The Wall Street Journal Delivers Hit Piece on Tennessee Legislature and Residency Bill, All-Star Panelist Clint Brewer Comments

Tuesday morning on The Tennessee Star Report, host Leahy welcomed all-star panelist Clint Brewer in studio to comment upon the recent article in The Wall Street Journal essentially calling the Tennessee legislature a ‘political protection racket’ in its headline.

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All-Star Panelist Clint Brewer Reviews Tennessee’s 5th District Race Candidate Roster

Thursday morning on The Tennessee Star Report, host Leahy welcomed all-star panelist Clint Brewer in studio to review the candidate lineup for Tennessee’s Fifth Congressional race.

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All Star Panelist Clint Brewer Addresses Possible Legal Recourse for Tennessee’s 5th Congressional Candidates Facing Ballot Eligibility Challenges

Thursday morning on The Tennessee Star Report, host Leahy welcomed all-star panelist Clint Brewer in studio to weigh in on what he thinks the legal recourse for Tennessee’s Fifth Congressional Candidates challenged by the state’s Republican Party may have.

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Tennessee Republican Party Has Received and Verified Eligibility Challenges to TN-5 Candidates Morgan Ortagus, Robby Starbuck, David Vitalli, and Baxter Lee

Baxter Lee and Morgan Ortagus

Tennessee Republican Party Chairman Scott Golden has confirmed to The Tennessee Star that the state party has received and verified challenges to the Republican bona fide status and ballot eligibility of TN-5 carpetbagger candidates Morgan Ortagus, Robby Starbuck, and David Vitalli.

Baxter Lee’s status has also been challenged, likely due to his vote in the 2020 Democrat presidential preference primary.

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Robby Starbuck Refuses to Answer Questions About His Tennessee Residency

Announced TN-5 Congressional candidate Robby Starbuck is refusing to provide documentary evidence to substantiate his claim that he meets a proposed three-year residency requirement to be eligible for the August 4, 2022 GOP primary ballot.

“I’ve already provided proof of my residency to The Tennessean and to world-renowned journalist John Soloman [sic].  I’m not taking away from my kid’s spring break after a year of our family campaigning to satisfy the long list of requests made by the Star,” Starbuck emailed in The Tennessee Star on March 14, 2022.

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All-Star Panelist Clint Brewer Talks About Various Congressional Races in Tennessee

Odessa Kelly and Mark Green

Thursday morning on The Tennessee Star Report, host Leahy welcomed all-star panelist Clint Brewer in-studio to weigh in on the various congressional races coming up in the 2022 Tennessee election cycle.

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Carpetbagger Morgan Ortagus Dodges Questions from The Tennessee Star: ‘You Need to Stop Being Mean to Me’

The former State Department spokesman and candidate in the GOP primary for Tennessee’s Fifth Congressional district is clearly feeling the pressure of and takes issue with The Tennessee Star’s reporting on her parachute candidacy, telling The Star, “You need to stop being mean to me.” Ortagus did not take questions from The Star about her campaign.

Carpetbagger Morgan Ortagus made her unprompted remark to The Star as several people were milling about the room after a local Republican meeting of the Bellevue Breakfast Club, which took place Saturday morning at Plantation Pub. On several occasions prior to the unprompted remark, Ortagus campaign staff told The Star that she didn’t have time for questions about her campaign. Campaign staff made it clear that they would not allow The Star to ask Ortagus questions about the campaign. If allowed, The Star would have asked if Ortagus has attained residency in the district or not.

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All-Star Panelist Clint Brewer Weighs In on Ortagus D.C. Fundraiser and ACLU Challenge to Hillsdale Charter Schools in Tennessee

Thursday morning on The Tennessee Star Report, host Leahy welcomed all-star panelist Clint Brewer in-studio to comment upon Morgan Ortagus’ D.C. fundraiser and open records request by the national ACLU in regard to the Hillsdale College Barney Charter Schools.

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All-Star Panelist Clint Brewer Comments on the Tennessee Democrats’ Redistricting Lawsuit

Thursday morning on The Tennessee Star Report, host Leahy welcomed Public Affairs Specialist and all-star panelist Clint Brewer in studio to weigh in on recent Democratic lawsuit filed in response to Middle Tennessee’s redistricting.

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All-Star Panelist Clint Brewer Analyzes the Impact of the Harwell Addition to Tennessee’s 5th Congressional District Race

Thursday morning on The Tennessee Star Report, host Leahy welcomed all-star panelist Clint Brewer in studio to dissect the candidates for the Fifth Congressional District race with Beth Harwell now in.

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Country Music Star John Rich Testifies Before Tennessee House Criminal Justice Committee on Pornographic Material in Schools

Country music singer-songwriter and Nashvillian John Rich testified before the House Criminal Justice Subcommittee Wednesday regarding legislation dealing with pornographic and obscene material in K-12 Tennessee schools.

According to the sponsor of HB1944, Representative Scott Cepicky (R-Culleoka), alluding to the turmoil expressed across the state, the bill creates a process to deal with such materials that have found their way into classrooms and libraries.

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Tennessee Star Political Editor Neil W. McCabe Talks Terrible Republican Strategies and Morgan Ortagus’s RINO Fundraising Hosts

Wednesday morning on The Tennessee Star Report, host Leahy welcomed National Political Editor for The Tennessee Star, Neil W. McCabe to the newsmaker line to comment upon Morgan Ortagus’s upcoming fundraiser contributors and the current Republican strategy.

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Host Leahy and All-Star Panelist Clint Brewer Unravel Morgan Ortagus Voting Record Statement to The Tennessee Star

Thursday morning on The Tennessee Star Report, host Leahy welcomed in-studio guest Clint Brewer to discuss the recent New York state voting record information obtained by The Tennessee Star for Morgan Ortagus.

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All-Star Panelist Clint Brewer and Host Leahy Talk SB2616 and Primary Election Eligibility in Tennessee

Thursday morning on The Tennessee Star Report, host Leahy welcomed all-star panelist Clint Brewer in-studio to discuss SB2616 proposed by Senator Frank Nicely that would require state primary election candidates to have three-year residency status.

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All-Star Panelist Clint Brewer and Host Michael Patrick Leahy Juxtapose the Tennessee Republican Bylaws and Senator Frank Niceley’s SB2616 Bill

Thursday morning on The Tennesse Star Report, host Leahy welcomed all-star panelist Clint Brewer in studio to compare and contrast the current Tennessee Republican Party bylaws and proposed SB2616 by Senator Frank Niceley.

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Jasmin Bade Premieres Lyric Video ‘Rent’ with The Tennessee Star

After previously being featured in a Music Spotlight column, Australian singer/songwriter Jasmin Bade released her new single, “Rent,” and its accompanying lyric video today with The Tennessee Star. “Rent” provides a bittersweet twist on the struggle to move on from a past relationship. Bade co-wrote the song with Emily Kroll, who penned the No. 1 hit “Just About Over You” by Priscilla Block, and Brian McKenna, son of Nashville songwriting legend Lori McKenna.

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Tennessee Star’s National Political Editor Neil W. McCabe on Durham Report: ‘The Most Remarkable Private Spying Operation I’ve Ever Heard of’

Wednesday morning on The Tennessee Star Report, host Leahy welcomed National Political Editor for The Star News Network, Neil W. McCabe to the newsmakers line to comment upon the release of John Durham’s report implicating the Clinton campaign of spying on former President Donald Trump.

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Host Leahy and All-Star Panelist Crom Carmichael Talk Tennessee’s 5th and the Bill Expected to Pass That Would Prohibit Certain Candidates From Getting on the GOP Ballot in August

Monday morning on The Tennessee Star Report, host Leahy welcomed all-star panelist Crom Carmichael in studio to discuss the new bill that would require candidates to be a resident of Tennessee for 3 years to run in a primary election.

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Host Leahy and All-Star Panelist Crom Carmichael Examine the ‘Protection Against Carpetbaggers in Tennessee Act’

Friday morning on The Tennessee Star Report, host Leahy welcomed the original all-star panelist Crom Carmichael in-studio to discuss the recently proposed legislation by Senator Frank Nicely reestablishing candidacy requirements for public office.

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All-Star Panelist Clint Brewer Gives His Take on Tennessee’s 5th Congressional District GOP Race

Tuesday morning on The Tennessee Star Report, host Leahy welcomed all-star panelist and lifelong Tennessean, Clint Brewer in studio to give his take on the Fifth Congressional GOP primary race.

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Robby Starbuck Admits He Never Voted in Tennessee 2020 GOP Primaries: ‘I Wasn’t a Full-Time Resident . . . I Was Still Closing Down My Business in California’

Candidate for U.S. Representative for Tennessee’s 5th Congressional District Robby Starbuck admits that he’s never voted in Tennessee Republican primaries.

Starbuck also acknowledges that he’ll need to be vouched for as a bona fide Republican as part of the Tennessee GOP’s candidate qualification process.

The political newcomer appeared on Nashville’s Morning News with Dan Mandis on 99.7WTN Thursday morning to discuss, among other things, the controversy surrounding his voter history. Starbuck had previously claimed more than once to have voted in two 2020 GOP primaries in Tennessee, but he recently started backing off that claim in a Facebook comment.

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Robby Starbuck Claims He Never Said That He Voted in Tennessee GOP Primaries, Says He Misunderstood Question

Candidate for Tennessee’s 5th Congressional District Robby Starbuck appears to be backing off his claims about his voter history, writing on social media that he never said he voted in 2020 and that he misunderstood the question.

More than once, Robby Starbuck claimed to have voted in the August 2020 primary as well as the March presidential primary in 2020. Voting in Republican primaries is a component of the process for qualifying for the 2022 August primary ballot.

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Letter to the Editor: Robby Starbuck Misunderstands Tennessee Political Candidate Bylaws

Robby Starbuck is quoted as saying, “Party chairs in Davidson & Williamson have had my voter history from CA and TN for a long time. They’ve had zero issue with it. It’s been sent to the Wilson County GOP chair recently too. I called Williamson County GOP Chair Cheryl Brown last night to confirm that there’s no issue again. Cheryl confirmed again to me that there’s no issue with my eligibility.”

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Records Show Robby Starbuck Has Never Voted in a Tennessee GOP Primary, Making TN-5 Candidate Vulnerable to Ballot Challenge

Robby Starbuck, who formally declared his run for Tennessee’s 5th Congressional District in June 2021, just two years after moving to Tennessee from California, told The Tennessee Star on Saturday “I don’t feel it’s necessary” to explain why he claimed in a January 21 radio interview with The Tennessee Star Report that he voted in two Tennessee GOP primaries in 2020, when voting records provided to The Tennessee Star by Williamson County officials show that he did not vote in either 2020 Tennessee GOP primary.

Tennessee Republican Party bylaws require active Republicans to have either (1) voted in three of the last four GOP primaries or (2) to have their “bona fide” status vouched for by Republicans in the district they seek to represent and then approved in a majority vote by a specially assembled committee of the Tennessee Republican Party State Executive Committee in order qualify to be on the August 2022 GOP primary ballot.

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U.S. Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene Endorses Robby Starbuck for Tennessee’s Fifth Congressional Seat

Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene has endorsed Robby Starbuck in the race for Tennessee’s 5th Congressional District.

This comes after President Trump’s strong encouragement and offered endorsement for the potential candidacy of former State Department spokesman Morgan Ortagus.

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All Star Panelist Clint Brewer Explains the Role of the Tennessee State Funding Board and Reasons for New Business Coming to the State

Thursday morning on The Tennessee Star Report, host Leahy welcomed all-star panelist Clint Brewer in studio to explain the State Funding Board’s role and reasons for the new business swell to Tennessee.

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GOP Candidate for Tennessee’s Fifth Congressional District, Robby Starbuck, Energized by Redistricting

Friday morning on The Tennessee Star Report, host Leahy welcomed GOP Republican candidate for the Fifth Congressional District, Robby Starbuck to the newsmakers line to discuss district changes, candidate validity, and how he’ll fight for Middle Tennesseans.

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Federal Judge Pauses COVID Mandates for Head Start Program Following Lawsuit from Tennessee Attorney General, Other States

A federal judge in Louisiana granted a temporary injunction that will protect members of the Head Start early education program from a mandate that would force masking and vaccinations for certain individuals.

U.S. District Judge Terry Doughty ruled the Biden administration attempted to use powers of the executive branch to make laws, a move not supported by the Constitution.

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Tennessee Attorney General Herbert Slatery Joins Lawsuit to Block Vaccine Mandate for Head Start Program Volunteers

Tennessee Attorney General Herbert Slatery on Tuesday joined a legal effort to stop the Biden administration’s medical mandates for individuals involved in Head Start Programs.

Head Start Programs attempt to prepare children from low-income families for school. The programs focus on early learning and development, health, and family well-being.

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Tennessee’s Fifth Congressional GOP Candidate Robby Starbuck Talks Redistricting and High-Profile Endorsements

Robby Starbuck

Wednesday morning on the Tennessee Star Report, host Michael Patrick Leahy welcomed Tennennee Fifth Congressional GOP Candidate Robby Starbuck to the newsmaker line to talk about his mission, national high profile, and local endorsements.

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Tennessee Star National Political Editor Neil McCabe Talks Build Back Better Bill and Nancy Pelosi’s Future

Wednesday morning on the Tennessee Star Report, host Michael Patrick Leahy welcomed National Political Editor for The Tennessee Star Neil McCabe to the newsmakers line to weigh in on the status of the Build Back Better bill and the fate of Nancy Pelosi.

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Tennessee Star National Political Editor Neil McCabe Predicts the Fate of the Build Back Better Bill

Wednesday morning on the Tennessee Star Report, host Michael Patrick Leahy welcomed Political Editor and Washington Correspondent Neil McCabe to the newsmakers line to discuss the fate of the Build Back Better bill.

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Exclusive Tennessee Star Interview with Eric Trump: The Incompetence of This Administration is ‘Forcing People Back to Us in Massive Droves’

LEBANON, Tennessee – The younger son of 45th President of the United States, Eric Trump, told The Tennessee Star in an exclusive interview after a 9/11 commemoration event in Lebanon, Tennessee Saturday, that he is not concerned about elections in safe red states because the incompetence of the current administration is forcing people to come back to us in massive droves.

“Life is a big pendulum, and I do believe that pendulum is going to swing back in our direction,” Trump told The Star.

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Former Congresswoman Diane Black Reflects on Her Start in the Tennessee House and Successes

Thursday morning on the Tennessee Star Report, host Michael Patrick Leahy welcomed former Congresswoman Diane Black in studio to discuss her success and contribution to changing some American history in Tennessee.

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Tennessee Comptrollers Allege Massive Theft with Head Start Program

Tennessee Comptrollers this week announced that government officials in Carter and Greene counties allegedly, in separate cases, stole thousands of dollars for their own personal benefit. According to a Comptrollers’ press release, authorities in Carter County have indicted Joyce Parsons, the former administrative assistant for Carter County’s Head Start program.

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Tennessee’s Fifth Congressional Republican Candidate Robby Starbuck Talks Cuban Protests and Saving America

Friday morning on the Tennessee Star Report, host Michael Patrick Leahy welcomed Nashville’s Fifth Congressional Candidate (R) Robby Starbuck to the newsmakers line to weigh in on the Cuban protests and reverse the damage done by Democratic leadership.

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Zinn Education Project Pulls Teachers’ Critical Race Theory Petition Due to ‘Glitch’ After Tennessee Star Report

After The Tennessee Star reported on a petition signed by teachers nationwide who vowed to teach Critical Race Theory even if it was outlawed in their respective states, the nonprofit that circulated the petition appears to have pulled it offline. 

“Lawmakers in at least 21 states are attempting to pass legislation that would require teachers to lie to students about the role of racism, sexism, heterosexism, and oppression throughout U.S. history,” a Zinn Education Project’s petition said.

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All Star Panelist Roger Simon Talks Tennessee’s New Idea of Paying Out-of-State Tourists $250 to Visit the Volunteer State

Thursday morning on the Tennessee Star Report, host Michael Patrick Leahy welcomed all-star panelist Roger Simon in studio to discuss the new Tennessee On Me initiative promoted by Governor Lee and country artist Brad Paisley.

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Ahead of Senate Attempt to Federalize Elections, Senator Blackburn to The Tennessee Star: Local Government Will Always Run Elections Better

Ahead of the Senate vote to federalize elections, Senator Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) hosted a press call to predict the outcome and explain her position against the bill. As Blackburn predicted on the call Tuesday morning, Senate Republicans blocked the bill.

On that press call, Blackburn told The Tennessee Star that local governments are better built to handle elections than the federal government. 

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Lipscomb University’s Christian Scholars Conference to Host Ibram Kendi, ‘How to Be Antiracist’ Author, as Featured Speaker, Scrubs Website After Tennessee Star Inquiries

Lipscomb University, a self-proclaimed Christian institution, chose “How to Be Antiracist” author Ibram Kendi as a featured speaker for its 2021 Christian Scholars Conference (CSC). The Tennessee Star reached out for more details to CSC Chair David Fleer, Lipscomb University spokespersons, Lipscomb University President Randy Lowry, and Lipscomb University Board of Trustees Chair David Solomon. None of them responded by press time.

After The Star reached out to each of those individuals, Lipscomb University completely scrubbed the original contents of its CSC page. An archived version of the website from Tuesday shows that the original CSC page was largely dedicated to Kendi’s appearance as a featured guest speaker. It also included positive remarks from Fleer about Kendi.

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GOP Candidate for Tennessee’s Fifth Congressional District Robby Starbuck on Rand Paul Endorsement and Why He’s Running

Live from Music Row Thursday morning on The Tennessee Star Report with Michael Patrick Leahy – broadcast on Nashville’s Talk Radio 98.3 and 1510 WLAC weekdays from 5:00 a.m. to 8:00 a.m. –  host Leahy welcomed GOP candidate for Nashville’s Fifth District, Robby Starbuck, to the newsmakers line to discuss his motivation for running, an endorsement by Senator Rand Paul, and his upcoming Critical Race Theory event in Franklin on May 19.

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Blue State Blues: All-Star Panelist Clint Brewer Talks About the Consistent Migration to Tennessee

Thursday morning on the Tennessee Star Report, host Michael Patrick Leahy welcomed all-star panelist Clint Brewer in studio to discuss the influx of blue state refugees into Tennessee and signs of economic growth in Metro government decisions.

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All Star Panelist Crom Carmichael and Senator Mark Pody Discuss Tennessee General Assembly Agenda and Vaccination Exemption

Wednesday morning on the Tennessee Star Report, host Michael Patrick Leahy welcomed the original all-star panelist Crom Carmichael and State Senator (R) Mark Pody in studio to talk about the new vaccination bill on the table that would exempt people at a governmental level from taking the vaccine.

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Tennessee Star Journalist Jason Reynolds Passes Away After a Lifetime of Friends, Family, Faith, and Love

Murfreesboro resident Jason Reynolds, who wrote for The Tennessee Star, The Murfreesboro Post, and the Shelbyville Times-Gazette and passed away Friday at the age of 46, due to complications from COVID-19, used his talents and his faith to perform many difficult jobs.

Newspaper reporter.


Podcast host.

Author of whimsical children’s books about life in Tennessee nearly 100 years from now.

Last but not least, Reynolds was a devout Christian who spoke to mass audiences about the power of Christ’s love and forgiveness.

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Tennessee Star Sr. Reporter Laura Baigert Follows the Money in the Case of Randy Boyd Development in Knoxville

Thursday morning on the Tennessee Star Report, host Michael Patrick Leahy welcomed Senior Reporter for the Tennessee Star Laura Baigert to the newsmakers line to explain the circumstances around legislation for Randy Boyd’s stadium.

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The Tennessee Star’s Investigative Reporter Corinne Murdock Uncovers the Truth in Ovid Timothy Hughes Story

Wednesday morning on the Tennessee Star Report, host Michael Patrick Leahy welcomed the Star News Network’s Investigative Reporter Corinne Murdock to the studio to discuss her finding on since resigned COB member Ovid Timothy Hughes.

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The Tennessee Star’s Investigative Reporter Corinne Murdock Talks Follow up Questions to Metro Officials About COB Vetting Process

Wednesday morning on the Tennessee Star Report, host Michael Patrick Leahy welcomed the Tennessee Star’s investigative reporter Corinne Murdock on her follow-up questions to Metro officials and what responses she has received regarding the vetting of the Community Oversight Board’s potential committee members.

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The Tennessee Star’s Own Corinne Murdock Unable to Verify Previous Background Claims of COB’s Executive Director Fitcheard

Wednesday morning on the Tennessee Star Report, host Michael Patrick Leahy welcomed Tennessee Star investigative reporter Corinne Murdock to the studio to discuss the lack of background information of Executive Director Jill Fitcheard of the Community Oversight Board.

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Tennessee Star National Correspondent Neil W. McCabe Examines Mitch McConnell’s Political Game After Failed Impeachment

Wednesday morning on the Tennessee Star Report, host Michael Patrick Leahy welcomed Tennessee Star National Correspondent Neil McCabe to the newsmakers line to discuss Mitch McConnell’s strategies and waking up the Republican Party leadership.

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