful, both in terms of its political influence in the state and its financial performance. Since its launch, more than eight million visitors have come to The Tennessee Star website. The website has been profitable each month of its operation, due to a business model that focuses on attracting advertisement from mid-sized locally owned businesses, and its focus on news that is of importance to residents of the state who voted for Donald Trump in the 2016 Presidential election. Michael Patrick Leahy, Steve Gill, and Christina Botteri are the co-founders of…

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Facebook Temporarily Censors Tennessee Star Articles Critical of Phil Bredesen

facebook posts

Facebook removed three Tennessee Star articles critical of former Tennessee Gov. Phil Bredesen, the Democrat nominee for the U.S. Senate seat from Tennessee up in this November’s election, from The Tennessee Star Facebook page early Thursday morning. By early Thursday afternoon, all three of those articles mysteriously reappeared on The Tennessee Star Facebook page, along with four other articles that had also been removed early Thursday. All told, seven Tennessee Star articles that were posted on The Tennessee Star Facebook page shortly after midnight Thursday morning magically reappeared on The Tennessee Star Facebook page 12 hours later, at about 12:45 p.m. central time Thursday afternoon. The three articles critical of Phil Bredesen that Facebook did not want its users to read on Thursday morning are these: “Nashville Predator Crony Capitalist Backs Bredesen As Payback for Democrats’ Help” “Phil Bredesen-Supporting Elizabeth Warren Shows No Compassion for Iowa Girl Murdered by Illegal Alien” “Phil Bredesen Making Millions Offering Low Cost Solar Deals, But Is He Being Totally Honest?” The four other Tennessee Star articles temporarily removed from The Tennessee Star Facebook page are: “Commentary: The Politicians Who Killed Mollie Tibbets” “Controversies Surround Thompsons Station Development As November Election Approaches” “Megan Barry May Still…

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Tennessee Tribune/Tennessee Star Poll: Campaign for State Senator Thelma Harper’s 19th District Seat in Nashville Wide Open

Howard Jones, Brenda Gilmore

A new Tennessee Tribune/Tennessee Star poll indicates that the race to fill the Nashville State Senate seat (District 19) being vacated by State Senator Thelma Harper remains wide open. The Triton Polling survey was conducted over four days (July 13-16) and polled 419 likely Democratic Party primary voters. It has a margin of error of 4.7%. According to the survey, State Representative Brenda Gilmore leads Howard Jones 37.5-12.5% with a whopping 46% still undecided at this point. Two other candidates, Sandra Moore and George Thomas are supported by 1.4% and 2.2%, respectively. Tennessee Star Political Editor Steve Gill noted that while the poll is certainly good news for Gilmore from the standpoint of being in the lead. “However, the fact that only 37.5% of voters support her despite having better name recognition edge and the advantage of currently representing a significant part of the district in the State House indicates that there is a big opportunity for Jones to close the gap by improving his name recognition and informing voters about his credentials.” With early voting already underway, Jones needs to move quickly to capitalize on the overall lack of support that Gilmore has in this poll, Gill added. The…

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Tennessee Star Constitution Bee Winner Cooper Moran Witnesses History on First Day of SCOTUS Nominee on Capitol Hill

Cooper Moran

Tennessee Star Constitution Bee winner Cooper Moran was a witness to history on Tuesday. The rising senior at Lincoln County High School was at the Capitol in Washington, D.C. just as Vice President Mike Pence escorted Supreme Court nominee Judge Brett Kavanaugh through the hallways as he began his visits with the United States senators who will be voting up or down on whether to confirm him this fall. Moran won an all expenses paid round trip visit to Washington, D.C. for himself and his mother when he finished in first place in the April 2018 Tennessee Star Constitution Bee, sponsored by the Polk Foundation. “I cannot begin to express the excitement I have had just in the first day in D.C.,” Moran told The Tennessee Star in an email Tuesday night. “When going on a tour of the Capitol building, I got to see Vice President Pence walk through with the new SCOTUS appointee Brett Kavanaugh!” he added. Moran also met with Rep. Diane Black (R-TN-06) in her Capitol Hill office on Tuesday, and is scheduled to meet with Rep. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN-07) later in his visit to Washington, D.C. this week. As the winner of the April 2018…

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State of New Jersey Subsidizes Local News, While Tennessee Star Thrives in Free Market

Steve Gill

During Friday’s Gill Report, broadcast live on WETR 92.3 FM in Knoxville, Steve Gill contemplated the decline of the main stream news outfits and New Jersey’s new found attempt at a tax payer funded media. “Unless you’ve been living in a cave somewhere, you probably have noticed that the main stream media is well, running down the tubes,” said Gill; noting, “Newspapers are closing, advertising revenue is down, we’re hearing more and more about how folks are being laid off at newspapers and you’re seeing newspapers go out of business.” He continued: “Although I will tell you, The Tennessee Star is thriving, and if you do things the right way, there are still plenty of opportunities in media. But rather than do things the right way, you’ve got the main stream media that is still devoted to promoting their personal political agenda of the left rather than actually dispensing the news and being fair and balanced and providing actual facts to folks to inform them rather than inflame them and encourage them to just be propagandized from the left. The Tennessee Star is doing fine, and we’re continuing to grow and expand because we’re filling a need that the main…

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Tennessee Star Poll: Trump and Blackburn Enjoy High Approval Ratings Among Republican Voters, Corker Has 62 Percent Unfavorable

Bob Corker, Marsha Blackburn, Donald Trump

There is a reason Republican primary candidates across the state, whether they are running for Senate, Governor, Congress or state legislative positions, are clinging to President Donald Trump’s coattails. A new Tennessee Star statewide poll of 1040 likely Republican Primary voters conducted by Triton Polling from June 25-28, 2018 indicates that President Trump retains a sky high approval rating of 86.5 percent; only 7.9 percent have an unfavorable view of Trump, with 5.6 percent undecided. A Tennessee Star poll a year ago showed almost identical figures for Trump.  Likewise, Trump had an 84 percent favorability rating six months ago. Congresswoman Marsha Blackburn, who had a campaign rally with President Trump in Nashville just a month ago, is also very popular among likely Tennessee Republican Primary voters.  58.2 percent express approval for Blackburn, 17.8 percent disapprove and 24 percent don’t know or are not sure. A significant portion of the undecided Republican primary voters are in East Tennessee where the remains largely unknown among that large base of GOP voters. Blackburn is running for the U.S. Senate seat being vacated by Senator Bob Corker and will face off against former Democrat Tennessee Governor Phil Bredesen in November. Tennessee’s two Senators did…

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Tennessee Star Poll: As Gas Prices Rise So Does Opposition to Tennessee Fuel Tax Increase

Aaron Shane anti-Susan Lynn gas tax

Gasoline prices across Tennessee continue to nudge towards $3 a gallon. As those prices rise Tennessee voter opposition to the fuel tax increase included in the IMPROVE Act is increasing as well. Despite the state having two billion dollars in surplus and recurring revenues, Governor Bill Haslam and Republican legislative leadership jammed through a $330 million a year fuel tax increase last year, which is phased in over three years.  The latest phased increase went into effect on July 1. A new Tennessee Star statewide poll of 1,040 likely Republican Primary voters conducted by Triton Polling from June 25-28, 2018 indicates that voters are not supportive of the fuel tax increase. The poll asked: “Last year, the Tennessee General Assembly passed a bill, signed into law by Gov. Haslam, to increase the gas tax by 6 cents per gallon and the diesel tax by 10 cents per gallon, to fund road construction. Do you support this gas tax increase?” 35.4 percent of likely GOP primary voters support the tax increase while 51.3 percent oppose the increase. 13.3 percent were not sure of had no opinion. A year ago, the Tennessee Star Poll conducted at that time indicated that 48.1 percent of…

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Tennessee Star Poll: Boyd Leads Black by 5 in GOP Gubernatorial Primary, Lee Close Behind in Third Place

Randy Boyd, Diane Black, Bill Lee

Knoxville businessman Randy Boyd leads Rep. Diane Black (R-TN-06) by 5 points, 32 percent to 27 percent, among likely Republican gubernatorial primary voters in a Tennessee Star Poll released today. The battle for the Republican nomination for governor in Tennessee is now a three-way race, with Williamson County businessman Bill Lee surging into a strong third position, with 20 percent. Speaker of the Tennessee House of Representatives Beth Harwell (R-Nashville) is no longer a factor in the Republican gubernatorial primary, coming in a distant fourth position with only 7 percent of the vote. Only 13 percent of poll respondents said they were undecided. The poll of 1,040 likely Tennessee Republican primary voters was conducted for The Tennessee Star by Triton Polling and Research over a four day period beginning Monday June 25 and ending Thursday June 28 and has a margin of error of 3.1 percent. The Tennessee Star Poll released today indicates there has been significant movement in the race since the last Tennessee Star Poll results in December 2017. At that time Diane Black had a ten point lead over Randy Boyd, with Black receiving the support of 21 percent of likely Tennessee Republican primary voters, followed by Boyd…

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The Tennessee Star’s ‘Gill Report’ Expands Into West Tennessee By Adding News/Talk 101.5 FM WNWS in Jackson

Steve Gill 101.5 FM

The Tennessee Star’s “Gill Report,” hosted by Political Editor Steve Gill, is expanding its reach into West Tennessee Monday evening as News/Talk 101.5 fm WNWS in Jackson begins broadcasting the show each weekday evening at 8 pm Central Time. The show has been airing in Knoxville on 92.3 fm WETR weekdays at 6:30 Eastern Time since early March. “We are excited about being able to reach listeners in West Tennessee and expect to add even more stations in the next few weeks,” Gill said. “Heading into the primary and general election season in Tennessee, it is more important than ever to make sure conservative voters are informed and energized. As we grow Tennessee Star’s reach, both online and on-air, we plan to have even greater impact and influence in the political arena.” National media outlets have shown a sudden interest in The Tennessee Star’s operations and impact in recent weeks.  “We appreciate the attention,” Gill noted, “and expect it to increase over the next six to eight months.” Those wanting to listen to the Tennessee Star “Gill Report” outside the Jackson and Knoxville areas can listen to the live streams available on WETR and WNWS.            

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CNN’s Reliable Sources: Brian Stelter Interviews Tennessee Star Political Editor Steve Gill

Brian Shelter Interviews Steve Gill

CNN’s Brian Stelter interviewed Tennessee Star Political Editor Steve Gill in Thursday’s edition of the network’s Reliable Sources podcast about the recent national interest in The Star and its reporting on state and local news. “Steve Gill, co-founder of The Tennessee Star website, tells Brian Stelter about his local coverage with a conservative bent. Are sites like his filling a void left by local newspapers? Gill says he is “filling a void” in the marketplace, citing “flaming” liberal bias from other outlets. Stelter says these local sites are another sign that the U.S. is reverting back to a more partisan press,” CNN said in its promotion of Stelter’s interview. “This weekly podcast is our chance to go in depth with media leaders and newsmakers, a chance to highlight some of the stories that might otherwise get lost amid the absolutely crushing news cycle that we’re all experiencing” CNN’s Stelter explained. “This week I wanted to highlight a story in Politico by author Jason Schwartz. The headline is ‘Baby Breitbarts to pop up across the country?” It’s a really interesting story about what Schwartz says is a growing trend of ‘opaque, locally focused, ideological outlets dressed up as traditional newspapers.’ He…

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Mount Juliet and Lincoln County Win High School State Co-Championship in Tennessee Star Constitution Bee

FRANKLIN, Tennessee–Mount Juliet High School and Lincoln County High School were declared co-champions in the State High School Team Competition of the Spring 2018 Tennessee Star Constitution Bee held at the Williamson County Administrative Complex on Saturday. Mount Juliet jumped to an early lead, with 9 points, one for each contestant, followed by Lincoln County with 2 points. One point each was awarded to Central Magnet School of Murfreesboro, Columbia Central High School, Stewart Creek High School, Ravenwood High School, John Overton High School, and the home school team. All told, 17 points were distributed as the competition began, one to the high school of each competitor. Mount Juliet added to its lead with a strong performance by students who provided correct answers when the remaining contestants “Asked a Friend” for help from their positions in the “Friends of the Court Bench,” where students who had been eliminated from the individual competition went to be able to add points for their high school after Rounds 1 and 2. Contestants in Rounds 3 through 7 “asked a friend” for help on four occasions. On three of those occasions, students from Mount Juliet High School–Sophia Maas and Oren Kagan–provided the contestant with…

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Cooper Moran of Lincoln County High School Wins Individual Championship at 2018 Tennessee Star Constitution Bee

Cooper Moran Wins Constitution Bee

FRANKLIN, Tennessee–Cooper Moran, a junior at Lincoln County High School, won the individual championship at the Spring 2018 Tennessee Star Constitution Bee, sponsored by the Polk Foundation, held at the Williamson County Administrative Complex on Saturday. Moran was presented a check for $3,000 as the first winner of the Andrew Woodfin Miller Foundation Scholarship, which was provided through a donation to the Polk Foundation, and presented by Constitution Bee master of ceremonies Michael Patrick Leahy, CEO and Editor-in-chief of The Tennessee Star. In addition to the scholarship, Moran will receive a free trip for two to Washington, D.C. to attend a series of events of his choosing. Moran told The Star that his mother, who was among those in the audience on Saturday, will be accompanying him to the nation’s capitol for that trip. Moran hopes to attend Vanderbilt University and plans on majoring in political science. He intends to become a lawyer. Three students, including Moran, survived seven rounds of competition involving increasingly difficult questions and an Essay round to compete in the dramatic championship round. The other two students in the championship round were Amanda Nolan of Mt. Juliet High School and Aryan Burns, also of Lincoln County…

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Tennessee Star Constitution Bee Will Be Held in Franklin Tomorrow

FRANKLIN, Tennessee–The second Tennessee Star Constitution Bee, sponsored by the Polk Foundation, will be held in Franklin, Tennessee tomorrow, Saturday April 28 at the Main Auditorium of the Williamson County Administrative Complex. The doors open at 8 a.m., and the competition will begin at 9 a.m., and is expected to wrap up around noon. Participating secondary school contestants are encouraged to arrive by 8:30 a.m. so they can receive their contestant number and have their pictures taken. Students who have not yet signed up online to compete will be allowed to participate if they sign up on site between 8 a.m. and 8:30 a.m. The event is open to the public, which is invited to attend. All Tennessee secondary school students in grades 8 through 12 are eligible to participate. Questions will be based on the book, The Tennessee Star Guide to the Constitution and the Bill of Rights for Secondary School Students, which is available free of charge. The winner of the individual competition will be awarded a $3,000 scholarship from the Andrew Woodfin Miller Foundation and will win a free trip for two (themselves and a parent) to Washington, D.C. In addition to the individual championship, at least…

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Tennessee Star Poll Shows Partisan Divide Among Davidson County Voters Regarding Bredesen-Blackburn Senate Race

Marsha Blackburn, Phil Bredesen

It is not surprising that former Democrat Governor and Nashville Mayor Phil Bredesen has a significant lead over Republican Congresswoman Marsha Blackburn among likely voters in heavily Democrat-leaning Davidson County. What is a bit concerning for Republican supporters of Blackburn in the level of support that Bredesen receives from Davidson County voters who identify themselves as Republicans. The polling data is from a recent Tennessee Star poll conducted by Triton Research, which conducted an automated poll of 607 likely voters over a two day period April 12-13, 2018. One of the questions in the poll dealt with the upcoming U.S. Senate race in November, 2018 with Bredesen and Blackburn competing as their party nominees. Respondents were asked: “If the election was held today, who would be your choice for U.S. Senate, Marsha Blackburn or Phil Bredesen?” Overall, Bredesen outpolled Blackburn among Davidson County self-identified likely voters by a margin of 58.8% to 36.2% with 5.1% undecided. Among self-identified Democrat voters Bredesen had an advantage of 86-10 over Blackburn; with Blackburn leading among Republican voters by a 73-21 gap. Independent voters split 63.5 to 31 in favor of Bredesen. In the poll, 46% of respondents identified themselves as Democrats while 35%…

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Tennessee Star Poll: Nashville/Davidson County Voters Oppose Transit Plan by 2 to 1 Margin

A new poll first reported on Monday morning by Brian Wilson, host of 99.7 FM WTN’s Nashville’s Morning News, shows that likely voters in Nashville/Davidson County oppose the proposed $9 billion transit plan on the May 1 ballot by more than a 2 to 1 margin, 62 percent against to 28 percent in favor, with only 10 percent undecided. The Tennessee Star Poll of 607 likely voters in Nashville/Davidson County was conducted by Triton Research over a two day period between Thursday, April 12 and Friday, April 13 in an automated telephone (IVR) survey and has a margin of error of plus or minus 4 percent. When asked “If the election was held today, would you vote for or against the $9 billion Transit Plan and Tax?” poll respondents answered as follows: 62.4 percent said “Against the Transit Plan” 27.9 percent said “For the Transit Plan” 9.7 percent said “Don’t Know/Not sure” Voter interest in the May 1 Davidson County primary election and the referendum on the transit tax was high among the 607 poll respondents, all of whom were registered voters residing in Davidson County. Sixty-three percent of respondents said they “always vote,” 20 percent said they were “very…

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Tennessee Star Editor-in-Chief to Guest Host the Dan Mandis Show on WTN Today and Interview Carol Swain About Moral Leadership

Tennessee Star Editor-in-Chief Michael Patrick Leahy will guest host The Dan Mandis Show from noon to 3 p.m. central time on Supertalk 99.7 WTN today, President’s Day, Monday, February 19. The first hour will address the turbulent recent events in Tennessee politics, including Sen. Bob Corker’s (R-TN) potential re-entry into the U.S. Senate race and the controversy surrounding Nashville Mayor Megan Barry. At 12:30 former Vanderbilt professor Carol Swain will offer her commentary on Megan Barry’s lack of moral leadership and its impact on Nashville, the hypocrisy of the #metoo movement with regards to Barry’s extramarital affair with her Metro Nashville Police bodyguard, and the Megan Barry Must Resign rally Tuesday. In the 1 p.m. hour, conservative icon Richard Viguerie, president of ConservativeHQ.com, will discuss the status of 2018 midterm elections. In the second half of that hour, author and Reagan biographer Craig Shirley will offer his reflections on Ronald Reagan on President’s Day, discuss his most recent books, Reagan Rising: The Decisive Years, 1976-1980 and Citizen Newt:The Making of a Reagan Conservative, and will let us in on his future book projects. The final hour of the program will focus on civic education and instruction of elementary and secondary school…

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Tennessee Star Editor-in-Chief to Guest Host for Michael DelGiorno on WTN Today

Tennessee Star Editor-in-chief Michael Patrick Leahy will be guest hosting for Michael DelGiorno on Nashville’s dominant talk radio station, WTN 99.7 FM, from 9 a.m. to noon today. The 9 a.m. hour will focus on the candidates in the race for the Republican nomination in the 6th Congressional District. State Rep. Judd Matheny (R-Tullahoma) is the scheduled guest in the first half hour (see image left), and former Tennessee Chancery Court Judge Bob Corlew (see image below) is the scheduled guest for the second half hour. Former Tennessee Commissioner of Agriculture John Rose was also invited for a separate interview, but was unable to make it due to scheduling issues. In the 10 a.m. hour, a new and surprising twist in the ongoing story about Mayor Megan Barry’s extramarital affair with bodyguard Sgt. Rob Forrest will be the topic of discussion in the first half hour. “You can’t make this stuff up,” Leahy said of the surprising new twist. The Star’s own Laura Baigert will provide an update on the 2018 session of the Tennessee General Assembly in the second half hour. In the 11 a.m. the pros and cons of  Mayor Barry’s $9.2 billion transit plan, which faces a May 1 public…

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Club for Growth Poll Confirms Tennessee Star Poll: Marsha Blackburn Leads GOP Senate Primary by Huge Margin

Free market conservative Club for Growth PAC released a poll Tuesday of Republican primary voters that found Rep. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN-07) is utterly dominating her Republican opponents in the race to replace retiring Senator Bob Corker. The poll found that Blackburn leads former Rep. Steve Fincher (R-TN-07) with Republican Primary voters by 53 points, 66 percent to 13 percent in a head-to-head match up. The findings of the Club for Growth PAC Poll, conducted between January 14 and January 15, mirror the findings of The Tennessee Star Poll conducted in December, which showed that Blackburn leads Fincher among likely Tennessee Republican primary voters by a whopping 47 points, 58 percent to 11 percent. The Club for Growth PAC Poll also showed that if incumbent Sen. Bob Corker (R-TN) were running for re-election in the Republican primary he would lose to Blackburn by 38 points. You can read the summary of the Club for Growth PAC Poll here: Today, Club for Growth PAC released poll results that not only demonstrate conservative champion Marsha Blackburn is expanding her commanding lead over Stephen Fincher in the Republican primary, but she also would be substantially ahead of ten-year incumbent Bob Corker were he to join…

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OFF THE RECORD: The Tennessee Star’s Awards for Best of the Best in 2017

On Tuesday, we dished out last year’s “bad” awards with our “Worst of the Worst for 2017.” Today, we hand out the “good” stuff, with our “Best of the Best for 2017.” “The envelope please…” COMEBACK KID. Congresswoman Diane Black caused many political pros to question her decision to accept the Budget Committee Chair while prepping a run for Governor, knowing that getting anything done would be a heavy lift. Yet, she dodged most of the landmines and when the Trump tax cuts passed she was standing right next to the President accepting accolades in word and tweet for a job well done. Look to see those Trump comments in commercials this year as she works to “out Trump” her opponents. As she and Randy Boyd start spending their respective personal fortunes on media in the coming weeks, the noise will drown out the pack and one of the two will emerge as the frontrunner. Thanks to Trump, who will be in Tennessee next week, Diane may have the slight edge at this point. BIGGEST SURPRISE. When Knox County Mayor Tim Burchett entered the race to succeed longtime Congressman Jimmy Duncan in the 2d District the biggest question mark was…

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OFF THE RECORD: The Tennessee Star’s Awards for Worst of the Worst in 2017

Too much good and bad during 2017 to pick just one “hero” or “villain” to celebrate or revile, so The Tennessee Star has decided to do a throwback to high school days when Senior Superlatives were dished out to a wide number of contenders. Today, we dish out the best of the “bad.” Tomorrow, we hand out the “good” stuff. MOST DESPICABLE. Pretty easy pick here as Senator Bob Corker entered the year as a front runner and only enhanced his selection when Rolling Stone added ethical transgressions to his resume late in December. His verbal “slap fight” with Trump, while the President continued to enjoy astronomical approval ratings among Tennessee Republicans, cemented his retirement plans. Opposing tax cuts, then flip flopping; opposing repeal of Obamacare; and the continued negative consequences surrounding his signature legislative accomplishment (the Iran Deal) all helped secure unanimous support for Corker being named “Most Despicable” for 2017. There are indications that there is much more to come regarding the insider financial deals that made him rich as a U.S. Senator, so Corker may be set to repeat in 2018! NIT-WITTIEST. The Tennessean was poised to win this category in a runaway, particularly with their fawning…

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The Tennessee Star’s Top Ten Stories of 2017

It has been a busy year for The Tennessee Star. As an upstart news outlet, we hit the ground running in early February, and we haven’t slowed down since. After 328 days, 4,102 articles, and millions and millions of visits, visitors, hits, and shares – here are the top ten stories – measured by the number of unique visitors each story received – from 2017. The Tennessee Star’s Top Ten Stories of 2017: 1. Mayor Megan Barry Says The Constitution Does Not Apply Here in Nashville: ‘I Am Committed to Meeting the Goals of the Paris Agreement . . . Even if the President Is Not’ (June 5) On Thursday, Nashville Mayor Megan Barry issued a statement criticizing President Trump’s withdrawal from the Paris Climate Agreement, which, in effect, declared that as mayor she will not be bound by Article 1, Section 10 of the United States Constitution, which prohibits state governments specifically, and metropolitan governments within states by extension, from entering “into any treaty, alliance, or confederation.” “The United States of America should be a global leader in addressing the dire impact of climate change on our civilization, and it is very disappointing that President Trump does not see that. As a member of…

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New Tennessee Star Poll: President Trump’s Favorability Rating Remains Sky High Among Tennessee Republicans

President Trump rally

President Trump’s favorability rating remains sky high among Tennessee Republicans, according to a new poll released by The Tennessee Star on Wednesday. A stunning 84 percent of Tennessee Republicans who are likely primary voters have a favorable view of President Trump, as opposed to just ten percent who have an unfavorable view according to the poll, which was conducted for The Tennessee Star by Triton Research. The poll of 1,028 Tennessee Republican likely primary voters was conducted between December 12 and December 18 using IVR technology (automated phone response), and has a 3.1 percent margin of error. The latest poll results measuring support for President Trump among Tennessee Republicans are virtually unchanged from the results of the June 2017 Tennessee Star Poll, which showed that President Trump had an 86 percent job approval rating with voters in his own party. “Donald Trump is popular with Tennessee Republicans because he promised a conservative agenda and is delivering on it. There is a message here to the Republican Party. Conservatism is not a punch line for a speech. It is what we expect from our leaders,” Judson Phillips, a Tennessee attorney and founder of Tea Party Nation, tells The Tennessee Star. “Sky-high…

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Nashville Scene Confirms Tennessee Star Reporting: ‘Possible That The Tennessean Bought Into a Smear Campaign’ Claiming FBI Asking Questions About Tim Burchett

The Nashville Scene published a detailed 3,000 word article on Tuesday by former Metro Pulse reporter Cari Wade Gervin that eviscerates the credibility of the four sources upon which Tennessean reporters Dave Boucher and Joel Ebert relied to form the basis of their December 1 story, in which they reported that sources said the FBI was asking questions about Knox County Mayor Tim Burchett. The Tennessee Star reported on the story by Tennessean reporters Boucher and Ebert with great skepticism three days later on December 4. “Relying upon claims from an ex-wife with a criminal history, three anonymous sources, and two unproduced documents they claim to have seen but refuse to reveal, the Knoxville News Sentinel published a story written by two Nashville-based reporters on Friday, “Sources: FBI asks questions about Knox County Mayor Tim Burchett; mayor says ‘no truth to any of it’,” The Star reported, adding: Burchett, who is term-limited in his current job, is a candidate for the Republican nomination for the Second Congressional District in the election to replace retiring Rep. John “Jimmy” Duncan (R-TN-02), where he faces a hard fought battle against State Rep. Jimmy Matlock (R-Lenoir City). Friday’s article was written by Dave Boucher and Joel Ebert, two Nashville-based…

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14th District State Senate Special Election Candidate Shane Reeves ‘Won’t Be Available at Least the Next Couple Weeks’ for Tennessee Star Interview

Matt Herriman, campaign manager for Shane Reeves’ State Senate campaign in the special election in the 14th State Senate District to replace State Senator Jim Tracy (R-Shelbyville), tells The Tennessee Star that Reeves “probably won’t be available at least the next couple of weeks” for an in person interview with The Star “as our schedule is packed as we jumpstart this campaign.” You can read Herriman’s complete response to our request for an interview here: Thank you for your email request to meet with Shane. Unfortunately, he probably won’t be available at least the next couple of weeks as our schedule is packed as we jumpstart this campaign. He will be on the road all across the district. If you’d like, for deadline purposes, to send your questions to me, I’ll get them in front of Shane and back to you as soon as I can. You are also welcome to use any photo from the website for your story. Thanks again for reaching out. The 14th State Senate District covers parts of Rutherford County, all of Moore, Marshall, and Bedford Counties, and the northern two-thirds of Lincoln County. The Republican primary is expected to be held in January, with…

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Tennessee Star Constitution Bee Winner Goes to Washington, D.C., Meets Federal D.C. Circuit Court Judge

Noah Farley, the winner of the Tennessee Star Constitution Bee, flew to Washington, D.C. to attend a lecture delivered by United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit Judge Thomas Griffith at Hillsdale College’s Kirby Center for the Constitution on Thursday night. Farley earned a trip to Washington, D.C. for himself and his father with his victory in the inaugural Tennessee Star Constitution Bee, held at Sycamore High School in Pleasant View, Tennessee and hosted by Cheatham County Schools on September 23. The airfare and lodging for the trip was paid for by The Polk Foundation, sponsor of the Tennessee Star Constitution Bee. The 17-year-old homeschooled senior plans to attend Patrick Henry College in Virginia next fall. After completing his undergraduate studies, he plans on going to law school and becoming a constitutional lawyer. The topic of the lecture was “Judicial Conservativism in a Liberal Democracy.” In addition to Judge Griffith, Professor Bradley Watson of St. Vincent College was also a featured speaker. According to the Kirby Center description of the event: Thomas B. Griffith was appointed to the United States Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit in 2005. He earned his B.A. from Brigham Young…

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Tennessee Reportedly Suspends Starter Darrell Taylor after Altercation with Teammate

Tennessee has suspended defensive end Darrell Taylor indefinitely according to a report from ESPN. Taylor, who has started in each of the Vols’ first five games, was involved in a fight with teammate Trey Smith, which resulted in the offensive linemen needing stitches. The incident was originally reported by Twitter user “Illated94” last Thursday and later…

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Rebecca Burke Working to Plan Next Tennessee Star Constitution Bee

Rebecca Burke has a passion for the U.S. Constitution and wants to help young people understand why it is so important. With others, she is already helping to plan the second Tennessee Star Constitution Bee. The inaugural bee was held Saturday, with sixteen students competing. Sponsored by the Polk Foundation, the event took place at Sycamore High School in Cheatham County. Students prepared for the bee by studying the The Tennessee Star Guide to the Constitution and the Bill of Rights for Secondary School Students. Organizers intend to hold the next Constitution Bee in Williamson County on Saturday, April 28th. “We’re still trying to secure a location,” Burke said. A well-known Middle Tennessee conservative activist and Tennessee Republican Party state executive committeewoman, Burke recently announced she is running for the state House of Representatives District 61 seat. The seat is currently occupied by Rep. Charles Sargent (R-Franklin). Burke said a good understanding of the Constitution is important today because freedom of speech is under attack and students are growing up to believe they shouldn’t have to be exposed to ideas they find distasteful. Young people need to understand that all sides deserve a fair hearing, whether the ideas are coming from the left,…

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Winners of Tennessee Star Constitution Bee Share Hopes for the Future

PLEASANT VIEW, Tennessee — In his spare time, Noah Farley likes to read Supreme Court opinions and listen to audio recordings of oral arguments before the high court. “I’m obsessed with the Constitution,” Noah said. “I’ll admit that. I’m a nerd.” Noah spoke with The Tennessee Star after winning first place in Saturday’s Constitution Bee held by The Star and sponsored by the Polk Foundation. The inaugural event took place at Sycamore High School in Cheatham County. Noah won a free trip to Washington, D.C., along with a parent. His parents, Matthew and Kimberly Farley, were at the bee to watch their son compete. Kimberly, an occupational therapist by training, homeschools Noah and his two younger siblings. Matthew works as a business analyst. The family lives in Spring Hill. One day, Noah hopes to become an attorney. “He reads all kinds of books about law, history and even constitutional theory,” said Kimberly, who described Noah as her go-to guy when she wants to know something related to those topics. His expertise is now well beyond hers, she said. Alexandria Anderson was the second place winner. Poised and confident, the Stewart County High School freshman comes across as older than her…

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Young Sisters Won’t Take No For An Answer, Persuade Tennessee Star Constitution Bee Organizers to Let Them in Competition

PLEASANT VIEW, Tennessee — Abagail and Madalyn Falletti were determined to compete Saturday in the Tennessee Star Constitution Bee, and they weren’t going to let their ages stand in the way. Sponsored by the Polk Foundation, the inaugural bee was formally open to students in grades 8-12, with students in grade 7 to be allowed in with special permission. But 10-year-old Abagail and 11-year-old Madalyn are only in fifth and sixth grade, respectively. They wore down organizers with their enthusiasm. “They wouldn’t let me not allow them in,” said Michael Patrick Leahy, CEO and editor-and-chief of The Tennessee Star. Their mother, Jennie Falletti, said the girls became interested in politics last year when they cheered on Ted Cruz in his race for the Republican nomination for president. Jennie homeschools her daughters in Thompson’s Station and helped them get ready for Saturday’s bee. The girls read The Tennessee Star Guide to the Constitution and the Bill of Rights and made flashcards. “I like challenges,” Abagail said. Madalyn said she wanted to participate so she could learn more about the U.S. Constitution. For the Preamble part of the contest, the girls stood side by side on the stage at Sycamore High School and recited…

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Home Schooler Noah Farley Wins Tennessee Star Constitution Bee

  PLEASANT VIEW, Tennessee — Sixteen students competed Saturday morning in the inaugural statewide Tennessee Star Constitution Bee sponsored by the Polk Foundation. The event was held at Sycamore High School between Nashville and Clarksville. The school is part of Cheatham County Schools. On the auditorium stage near a panel of judges, the sharply-dressed young contestants recited the Preamble and answered trivia questions about the U.S. Constitution, the Bill of Rights and Founding Fathers. They also tackled oral short answer questions on topics that required a bit of analysis. The first-place winner was Noah Farley, a 17-year-old homeschooled senior from Spring Hill, who won a free trip to Washington, D.C., along with a parent. Second place went to Alexandria Anderson, 14, a freshman at Stewart County High School, and third place went to Sunshine Coombs, 17, a senior at Stewart County High School. Another standout was Lauren Hunsicker, a 17-year-old Sycamore High School senior, who beautifully sang the Preamble instead of saying it and won “Most Creative” in the Preamble category. She sang the classic Schoolhouse Rock version. Bracey Hughes, who also goes to Sycamore High School, won “Most Persuasive” for her impassioned, dramatic recitation. Home schooled sisters Madalyn and Abagail Falletti…

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Gubernatorial Candidate Randy Boyd Okay With Helping Illegal Aliens in Tennessee Start Their Own Businesses

Next time you eat food prepared by a Conexion Americas culinary entrepreneur, thank Randy Boyd for his $250,000 donation that helped expand the kitchen incubator program. When asked about his donation during a radio interview , Boyd gushed, “I’m all about supporting entrepreneurs and creating spaces for entrepreneurs.” The Partnership for a New American Economy (PNAE), of which Boyd is a named member, last year issued a Tennessee report estimating that approximately 10,612 “undocumented entrepreneurs” in the state have started businesses: Large numbers of undocumented immigrants in Tennessee have also managed to overcome licensing and financing obstacles to start small businesses. In 2014, an estimated 10.3 percent of the state’s working-age undocumented immigrants were selfemployed — meaning Tennessee was the unique state where unauthorized immigrants boasted higher rates of entrepreneurship than either legal permanent residents or immigrant citizens of the same age group. Almost 11,000 undocumented immigrants in Tennessee were self-employed in 2014, many providing jobs and economic opportunities to others in their community. Undocumented entrepreneurs in the state also earned an estimated $244.3 million in business income that year. Boyd’s donation to Conexion Americas which renamed the space to “Conexion Americas Mesa Komal Kitchen & The Randy and Jenny Boyd Culinary Incubator,”…

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Tennessee Star Poll Summary: 86 Percent of GOP Primary Voters Support Trump, Corker Vulnerable, and Governor’s Race Wide Open

Tennessee Star

The Tennessee Star Poll released earlier this week revealed some important information about the current attitudes of likely Republican primary voters in Tennessee. Among the key results: 86 percent of likely Republican primary voters in Tennessee approve of President Trump’s job performance. No gubernatorial candidate has more than 10 percent support and the race is wide open. Senator Bob Corker’s re-election bid is in trouble. Rep. Marsha Blackburn is statistically tied in a one-on-one matchup with Senator Corker in a potential 2018 Republican U.S. Senate primary. Opposition to in-state tuition for illegal aliens is close to unanimous: 84 percent to 11 percent. A Republican gubernatorial candidate who promises to repeal the gas tax increase is more likely to receive the support of 48 percent of likely Republican primary voters and less likely to receive the support of 29 percent of likely Republican primary voters. 57 percent of likely Republican primary voters support constitutional carry. The Tennessee Star Poll will be conducted periodically between now and the August 2018 Republican primary to provide current insights into voter opinion among Tennessee’s likely Republican primary voters. The next poll is scheduled to be conducted and released in September of this year. The June 2017…

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Tennessee Star Poll: 57 Percent of GOP Primary Voters Support Constitutional Carry

Tennessee Star

A significant majority of likely Republican primary voters in Tennessee support constitutional carry, according to results of The Tennessee Star Poll released this week. When asked, “In 2018, the Tennessee General Assembly is also expected to reconsider a bill that would allow Tennesseans to carry firearms without obtaining a state issued permit, which is commonly known as ‘Constitutional Carry.’ Do you support or oppose Constitutional Carry in Tennessee? ” 57 percent of likely Republican primary voters said they favored it, while only 32 percent said they opposed it: 38.5% strongly support 19.1% somewhat support  11.9% somewhat oppose  20.8% strongly oppose  9.8% Don’t know/unsure The poll of 1,007 likely Republican primary voters was conducted by Triton Polling and Research in an automated (IVR) telephone survey between May 31 and June 5 and has a margin of error of 3.1 percent. “Based on my experience talking to people and explaining constitutional carry, I think 57 percent understates the support for constitutional carry in Tennessee,” John Harris, executive director of the Tennessee Firearms Association, tells The Tennessee Star. “This is because people think constitutional carry will eliminate the possibility to get handgun permits for reciprocity purposes in other states,” he adds. “Even with…

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Tennessee Star Poll: GOP Primary Voters More Likely to Support Gubernatorial Candidate Who Will Repeal Gas Tax Increase, 48 Percent to 29 Percent

The Tennessee Star Poll of 1,007 likely Republican primary voters shows that by a wide margin, 48 percent to 29 percent, they are “more likely to support” a gubernatorial candidate who supports a repeal of the 6 cents per gallon gas tax increase and 10 cents per gallon diesel tax increased passed by the Tennessee General Assembly and signed by Gov. Haslam last month. When asked “Are you more likely or less likely to vote for a candidate for governor who promises to repeal this gas tax increase if elected?” 48.1 percent of likely Republican primary voters said they were more likely to support such a candidate while 29.8 percent said they were less likely to support that candidate: 24.3% Much more likely to support 23.8% Somewhat more likely to support 16.5% Somewhat less likely to support 13.3% Much less likely to support 22.1% Not sure/don’t know That is good news for State Senator Mae Beavers (R-Mt. Juliet), the only one of the three announced candidates who supports repeal of the gas tax increase. In fact, at her announcement on Saturday, Beavers declared repeal of the gas tax increase will be one of her top priorities, if she is elected…

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Tennessee Star Poll: 84 Percent of Republican Primary Voters Reject In-State Tuition for Illegal Aliens

Tennessee Star

  The Tennessee Star Poll conducted of 1,007 likely Republican primary voters in the state shows they reject in-state college tuition for illegal aliens by a stunning 84 percent to 11 percent margin. When asked “In 2018, the Tennessee General Assembly is expected to reconsider a bill to provide in-state college tuition to illegal immigrant students. Do you support or oppose providing in-state college tuition to illegal immigrant students?” Tennessee likely Republican primary voters resoundingly rejected the idea–with high levels of intensity. 68.9% Strongly Disapproved 15.5% Somewhat Disapproved 5.9% Somewhat Approved 5.2% Strongly Approved 4.5% Not Sure/don’t know In-state tuition for illegal aliens and repeal of the gas tax increase are likely to be two of the hottest topics of the 2018 election in the gubernatorial race as well as a number of contested state legislative races. Two bills proposed in this year’s session of the Tennessee General Assembly introduced by State Senator Todd Gardenhire (R-Chattanooga) and State Rep. Mark White (R-Memphis) that promised in-state tuition at Tennessee’s public colleges failed to become law. One bill, HB660, “would authorize the new college and university governing boards to decide which students are eligible to pay in-state tuition rates.” Another bill, HB 863,…

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Tennessee Republican Assembly Honors State Rep. Andy Holt with First Annual Gold Star Award

Tennessee Star

  NASHVILLE, Tennessee–The Tennessee Republican Assembly honored State Rep. Andy Holt (R-Dresden) with the presentation of its first annual Gold Star “Principles Over Politics” Award at its meeting in Nashville on Saturday. TRA President Sharon Ford presented Holt with the award, in recognition of his long standing championship of conservative principles in the Tennessee General Assembly. “Andy Holt first went to the Tennessee House of Representatives as a legislator,” Ford said. “He has become a statesman.” Ford said that Holt had been singled out for calling for a stop to tax payers paying for the lavish lifestyles of state legislators. “Did you know your taxpayer dollars are being used to host fancy parties with open bars, live entertainment, and all you can eat shrimp, steak and other fine eats? Of course, you’re not invited- even though it’s your money… Ruling class only. The culture of elitism is about to come to an end!” the TRA website says of the practice. First elected in 2010, Holt has become known for his inerrant defense of conservative principles and his uncanny ability to generate publicity for his cause. This personal characteristic, Ford noted, that was not unlike President Donald Trump. State Senator Mae…

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Dana Hunsinger Gill Named Faith Editor of The Tennessee Star

Dana Hunsinger Gill has been named Faith Editor of The Tennessee Star, managing editor Christina Botteri announced on Monday. Dana is national co-chair of Lift the Vote (www.liftthevote.org) and co-founded 4LOVE Magazine, a Christ centered Christian Lifestyle publication, for which she served as Senior Editor until the publication was sold. She has worked extensively with Christian organizations across the country and with major advertisers and donors to those organizations. As Faith Editor, Gill will work to build a network of Faith Commentary Contributors to The Tennessee Star. In addition, she will coordinate with local churches and synagogues to promote their sermon series and specific community events.      

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